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AS/NZS 1158.0:2005

[Pending Revision]

Lighting for roads and public spaces, Part 0: Introduction

Serves as a general introduction to the AS/NZS 1158 series and provides definitions of lighting categories and technical terms essential to the understanding of other Standards in the series especially AS/NZS 1158.1.1, 1158.2, 1158.3.1 and 1158.6.
Published: 07/09/2005
Pages: 20
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Referenced documents
3 Definitions
3.1 General
3.2 Task area definitions
3.3 Road lighting scheme definitions
3.4 Photometric and light output definitions
3.5 Light technical parameter (LTP)definitions
3.5.1 Introduction
3.5.2 Category V LTPs
3.5.3 Category P LTPs
3.6 Maintenance definitions
4 Symbols and abbreviations
5 Lighting categories and their application
5.1 Lighting categories
5.2 Road classification
Appendix A
A1 Aeroscreen luminaire
A2 Arrangement (ARR)
A3 Average carriage luminance (L¯)
A4 Average space horizontal illuminance (E¯)
A5 Azimuth angle
A6 Ballast
A7 C-angle (C)
A8 Carriageway
A9 Carriageway lighting design width (WK)
A10 Channelized intersection
A11 Colour rendering
A12 Colour rendering index
A13 Crest or hump
A14 Divided road (dual carriageway road)
A15 Footpath (pathway)
A16 Gamma angle (γ)
A17 Glare
A18 Ignitor
A19 Illuminance (E)
A20 Illuminance uniformity Cat P (UE2)
A21 Illuminance uniformity Category V (UE1)
A22 Illumination
A23 Interchange
A24 Intersection
A25 Kerb
A26 Lamp
A27 Lamp lumen maintenance factor (LLMF)
A28 Lamp survival factor (LSF)
A29 Light output
A30 Light output ratio
A31 Lighting pole (lighting column)
A32 Local area traffic management devices
A33 Longitudinal uniformity (UL)
A34 Luminaire
A35 Luminaire maintenance factor (LMF)
A36 Luminance (L)
A37 Luminous flux (Φ)
A38 Luminous intensity (I)
A39 Luminous intensity distribution curve
A40 Luminous intensity distribution (I-table)
A41 Maintained value
A42 Maintenance cycle
A43 Maintenance factor (MF)
A44 Maintenance regime
A45 Medians and islands
A46 Median width (WM)
A47 Mounting height (H)
A48 Obtrusive light (EPv)
A49 Outreach
A50 Overall uniformity (UO)
A51 Overhang (OH)
A52 Peak intensity
A53 Point horizontal illuminance (EPh)
A54 Point vertical illuminance (EPv)
A55 Pole setback
A56 Post-top luminaire
A57 Power factor correction capacitor
A58 Property line
A59 Road
A60 Road furniture
A61 Road or area lighting scheme
A62 Road reserve width (W)
A63 Roadway width
A64 Roundabout
A65 Shoulder
A66 Side-entry luminaire
A67 Spacing (S)
A68 Subway (pedestrian)
A69 Surround (verge) illuminance (ES)
A70 Target service life
A71 Threshold increment (TI)
A72 Tilt angle (for side-entry luminaries)
A73 Toe-in
A74 Top-entry luminaire
A75 Traffic lane
A76 Upcast angle; tilt angle (for side-entry luminaries)
A77 Upward waste light ratio (UWLR)
A78 Verge
A79 Vertical (elevation) angle
A80 Visor
Amendment control sheet
AS/NZS 1158.0:2005
Amendment No. 1 (2008)
Amendment No. 2 (2010)
Cited references in this standard
[Available Superseded]
Lighting for roads and public spaces, Part 6: Luminaires
Road lighting, Part 1.3: Vehicular traffic (Category V) lighting — Guide to design, installation, operation and maintenance
NZS 6701
Code of practice for road lighting
Lighting for roads and public spaces, Part 3.1: Pedestrian area (Category P) lighting - Performance and design requirements
The lighting of urban roads and other public thoroughfares, Part 4: Supplementary lighting at pedestrian crossings
Content history
DR 03282

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