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AS/NZS 1269.2:2005
[Current]Occupational noise management, Part 2: Noise control management
Sets outs requirements and guidance on the management of noise control in occupational settings and applies to all types of workplaces and to all types of sounds.
Published: 06/04/2005
Pages: 54
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Referenced documents
1.3 Definitions
2 Noise control planning in the design of new workplaces
2.1 Scope of Section
2.2 Principles
2.2.1 General
2.2.2 Preliminary planning and design stage
2.2.3 Detailed planning and design stage General Obtaining noise emission values Estimation of sound propagation parameters and noise immission levels Selection of noise control measures
2.2.4 Implementation stage
2.2.5 Assessment and acceptance stage
2.3 Noise prediction as a planning tool
2.4 Acquiring machinery
2.4.1 Questions that a potential user should consider
2.4.2 Information to be requested from potential suppliers
2.5 Checklist
3 Noise control management in existing workplaces
3.1 Scope of Section
3.2 Principles
3.3 Basic noise control program
3.3.1 Overview
3.3.2 Determine noise policy and noise control objectives General General objectives Specific objectives
3.3.3 Make appropriate organizational arrangements General Procedural arrangements to implement a ‘buy-quiet’ policy Fault reporting and maintenance system
3.3.4 Arrange information and training
3.3.5 Assess and rank noise problems Noise assessment Description of the noise situation Noise information sheets Ranking noise sources
3.3.6 Investigate treatment options General Layout Possible points of intervention Setting treatment priorities
3.3.7 Formulate noise control plan
3.3.8 Implement the noise control plan
3.3.9 Monitoring and review
3.4 Checklist
4 Basic noise control techniques
4.1 Scope of Section
4.2 Choose quiet processes
4.3 Buy quiet equipment
4.3.1 The ‘buy-quiet’ process
4.3.2 Uses of noise emission values
4.3.3 Meaning of noise emission values
4.3.4 Noise emission information to be obtained from suppliers Minimum information required Quality of information
4.4 Deal with noise from existing equipment
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Use of low-noise machine
4.4.3 Noise control at source
4.4.4 Noise control on the transmission path Noise control by means of proper spatial arrangement of the noise sources Use of noise control devices Use of vibration isolation to control structure-borne sound Use of partitions to control airborne sound Use of sound absorbing materials on surfaces
4.4.5 Noise control at the workstation
4.4.6 Active noise and vibration control
4.5 Take noise into account when refurbishing or modifying machinery
4.5.1 General
4.5.2 Refurbishing
4.5.3 Modification
4.6 Lower noise emission
4.6.1 Common indicators of need for maintenance
4.6.2 Noise control training for maintenance personnel
4.7 Adopt quiet work procedures
4.8 Administrative noise controls
Appendix A
A1 General
A2 Use quieter methods
A2.1 Impact or pressure
A2.2 Choose quieter tools or machines
A2.3 Reduce noisy work
A3 Reduce noise output
A3.1 Reduce impact velocity
A3.2 Spread impacts over a longer time
A3.3 Cushion impacts
A3.4 Reduce working forces
A3.5 Damp the noise radiation
A4 Separate the noise from other people
A4.1 Increase distance
A4.2 Control access to noisy areas
A5 Summary
Appendix B
B1 Further reading
B2 Videos
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
E1 Restriction of noise generation and transmission
E2 Reduction of noise radiation
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I
Appendix J
Appendix K
Appendix L
Appendix M
Appendix N
N1 Course background and rationale
N2 Course aims and objectives
N2.1 Aim
N2.2 Objectives
N3 Syllabus
N3.1 Understanding noise sources and noise transmission
N3.2 Understanding noise reduction and control
N4 Expected competence
N5 Accreditation
Cited references in this standard
Guide to the use of sound measuring equipment, Part 1: Portable sound level meters
Guide to the use of sound measuring equipment, Part 2: Portable equipment for integration of sound signals
Occupational noise management, Part 1: Measurement and assessment of noise immission and exposure
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