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AS/NZS 1269.4:2014


Occupational noise management, Part 4: Auditory assessment

Specifies procedures and requirements for air conduction pure-tone audiometry (without masking) that are applicable to individuals whose hearing sensitivity might be adversely affected by occupational noise exposure and/or ototoxic agents.
Published: 24/04/2014
Pages: 38
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Application
3 Referenced documents
4 Definitions
5 Audiometers
5.1 General requirements
5.2 Specific requirements
5.2.1 Frequencies and sound pressure levels of test tones
5.2.2 Pulsing of test tones
5.2.3 Attenuation rate of automatic recording audiometers
5.3 Maintenance and calibration
5.3.1 General
5.3.2 Check procedures General Listening check Subjective calibration check
5.3.3 Basic calibration
6 Acoustical environment for audiometry
6.1 General
6.2 Measurement of ambient noise level
6.3 Maximum permissible ambient noise levels (MPANL)
7 Audiometry
7.1 General
7.2 Tester
7.3 Non-routine test subjects
7.4 Reference audiometry
7.5 Monitoring audiometry
7.6 Recording of results
7.6.1 General
7.6.2 Reference audiometry
7.6.3 Monitoring audiometry
8 Audiometric test procedures
8.1 General
8.2 Preparation for testing
8.3 Instruction of subject
8.4 Manual audiometry
8.5 Automatic recording audiometry
8.5.1 General
8.5.2 Familiarization
8.5.3 Hearing threshold level measurements
8.5.4 Determination of hearing threshold levels in automatic recording audiometry
8.6 Limitation of air-conduction threshold audiometry
8.7 Computer-controlled audiometry
9 Assessment of audiograms
9.1 General
9.2 Reference audiometry
9.3 Monitoring audiograms
9.4 Action to be taken when threshold shift detected or new tinnitus reported
9.5 Updating of reference audiograms
9.6 Audiometric data base analysis
10 Evoked otoacoustic emissions
11 Checklists
Appendix A
A1 General
A2 Tester
A3 Frequency of evaluations
A4 Instrumentation
A5 Measurement procedure
A5.1 General
A5.2 Measurement of ambient noise level
A5.2.1 Ambient noise level in a test environment without an audiometric booth
A5.2.2 Ambient noise level in an audiometric booth
A5.2.3 Microphone position
A6 Assessment procedure
A7 Reporting requirements
Appendix B
B1 General
B2 Test signal
B3 Tester and instrumentation
B4 Measurement procedure
B4.1 General
B4.2 Measurement external to the booth
B4.3 Measurement inside the booth
B4.4 Determination of noise reduction
B5 Assessment procedure
B6 Reporting requirement
Appendix C
C1 General
C2 Maximum permissible ambient noise levels using typical supra-aural earphones
C3 Calculation of maximum permissible ambient noise levels for other earphone/cushion/enclosure/insert earphone/headset combinations
C4 Examples of MPANL
C5 Further reading
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
F1 Hearing loss
F2 Percentage loss of hearing
F3 Further reading
Appendix G
Cited references in this standard
Acoustics — Sound level meters, Part 2: Integrating — Averaging
Electroacoustics - Audiometric equipment, Part 1: Equipment for pure-tone and speech audiometry
[Available Superseded]
Electroacoustics - Sound level meters, Part 1: Specifications
Electroacoustics — Sound level meters, Part 2: Pattern evaluation tests
Electroacoustics — Sound calibrators
Content history
[Available Superseded]
[Available Superseded]
DR AS/NZS 1269.4

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