
AS/NZS 1605.3:2018


Methods for sampling and analysing timber preservatives and preservative-treated timber, Part 3: Analysis methods for determination of preservative retention

Specifies analysis methods for determining preservative retention in preservative-treated wood products.
Published: 22/03/2018
Pages: 63
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.3 Referenced documents
1.4 Definitions
1.5 Preparation of test pieces from test specimen
1.6 Use of analytical methods for examination of preservative penetration
1.7 Related methods of analysis
2 Determination of copper, chromium and arsenic in preservative-treated timber
2.1 Principle
2.2 Reagents
2.3 Procedure
2.3.1 Instrument settings and operation
2.3.2 Preparation of calibration solutions
2.3.3 Analysis of treated timber
2.4 Calculations of the percentages of metals in treated timber
2.5 Composition of copper chromium arsenic (CCA)
3 Determination of boron in preservative-treated timber
3.1 Principle
3.2 Reagents
3.3 Procedure for analysis of treated timber
3.4 Calculations
4 Determination of fluoride in preservative-treated timber
4.1 Principle
4.2 Reagents
4.3 Procedure
4.3.1 Instrument operation
4.3.2 Preparation of calibration solutions
4.3.3 Analysis of treated timber
4.4 Calculations
5 Determination of pentachlorophenol (PCP) in preservative-treated timber
5.1 Principle
5.2 Reagents
5.3 Procedure
5.3.1 Instruments, settings and operation
5.3.2 Preparation of samples
5.3.3 Analysis of treated timber
5.4 Calculations
6 Determination of creosote or pigment-emulsified creosote in preservative-treated timber
6.1 Principle
6.2 Reagent—Toluene
6.3 Procedure
6.3.1 Determination of moisture content
6.3.2 Apparatus
6.3.3 Extraction of timber
6.4 Calculations
6.5 Correction
7 Determination of organo tin oxide (TBTO) in preservative-treated timber
7.1 Principle
7.2 Reagents
7.3 Procedure
7.3.1 Instrument settings and operation
7.3.2 Sample preparation
7.4 Calculations
8 Determination of organo tin in tri-(n-butyl)tin naphthenate (TBTN) in preservative-treated timber
8.1 General
8.2 Principle
8.3 Method characteristics
8.4 Reagents
8.5 Apparatus
8.6 Procedure
8.6.1 Preparation of timber
8.6.2 Extraction procedure
8.6.3 AAS analysis
8.7 Calculation of results
9 Determination of total tin in tri-(n-butyl)tin naphthenate (TBTN) in preservative-treated timber
9.1 Principle
9.2 Reagents
9.3 Procedure
9.3.1 Instrument settings and operation
9.3.2 Preparation of calibration solutions
9.3.3 Analysis of treated timber
9.4 Calculations
10 Determination of organochlorine insecticides in preservative-treated timber
10.1 Principle
10.2 Reagents
10.3 Procedure
10.3.1 Instrument settings and operation
10.3.2 Preparation of calibration solutions
10.3.3 Preparation of clean-up column
10.3.4 Recovery check
10.3.5 Sample preparation
10.3.6 Analysis
10.4 Calculation
11 Determination of copper in copper naphthenate in preservative-treated timber
11.1 Principle
11.2 Reagents
11.3 Procedure
11.3.1 Instrument settings and operation
11.3.2 Preparation of a blank
11.3.3 Preparation of calibration solutions
11.3.4 Analysis of treated timber
11.4 Calculations
12 Determination of copper in alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ) preservative-treated timber
12.1 Principle
12.2 Reagents
12.3 Procedure
12.3.1 Instrument settings and operation
12.3.2 Preparation of a blank
12.3.3 Preparation of calibration solutions
12.3.4 Analysis of treated timber
12.4 Calculations
12.5 Composition of alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ)
13 Determination of bifenthrin in preservative-treated timber
13.1 Principle
13.2 Reagents
13.3 Sampling
13.4 Procedure
13.4.1 Instrument settings and operating conditions
13.4.2 Weighing and moisture content
13.4.3 Extraction
13.5 Data handling and calculations
13.5.1 Oven-dried weight
13.5.2 Calibration and sample calculation
13.5.3 Expression of results
14 Determination of bifenthrin in glueline-treated timber
