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AS/NZS 1568:2023


Copper and copper alloys — Forging stock and forgings

AS/NZS 1568:2023 specifies requirements for copper and copper alloy wrought or cast forging stock, and forgings produced from it by the hot-forging process, intended for engineering purposes
Published: 26/05/2023
Pages: 9
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Designation
5 Temper of material on delivery
6 Chemical composition
6.1 General
6.2 Chemical analysis
7 Mechanical properties
7.1 Selection and preparation of test samples for mechanical tests
7.1.1 Forging stock Selection of samples Preparation of samples
7.1.2 Forgings
7.2 Tensile properties (applicable to forgings only)
7.3 Forgeability test (upending) (applicable to forging stock only)
8 Dezincification test
9 Retests
10 Rounding of test result values
10.1 General
10.2 Tensile test results
11 Freedom from defects
11.1 Forging stock
11.2 Forgings
11.3 Occurrence of defects
12 Manufacturing tolerances
12.1 Forging stock
12.1.1 Cross-section dimensions
12.1.2 Specified length
12.1.3 Straightness
12.2 Forgings
13 Marking
Appendix A
A.1 General
A.2 Purchasing information to be supplied
A.3 Test recommendations
A.3.1 Frequency of testing
A.3.2 Independent tests
Appendix B
Cited references in this standard
Metallic materials — Tensile testing — Method of test at room temperature
AS 1515 (all parts)
Copper alloys
Copper, Part 1: Determination of phosphorus — Spectrophotometric method
Copper, Part 2: Determination of copper content — Electrogravimetric method
Dezincification resistance of copper alloys
Content history
DR AS/NZS 1568:2023

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