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AS/NZS 1716:2012
[Current]Respiratory protective devices
Specifies requirements, performance and testing criteria for the manufacture of respiratory protective devices (respirators) intended to provide protection against atmospheres containing substances that may be harmful if breathed and atmospheres that may be deficient in oxygen.
Published: 13/02/2012
Pages: 116
Table of contents
Cited references
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Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Objective
1.3 Application
1.4 Referenced documents
1.5 Definitions
1.6 Nominal values and tolerances
1.7 Units for gas and vapour concentrations
1.8 Application of design and construction requirements
2 Design and construction of assembled respirators
2.1 General requirements
2.1.1 Assembled respirators
2.1.2 Materials
2.1.3 Filters
2.1.4 Shelf life
2.1.5 Combined protective equipment
2.1.6 Noise level
2.1.7 Protection against explosion
2.1.8 Avoidance of frictional sparks
2.1.9 Protection from flame impingement
2.2 Facial fit
2.2.1 General
2.2.2 Assessment
2.3 Breathing and connecting tube
2.4 Demand valve
2.4.1 Design
2.4.2 Mode of operation
3 Facepieces head coverings and harnesses
3.1 Design requirements
3.1.1 General
3.1.2 Exhalation valve assembly
3.1.3 Mouthpiece and nose clip General Mouthpiece
3.1.4 Nose clip
3.1.5 Facepiece connector
3.2 Performance requirements
3.2.1 Facial fit
3.2.2 Accumulated carbon dioxide
3.2.3 Positive pressure screening test
3.2.4 Exhalation valve General Exhalation valve leakage
3.2.5 Exhalation resistance—Air filtering respirators
3.2.6 Security of attachments
4 Particulate filter respirators
4.1 Design and construction
4.2 Classification and components
4.2.1 Classes
4.2.2 Components
4.3 Performance requirements
4.3.1 General
4.3.2 Simulated rough usage
4.3.3 Simulated wear treatment
4.3.4 Inhalation resistance
4.3.5 Test of filtering efficiency
4.3.6 Filters used in series
5 Gas and vapour filter respirators
5.1 Design and construction
5.2 Types of filter
5.3 Classification and component parts
5.3.1 Classes of filter
5.3.2 Component parts
5.4 Performance requirements
5.4.1 General
5.4.2 Particulate filtration efficiency
5.4.3 Simulated rough usage
5.4.4 Inhalation resistance—Gas and vapour filter respirators
5.4.5 Filter capacity
5.4.6 Additional requirements for filters
5.4.7 Desorption
6 Powered air-purifying respirators
6.1 Design and construction
6.2 Components
6.2.1 Facepiece type
6.2.2 Hood or helmet type
6.3 Performance requirements
6.3.1 Battery
6.3.2 Particulate filters
6.3.3 Gas filters
6.3.4 Combined filters
7 Escape respirators—Filtration type
7.1 Design and construction
7.2 Classification
7.3 Filter self-rescuer (mines)
7.3.1 Components
7.3.2 Carrying case General Fit with active element Seal
7.3.3 Mouthpiece and nose clip
7.3.4 Head harness
7.3.5 Active element
7.3.6 Chin guard
7.3.7 Exhalation valve
7.3.8 Heat exchanger
7.3.9 Mass
7.3.10 Performance requirements Water immersion Breathing resistance Carbon monoxide filtering efficiency Temperature of purified air Powdered chemicals Assembled respirator test
7.4 Smoke mask
7.4.1 Components
7.4.2 Performance requirements Water immersion Inhalation resistance Temperature of purified air Gas filter efficiency Particulate filter penetration Total inward leakage test Flammability
7.5 Filter self-rescuer (industrial)
8 Air-hose and air-line respirators
8.1 Design and construction
8.1.1 General
8.1.2 Types General Air-hose respirator types Air-line respirator types Air-line respirators combined with SCBA
8.1.3 Components General Specific components for air-hose respirators—Natural breathing type Specific components for air-hose respirators—Electrically operated blower type Specific components for air-line respirators
8.1.4 Air-line respirator auxiliary air supply
8.2 Waist belt or body harness
8.3 Air-hose and air-line
8.3.1 General
8.3.2 Strainer
8.3.3 Air-line
8.3.4 Connectors and couplings
8.4 Performance requirements
8.4.1 Application of tests
8.4.2 Demand valve
8.4.3 Air supply Air-hose respirators Air-line respirators Air-line respirators—Negative demand flow types
