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AS/NZS 1170.0 SUPP 1:2002
[Current]Structural design actions, Part 0: General principles - Commentary (Supplement to AS/NZS 1170.0:2002)
Provides background material to the requirements of AS/NZS 1170.0, General principles. Clause by clause, it gives the origins of requirements, departures from previous practice and explanations with examples to illustrate their application.
Published: 04/06/2002
Pages: 28
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
C1 Scope and general
C1.1 Scope
C1.2 Application
C1.3 Referenced documents
C1.4 Definitions
C1.5 Notation
C2 Structural design procedure
C2.1 General
C2.2 Ultimate limit states
C2.3 Serviceability limit states
C3 Annual probability of exceedance (for New Zealand use only)
C3.1 General
C3.2 Importance levels
C3.3 Design working life
C3.4 Annual probability of exceedance
C4 Combinations of actions
C4.1 General
C4.2 Combinations of actions for ultimate limit states
C4.2.1 Stability
C4.2.2 Strength
C4.2.3 Combinations for snow, liquid pressure, rainwater ponding, ground water and earth pressure
C4.2.4 Combinations of actions for fire
C4.3 Combinations of actions for serviceability limit states
C4.4 Cyclic actions
C5 Methods of analysis
C5.1 General
C5.2 Structural models
C6 Structural robustness
C6.1 General
C6.2 Load paths
C6.2.1 General
C6.2.2 Minimum resistance
C6.2.3 Minimum lateral resistance of connections and ties
C6.2.4 Diaphragms
C6.2.5 Walls
C7 Confirmation methods
C7.1 General
C7.2 Ultimate limit states
C7.2.1 Stability
C7.2.2 Strength
C7.3 Serviceability limit states
Appendix CA
Appendix CB
CB1 General
CB1.1 Scope
CB1.2 Reliability
CB1.3 Use of test data
CB1.4 Modelling
CB1.5 Report
CB2 Proof testing
CB3 Prototype testing
Appendix CC
Appendix CD
Appendix CE
Appendix CF
CF1 General
CF2 Importance levels
CF3 Design events
Appendix CZ
CZ1 Movement effects
CZ2 Thermal variations
CZ2.1 General
CZ2.2 Structure type and influences
CZ2.3 Temperature data
CZ2.4 Combination factor
Amendment control sheet
AS/NZS 1170.0 Supp 1:2002
Amendment No. 1
Revised text
Cited references in this standard
Content history
DR 00904
AS/NZS 1170.0 SUPP 1:2002 Rec:2016
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