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AS/NZS 1562.2:1999


Design and installation of sheet roof and wall cladding, Part 2: Corrugated fibre-reinforced cement

Included in Metal, cement fibre, plastic rooves set
Sets out requirements for the materials, design and installation of corrugated fibre-reinforced cement roof and wall cladding. It also provides test procedures for the determination of resistance to wind force. An appendix gives advice on the provision of roof ventilation.
Published: 15/11/1999
Pages: 25
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.3 Referenced documents
1.4 Definitions
1.5 Resistance to wind forces
2 Materials
2.1 Fibre-reinforced cement sheeting
2.2 Other materials
2.3 Fastenings
2.4 Sealants and washers
2.4.1 General
2.4.2 Diamond washers
2.5 Safety mesh
2.5.1 Requirements General Loading
2.5.2 Deemed to comply
3 Design
3.1 General
3.2 Loadings
3.2.1 General
3.2.2 Construction
3.3 Supporting structure
3.4 Fixing of structural members
3.5 Purlins and battens
3.5.1 General
3.5.2 Alignment
3.5.3 Batten joints
3.5.4 Width and depth
3.6 Roofs
3.6.1 Roofs with end laps
3.6.2 Roofs without end laps
3.6.3 Side laps
3.7 Roof drainage
3.8 Safety mesh
3.9 Walking and standing on roofs
3.9.1 Walkways
3.9.2 Notices
3.10 Flashing and projections through roofs
3.10.1 Ventilators and roof lights
3.10.2 Projections through roofs
3.11 Eaves and gable ends
3.12 Top edges and abutments
3.12.1 Top edges
3.12.2 Abutments
3.13 Movement joints
4 Installation
4.1 Safety precautions
4.2 Cutting and drilling
4.3 Supports at hips and valleys
4.4 Position and fixing of the safety mesh
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Relevant positions of longitudinal and transverse wires
4.4.3 Joints in longitudinal wires
4.4.4 Joints between adjacent lengths of mesh
4.4.5 Fixing
4.4.6 Corrosive atmospheres
4.5 Laying the sheeting
4.6 Fixing the sheets
4.6.1 General
4.6.2 Fixing to timber purlins
4.6.3 Fixing to steel purlins or girts
4.6.4 Sealing
4.6.5 Number of fastenings
4.7 Fixing fibre-reinforced cement accessories
Appendix A
A1 Condensation
A2 Vapour barriers
Appendix B
Appendix C
C1 Scope
C2 Principle
C3 Apparatus
C3.1 General
C3.2 Strengthening of the supporting structure
C3.3 Loading system
C3.4 Deflection measurement device
C4 Test specimen
C4.1 General
C4.2 Width of the specimen
C5 Procedure
C5.1 General
C5.2 Working load test
C5.3 Ultimate load test
C6 Report
Appendix D
D1 Scope
D2 Principle
D3 Apparatus
D3.1 Test frame
D3.2 Test loads
D3.2.1 Dynamic
D3.2.2 Static
D4 Test specimen
D5 Procedure
D6 Report
Cited references in this standard
Content history
AS/NZS 1562.2:1999 REC:2020
DR 98495

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