8.4.4 Breathing resistance Air-hose respirators—Natural breathing type Air-line respirators—Continuous flow type Air-line respirators—Negative pressure demand type Air-line respirators—Positive pressure demand type Air-line respirators—Auxiliary filter
8.4.5 Positive pressure under peak flow
8.4.6 Test of the air-hose, air-line and couplings Strength of air-line and couplings Resistance to collapse of air-hose Resistance to kinking of air-line Air tightness Heat resistance
8.4.7 Condition of the inhaled air (carbon dioxide content)
8.4.8 Durability of abrasive blast helmets/protectors
8.4.9 Simulated work test
9 Compressed air self-contained breathing apparatus
9.1 Design and construction
9.1.1 Design functions
9.1.2 Types
9.1.3 Requirements General Components Specific components for compressed air SCBA—Work-set type Specific components for compressed air SCBA—Escape demand type Specific components for compressed air SCBA—Escape continuous flow type
9.2 Nominal effective life
9.3 Pressure tubes and hoses
9.4 Compressed air SCBA—Demand flow types
9.4.1 Functioning of assemblies without positive pressure
9.4.2 Functioning of assemblies with positive pressure Demand valve Resistance to breathing Positive pressure under peak flow
9.5 Continuous-flow—Escape types
9.5.1 Design
9.5.2 Noise level
9.6 Auxiliary air supply
9.7 Cylinders
9.8 Cylinder valve
9.9 Pressure measuring devices
9.9.1 General
9.9.2 Design
9.9.3 Accuracy and markings
9.10 Pressure indicator
9.11 Restriction of air loss
9.12 Active warning device
9.13 Body harness and securing harness
9.14 Mass
9.15 Testing
9.15.1 Application of tests
9.15.2 Warning device
9.15.3 Resistance to temperature High temperature Low temperature
9.15.4 Simulated work test for compressed air SCBA
9.16 Requirements for air quality (cylinders) for supplied-air respirators
10 Compressed oxygen self-contained breathing apparatus
10.1 Design and construction
10.2 Components
10.2.1 General
10.2.2 Components
10.2.3 Specific components for compressed oxygen SCBA—Work set type
10.2.4 Specific components for compressed oxygen SCBA—Escape-set type
10.3 Nominal effective life
10.4 Inhalation temperature
10.5 Resistance to breathing
10.6 Simulated rough usage
10.7 Simulated work test
10.8 Demand valve
10.9 Continuous flow valve
10.10 Relief valve
10.11 Carbon dioxide absorbent
10.12 Breathing bag
10.12.1 General
10.12.2 Breathing bag capacity
10.13 Pressure tubes and hoses
10.14 Pressure gauge
10.15 Pressure gauge isolating valve
10.16 Body harness and securing harness
10.17 Mass
10.18 Cylinders
10.19 Cylinder valve
10.20 Compressed oxygen (dry breathing)
10.21 Leak tightness
11 Chemical oxygen (KO2) self-contained self-rescuers
11.1 Design and construction
11.2 Components
11.2.1 General
11.2.2 Components
11.3 Performance requirements
11.3.1 Breathing simulator tests
11.3.2 Nominal and rated duration
11.3.3 Extended usage period
11.3.4 Carbon monoxide leakage of the apparatus (including relief valve)
11.3.5 Breathing resistance at 35 L/min
11.3.6 High volume tests General Breathing resistance
11.3.7 Rough usage—Water immersion
11.3.8 Rough usage—Examination for powdering of chemicals
11.3.9 Component assessment Use of light metals and alloy Surface resistivity
11.3.10 Goggles
11.3.11 Relief valve
11.3.12 Breathing bag
11.3.13 Case seal
11.3.14 Simulated work tests
12 Marking and instructions
12.1 Marking
12.1.1 General
12.1.2 Marking of face pieces and head coverings Marking of equipment Additional marking
12.1.3 Particulate filters Marking of equipment Additional marking
12.1.4 Gas and vapour filters Marking of equipment Marking of packaging
12.1.5 Air-line and air-hose respirators Marking of equipment Marking of packaging
12.1.6 Compressed air self-contained breathing apparatus
12.1.7 Filter self-rescuer (Mines)
12.1.8 Compressed oxygen self-contained breathing apparatus
12.1.9 Chemical oxygen self-contained self-rescuers
12.2 Instructions for use
12.2.1 General
12.2.2 Instructions for use, maintenance and storage
12.2.3 Additional requirements for powered air-purifying respirators
