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AS/NZS 1462.29:2019


Methods of test for plastic pipes and fittings, Method 29: Plastics piping and ducting systems — Determination of the long-term hydrostatic strength of thermoplastics materials in pipe form by extrapolation

The objective of this Test Method is to specify a method for predicting the long-term hydrostatic strength of thermoplastics materials by statistical extrapolation. The method is applicable to all types of thermoplastics pipe at applicable temperatures. This Test Method was developed on the basis of test data from pipe systems.
Published: 15/12/2019
Pages: 30
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Acquisition of test data
4.1 Test conditions
4.2 Distribution of internal pressure levels and time ranges
5 Procedure
5.1 Data gathering and analysis
5.1.1 General
5.1.2 Required test data
5.1.3 Detection of a knee and validation of data and model
5.1.4 Visual verification
5.1.5 Extrapolation time and extrapolation time factor
5.2 Extrapolation time factors for polyolefins (semi-crystalline polymers)
5.3 Extrapolation time factors for glassy, amorphous vinyl chloride based polymers
5.4 Extrapolation time factors for polymers other than those covered in 5.2 and 5.3
6 Example of calculation, software validation
7 Test report
Annex A
A.1 General model
A.2 Reduced models
A.3 Calculation of σLTHS and σLPL when a knee has to be taken into account
A.4 Test of fit
Annex B
B.1 Principle
B.2 Procedure
Annex C
C.1 List of observations
C.2 Example of automatic knee detection
C.3 Regression calculations carried out on stress rupture data
C.3.1 Estimation (see Figure C.1)
C.3.1.1 Model used
C.3.1.2 Data type A
C.3.1.3 Data type B
C.3.2 Prediction
C.3.2.1 General
C.3.2.2 Data type A
C.3.2.3 Data type B
C.3.2.4 Extrapolation time
C.3.3 Knee position
Annex D
D.1 List of observations
D.2 Regression calculations carried out on stress rupture data
D.2.1 Estimation (see Figure D.1)
D.2.1.1 Model used
D.2.1.2 Data type A
D.2.2 Prediction
D.2.2.1 General
D.2.2.2 Data type A
D.2.2.3 Extrapolation time
D.2.3 Knee position
Annex E
Cited references in this standard
Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids - Determination of the resistance to internal pressure - Part 2: Preparation of pipe test pieces
Plastics piping systems - Multilayer pipes - Determination of long-term strength
Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids - Determination of the resistance to internal pressure - Part 1: General method
Thermoplastics materials for pipes and fittings for pressure applications - Classification, designation and design coefficient
Thermoplastics pipes and fittings - Vicat softening temperature - Part 1: General test method
Content history
DR AS/NZS 1462.29:2019

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