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AS/NZS 1269.1:2005
[Current]Occupational noise management, Part 1: Measurement and assessment of noise immission and exposure
Sets out requirements for, and provides guidance on, the types of noise assessments which may be necessary and suitable noise measuring instruments to carry them out. The procedures for noise measurement are also included.
Published: 06/04/2005
Pages: 42
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Referenced documents
3 Definitions
4 Measures of noise emission, immission and exposure
4.1 Measures of emission (of a source)
4.2 Measures of immission and exposure
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Immission (at a location)
4.2.3 Exposure (of a person)
5 Objective of noise assessments
6 Types of noise assessment
6.1 Assessment of exposure to noise
6.1.1 General
6.1.2 Preliminary assessment
6.1.3 Detailed assessment
6.1.4 Follow-up assessments
6.2 Assessment for noise reduction
6.3 Assessment for personal hearing protector program
6.4 Assessment of noise exposure from headphones or insert earphones
7 Instrumentation and calibration
7.1 General
7.2 Integrating-averaging sound level meter
7.3 Personal sound exposure meter (PSEM)
7.4 Non-integrating sound level meter
7.5 Instruments for the measurement of peak sound pressure level
7.6 Reference sound sources
7.7 Octave-band filters
7.8 Auxiliary instruments
7.9 Auxiliary equipment
7.10 Calibration
8 Noise measurement procedures
8.1 General
8.2 Field reference level checking
8.3 Procedures for assessment of noise exposure
8.3.1 General
8.3.2 Measurement of LAeq,T
8.3.3 Measurement of EA,Ti
8.3.4 Measurement of peak sound pressure level
8.3.5 Microphone locations
8.4 Measurement period
8.5 Measurement procedure for selection of hearing protectors
8.6 Frequency analysis
8.7 Infrasound and ultrasound
8.8 Noise measurements in hazardous environments
9 Noise evaluation
9.1 Determination of EA,T
9.2 Determination of LAeq,T
9.3 Determination of LAeq,8h
9.4 Extended workshifts
9.5 Determination of L(Aeq,8h)n
9.6 Determination of L(norm)Aeq,8h
9.7 Noise exposure of groups
9.8 Assessment data to be recorded
10 Checklists
Appendix A
Appendix B
B1 General
B2 Basic acoustics
B3 Analysis of sound waves
B4 Sound measurement instrumentation
B5 Need for noise control
B6 Evaluation of noise
B7 Practical noise assessments
B8 Other noise measurements
B9 Noise reduction
B10 Statutory requirements and guidance literature
Appendix C
C1 Recommended measurement procedure
C2 Conversion of measured levels to equivalent diffuse field levels
C3 Alternative method of measurement for headphones
C4 Probe-tube microphone measurements
C5 Bibliography
Appendix D
D1 Auxiliary equipment
D2 Graphic level recorder
D3 Tape recorder
D3.1 General characteristics
D3.2 Precautions when selecting or using a tape recorder
D4 Frequency spectrum analyser
D5 Solid state recording instrumentation
Appendix E
E1 Partial noise exposure
E2 Determination of EA,T
E3 Determination of LAeq,T
E4 Determination of LAeq,8h
E5 Determination of L(Aeq,8h)n
E6 Determination of L(norm)Aeq,8h
E7 Examples
E7.1 General
E7.2 Calculation using Table E2
E7.2.1 EA,T
E7.2.2 LAeq,T
E7.2.3 LAeq,8h
E7.3 Calculations using the equations in Clause 9
E7.3.1 EA,T
E7.3.2 LAeq,T
E7.3.3 LAeq,8h
E8 Example of calculation of average daily noise exposure for 5 working days of varying daily exposures to noise (L(Aeq,8h)5)
E8.1 Example levels
E8.2 Calculation using conversion Appendix F
E8.3 Calculation using the equation in Clause 9.5
E9 Example of calculation of noise exposure level normalized to a five day working week
E9.1 Example levels
E9.2 Calculation using conversion Appendix F
E9.3 Calculation using the equation in Clause 9.6
Appendix F
Appendix G
Amendment control sheet
AS/NZS 1269.1:2005
Amendment No. 1 (2005)
Cited references in this standard
IEC 60959
Provisional head and torso simulator for acoustic measurements on air conduction hearing aids
IEC 61672.2
Electroacoustics—Sound level meters, Part 2: Pattern evaluation tests
Content history
AS/NZS 1269.1:2005 Rec:2016
AS/NZS 1269.1-2005 AMDT 1
DR 04035
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