12.2.4 Instructions for use of the chemical oxygen (KO2) self-contained self-rescuers
12.3 Additional marking
Appendix A
A1 Scope
A2 Principle
A3 Apparatus
A4 Procedure
A5 Reporting the results
Appendix B
B1 Method of selection
B2 Specific selection criteria
B3 Selection of test panel
Appendix C
C1 Scope
C2 Principle
C3 Apparatus
C4 Procedure
C5 Assessment
C6 Reporting of results
Appendix D
D1 Scope
D2 Principle
D3 Apparatus
D4 Procedure
D4.1 Subject preparation
D4.2 Test—Non-powered filtering respirators—Sampled on inhalation only
D4.3 Test—Powered filtering or supplied-air respirator
D5 Reporting of results
Appendix E
E1 Scope
E2 Principle
E3 Apparatus
E4 Procedure
E5 Tests and environmental conditions
E5.1 Breathing resistance and carbon monoxide filtering efficiency in filter self-rescuers (mines)
E5.2 Temperature rise in filter self-rescuers (mines)
E5.3 Carbon dioxide accumulation
E5.4 Resistance to breathing
E5.5 Positive pressure in facepieces and head coverings
E5.6 Exhaled air humidity pre-conditioning
E6 Reporting of results
Appendix F
F1 Scope
F2 Principle
F3 Apparatus
F4 Preparation
F5 Procedure
F6 Reporting of results
Appendix G
G1 Scope
G2 Principle
G3 Apparatus
G4 Procedure
G5 Reporting of results
Appendix H
H1 Scope and application
H1.1 Scope
H1.2 Application
H2 Principle
H3 Test apparatus and procedure for respirator filters
H4 Alternative test apparatus and procedure for respirator filters
H5 Test apparatus for vibration resistance
H6 Test procedure for chemical oxygen self-rescuers
H6.1 Impact
H6.2 Vibration resistance
H6.3 Water leakage
H7 Reporting of results
Appendix I
I1 Scope
I2 Principle
I3 Apparatus
I4 Procedure
I5 Calculation of the penetration
I6 Reporting of results
Appendix J
J1 Scope
J2 Application
J3 Test subjects
J4 Test procedure
J4.1 General
J4.2 Simulated work tests for air-line or compressed-air SCBA respirators—Work or rescue type
J4.2.1 General
J4.2.2 Work test
J4.2.3 Alternative test
J4.3 Simulated work test for compressed-air SCBA—Escape type
J4.4 Simulated work test for compressed oxygen SCBAs
J4.5 Simulated work test for escape respirators—Filtration type
J4.6 Simulated work test for escape respirators—Chemical oxygen self-rescuer type
J5 Assessment
J6 Reporting of results
Appendix K
Appendix L
L1 Scope
L2 Apparatus and test conditions common to both tests
L2.1 Aerosol generator
L2.2 Detection
L3 Apparatus and conditions for filter testing
L3.1 Apparatus
L3.2 Conditions for filter testing
L4 Apparatus and conditions for facial fit testing
L4.1 Aerosol
L4.2 Apparatus
L4.3 Detection system
L4.3.1 General
L4.3.2 Test atmosphere
L4.3.3 Sampling of chamber concentration
L4.4 Exercise machine
L4.5 Sample pumps
L4.6 Sample tubes
L4.7 Sampling system
L4.7.1 Sample selector
L4.7.2 Sampling probe
L4.7.3 Pressure detection probe (required only for non-powered air-purifying respirators)
L4.8 Filter simulator blank (full facepiece only)
Appendix M
Appendix N
N1 Scope
N2 Insulation resistance of non-metallic components
N2.1 Insulation resistance of carrying containers
N2.1.1 Surface cleaning and application of electrodes
N2.1.2 Insulation measurements
N2.2 Insulation resistance of breathing bags
N2.2.1 General
N2.2.2 Surface cleaning
N2.2.3 Application of electrodes
N2.2.4 Insulation measurements
N3 Case seal
N4 Relief valve opening pressure
N5 Breathing bag volume
N6 Test report requirements
Appendix O
Appendix P
Appendix Q
Q1 Scope
Q2 Principle
Q3 Apparatus
Q4 Procedure
Q4.1 Preparation
Q4.2 Initial flow rate
Q4.2.1 Devices tested according to Figure Q1 or Q2
Q4.2.2 Devices tested according to Figure Q3
Q4.3 Design duration
Appendix R
R1 Scope
R2 Principle
R3 Apparatus
R4 Procedure
R5 Performance at high minute volume
R6 Reporting of results
Cited references in this standard
Explosive atmospheres, Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures ‘d’ (IEC 60079-1 Ed.7.0 (2014) MOD)
AS/NZS 2299
Occupational diving operations (series)
Ruling to AS/NZS 1715:2009 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment
Explosive atmospheres, Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety 'i'
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