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AS/NZS 1462.8:2008


Methods of test for plastics pipes and fittings, Method 8: Method of testing the leaktightness of assemblies

This Standard specifies a method for testing the leaktightness of assemblies of plastics pipes and fittings with elastomeric sealing-ring socket joints or inspection openings that may be subject to diametric distortion and/or angular deflection. It includes, but is not limited to - single sockets on pipes, double sockets, sockets on fittings, and inspection openings on fittings. It is also applicable to elastomeric sealing-ring sockets made of other materials, e.g. ductile iron, intended for use with plastics piping.
Published: 30/06/2008
Pages: 6
Table of contents
Cited references
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Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Principle
3 Symbols and definitions
4 Apparatus
4.1 Test rig
4.2 Pressurizing system
4.3 Pressure-measuring device
4.4 End-connections
4.5 Tank
5 Test pieces
5.1 General
5.2 Elastomeric seal joint assembly
5.3 Inspection and test opening assembly
6 Conditioning
7 Procedure
7.1 Tests for fittings with inspection and test openings
7.1.1 External pressure method
7.1.2 Vacuum method
7.1.3 Internal pressure method
7.2 Tests for elastomeric seal joints with either angular deflection or diametric deflection, or both
8 Test report
Cited references in this standard
Content history
AS/NZS 1462.8-2008 REC:2017
DR 06597

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