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AS/NZS 1906.1:2007

[Available Superseded]

Retroreflective materials and devices for road traffic control purposes, Part 1: Retroreflective sheeting

Specifies the performance requirements for retroreflective sheeting used in the manufacture of road signs and related traffic control devices. It does not apply to retroreflective pavement markings.
Published: 21/02/2007
Pages: 52
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Referenced documents
1.3 Description
1.4 Definitions
1.5 Classification
2 Requirements for sheetings other than for number plates
2.1 Photometric properties
2.2 Colour
2.2.1 Measurement method
2.2.2 Performance requirements
2.3 Rainfall performance
2.4 Physical properties
2.4.1 Tensile strength and elongation test
2.4.2 Impact test
2.4.3 Scratch resistance test
2.4.4 Solvent resistance
2.4.5 Maintenance requirements
2.5 Adhesive
2.5.1 Application
2.5.2 Adhesive stability
2.5.3 Adhesive bond
2.5.4 Protective liner
2.6 Durability
2.6.1 General
2.6.2 Outdoor accelerated weathering tests, fixed rack or moving rack
2.6.3 Indoor accelerated weathering test
2.7 Colour-processing properties
2.7.1 General
2.7.2 Requirements
2.8 Packaging
2.8.1 Packaging
2.8.2 Splicing of rolls
2.9 Shelf life
2.10 Marking
3 Sheetings for motor vehicle number plates—Classes NP and NP(EMB)
3.1 Photometric properties
3.1.1 Minimum photometric performance
3.1.2 Variation of performance with rotation angle
3.2 Colour
3.3 Rainfall performance
3.4 Physical properties
3.4.1 Tensile strength and elongation test
3.4.2 Impact test
3.4.3 Scrub abrasion test
3.4.4 Solvent resistance
3.4.5 Maintenance requirement
3.5 Adhesive
3.6 Durability
3.7 Colour-processing properties
3.7.1 General
3.7.2 Requirements
3.8 Packaging
3.9 Shelf life
3.10 Marking
Appendix A
A1 Scope
A2 Methods of measurement
A3 Instrumentation
A4 Procedure and calculation
A4.1 Direct method
A4.1.1 Procedure
A4.1.2 Calculation
A4.2 Indirect method
A4.2.1 Procedure
A4.2.2 Calculation
A5 Report
Appendix B
B1 Sheeting classes
B2 Sheeting characteristics and use
B3 Microprismatic retroreflective sheeting
B4 Effective use of retroreflective sheeting on signs
B4.1 Luminance contrast ratio
B4.2 Partially retroreflective signs
Appendix C
C1 Scope
C2 Principle
C3 Procedural requirements
C4 Instrumentation
C5 Procedure
C6 Report
Appendix D
Appendix E
E1 Scope
E2 Principle
E3 Apparatus
E4 Test specimens
E5 Procedure
E6 Report
Appendix F
F1 Scope
F2 Tensile strength and elongation test
F2.1 Apparatus
F2.2 Test pieces
F2.3 Procedure
F3 Impact test
F3.1 Apparatus
F3.2 Procedure
F4 Scratch resistance test—Sheeting other than Class NP and Class NP(EMB)
F5 Scrub abrasion test—Class NP and NP(EMB) sheeting only
F5.1 Apparatus
F5.2 Procedure
F5.3 Evaluation
F6 Report
Appendix G
G1 Scope
G2 Solvents
G3 Apparatus
G4 Procedure
G5 Report
Appendix H
H1 Scope
H2 Principle
H3 Apparatus
H4 Dry adhesion test
H5 Wet adhesion test
H6 Report
Appendix I
I1 Scope
I2 Outdoor accelerated weathering test
I2.1 Exposure racks
I2.2 Energy measurement
I2.3 Test panel preparation
I2.4 Procedure
I3 Indoor accelerated weathering test
I3.1 Apparatus
I3.2 Preparation
I3.3 Procedure
Appendix J
J1 Scope
J2 Conditioning of test pieces
J3 Mounting of test pieces
J3.1 Physical property and adhesion tests
J3.2 Other tests
Amendment control sheet
AS/NZS 1906.1:2007
Amendment No. 1 (2014)
Revised text
Cited references in this standard
Paints and related materials — Methods of test, Method 403.1: Scratch resistance
Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Flat sheet, coiled sheet and plate
Retroreflective materials and devices for road traffic control purposes, Part 2: Retroreflective devices (non-pavement application)
CIE 20
Recommendations for the integrated irradiance and spectral distribution of simulated solar radiation for testing purposes
CIE 54.2
Retroreflection: Definition and measurement
Content history
[Available Superseded]
[Available Superseded]
DR 05585

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