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AS/NZS 1170.1 SUPP 1:2002


Structural design actions, Part 1: Permanent, imposed and other actions — Commentary (Supplement to AS/NZS 1170.1:2002)

Provides background material to the requirements of AS/NZS 1170.1. Clause by clause, it gives the origins of requirements, departures from previous practice and explanations with examples to illustrate their application.
Published: 04/06/2002
Pages: 22
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
C1 Scope and general
C1.1 Scope
C1.2 Application
C1.3 Determination of design actions
C1.4 Referenced documents
C1.5 Definitions
C1.6 Notation
C2 Permanent action
C2.1 General
C2.2 Self-weight
C2.3 Provision for partitions
C2.4 Removable loads
C3 Imposed actions
C3.1 General
C3.2 Concentrated actions
C3.3 Partial loading
C3.4 Floors
C3.4.1 Imposed floor actions
C3.4.2 Reduction of uniformly distributed imposed actions
C3.5 Imposed actions on roofs, and supporting elements
C3.5.1 Roofs
C3.5.2 Roof supporting trusses, ceilings, skylights and similar structures
C3.6 Barriers
C3.7 Cranes, hoists, lifts and reciprocating machinery
C3.7.1 General
C3.7.2 Vertical actions
C3.7.3 Horizontal actions on crane rails
C3.8 Car parks
C3.9 Grandstands
C4 Liquid pressure, ground water, rainwater ponding, movement effects and earth pressure
C4.1 General
C4.2 Liquid pressure
C4.3 Ground water
C4.4 Rainwater ponding
C4.5 Earth pressure
Appendix CA
Appendix CB
Cited references in this standard
Walking tracks, Part 1: Classification and signage
Walking tracks, Part 2: Infrastructure design
Farm structures — General requirements for structural design
Formwork for concrete - Commentary (Supplement to AS 3610-1995)
Earth-retaining structures
Content history
AS/NZS 1170.1 SUPP 1:2002 Rec:2016

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