14.1 Principle
14.2 Reagents
14.3 Sampling
14.4 Procedure
14.4.1 Instrument settings and operating conditions
14.4.2 Weighing and moisture content
14.4.3 Extraction
14.5 Preparation of standards
14.6 Data handling and calculations
14.6.1 Oven-dried weight
14.6.2 Calibration and sample calculation
14.6.3 Expression of results
15 Determination of tebuconazole and propiconazole in preservative-treated timber by gas chromatography (GC)
15.1 Principle
15.2 Reagents
15.3 Sampling
15.4 Procedure
15.4.1 Extraction by reflux
15.4.2 Extraction by ultrasonic bath
15.5 Standard solutions
15.5.1 Calibration standards
15.5.2 Internal standard
15.5.3 Operation of gas chromatograph
15.6 Standardization
15.7 Calculations
15.7.1 Timber samples
15.7.2 Azole concentration (Cs)
15.7.3 Concentration of azole in treated timber sample
16 Determination of permethrin in timber extracts—HPLC analysis
16.1 General
16.2 Principle
16.3 Reagents
16.4 Apparatus
16.5 Sampling
16.6 Procedure
16.7 Data handling and calculations
16.7.1 Oven-dry weight
16.7.2 Calibration and sample calculation
16.7.3 Expression of results
17 Determination of imidacloprid in timber extracts—HPLC analysis
17.1 Principle
17.2 Reagents
17.3 Sampling and moisture content
17.4 Procedure
17.4.1 Sample preparation
17.4.2 Preparation of working standard solution
17.4.3 Chromatography
17.5 Calculations
17.5.1 Moisture content
17.5.2 Relative response factor
17.5.3 Percentage (mass/mass) of imidacloprid
18 Determination of imidacloprid in glueline-treated timber—ELISA analysis
18.1 Principle
18.2 Reagents and apparatus
18.3 Sampling and moisture content
18.4 Procedure
18.4.1 Sample preparation
18.4.2 ELISA procedure
18.4.3 Conversion of absorbance data to imidacloprid concentrations
18.5 Calculations
18.5.1 Moisture content
18.5.2 Sample extract dilution factor
18.5.3 Percentage (m/m) of imidacloprid
19 Determination of triadimefon and cyproconazole in glueline-treated and surface treated timber
19.1 Principle
19.2 Reagents
19.3 Sampling and moisture content
19.4 Procedure
19.5 Standard solutions
19.5.1 Internal standard
19.5.2 Triadimefon and cyproconazole standards
19.6 Quantitation
19.7 Chromatography
19.8 Calculations
19.8.1 Moisture content
19.8.2 Corrected sample weight
19.8.3 Relative response factor
19.8.4 Percentage (mass/mass) of active ingredients
20 Determination of thiacloprid in glueline-treated timber—ELISA analysis
20.1 Principle
20.2 Reagents and apparatus
20.3 Sampling and moisture content
20.4 Procedure
20.4.1 Sample preparation
20.4.2 ELISA procedure
20.4.3 Conversion of absorbance data to thiacloprid concentrations
20.5 Calculations
20.5.1 Moisture content
20.5.2 Sample extract dilution factor
20.5.3 Percentage (m/m) of thiacloprid
21 Determination of quaternary ammonium compound in wood treated with ACQ preservatives
21.1 Principle
21.2 Reagents
21.3 Sampling
21.4 Procedure
21.4.1 Standardization of sodium lauryl sulphate
21.4.2 Analysis of sample extract
21.5 Calculation of quaternary ammonium compond retention
22 Determination of didecyldimethyl ammonium chloride in wood treated with ACQ preservatives
22.1 Principle
22.2 Reagents
22.3 Sampling
22.4 Calibration
22.5 Sample analysis
22.6 Calculation of DDAC concentration
23 Determination of deltamethrin in preservative-treated timber
23.1 Principle
23.2 Reagents
23.3 Apparatus
23.4 Sampling
23.5 Procedure
23.6 Extraction
23.7 Data handling and collection
23.8 GC configuration
Cited references in this standard
AS/NZS 1604
Specification for preservative treatment (all parts)
Methods for sampling and analysing timber preservatives and preservative-treated timber, Part 1: General requirements, sampling, and determination of sapwood and heartwood presence
Timber — Glossary of terms in timber-related Standards
NZS 3640
Chemical preservation of round and sawn timber
Content history
DR AS/NZS 1605.3:2017

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