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AS/NZS 1026:2004


Electric cables — Impregnated paper insulated — For working voltages up to and including 19/33 (36) kV

Specifies the requirements for non-draining mass-impregnated paper insulated and lead alloy sheathed cables for working voltages up to and including 19/33 (36) kV.
Published: 29/04/2004
Pages: 47
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Referenced documents
3 Definitions
4 Operating voltages
5 Maximum conductor temperatures
6 Conductors
7 Conductor screen
8 Insulation
8.1 General
8.2 Material
8.3 Method of application
8.4 Paper thickness
8.5 Insulation thickness
9 Core identification
10 Insulation screen
10.1 General
10.2 Screen
10.3 Additional screening
11 Laying up
11.1 Belted cables
11.2 Screened cables
11.3 Screened SL cables
11.4 Direction of lay
12 Impregnation
12.1 General
12.2 Compound test
12.3 Breaking load and elongation at break of impregnated paper
13 Lead alloy sheath
13.1 General
13.2 Composition
13.3 Thickness
13.4 External coating
14 Bedding (optional)
14.1 General
14.2 Lapped bedding
14.3 Extruded bedding
14.3.1 Material
14.3.2 Thickness
15 Armour (optional)
15.1 General
15.2 Single-wire armour
15.3 Double-wire armour
16 Non-metallic sheath or serving
16.1 Non-metallic sheath
16.1.1 Material
16.1.2 Thickness
16.2 Serving for armoured cables
17 Compounds for lapped bedding and serving
18 Cable markings
18.1 End markings
18.2 Identification of cables
18.3 Marking of non-metallic sheath
18.4 Metre marking on non-metallic sheath
19 Sealing and preparation for delivery
19.1 General
20 Tests
20.1 General
20.2 Test categories
20.3 Measurement of conductor resistance
20.4 Voltage tests
20.4.1 Test
20.4.2 Requirement
20.5 Dielectric dissipation factor (DDF)
20.5.1 Test
20.5.2 Requirements
20.6 Electrical tests on non-metallic sheaths
20.6.1 Spark test
20.6.2 Voltage test, d.c.
20.7 Measurement of insulation thickness
20.7.1 Test
20.7.2 Micrometer
20.8 Bending test
20.8.1 Sample
20.8.2 Test
20.8.3 Requirements after bending
20.9 Drainage test
20.10 Residual compound congealing point test
20.11 Breaking load and elongation at break of impregnated paper
Appendix A
A1 Voltage ratings
A1.1 Categories
A1.2 Category 1
A1.3 Category 2
A2 Protective coverings
A2.1 Non-metallic sheath
A2.2 Flame-retardant coverings
A3 Protection against termite or ant attack
A4 Current ratings
A5 Short circuit ratings
Appendix B
B1 Minimum temperature during installation
B2 Minimum installation radius
B3 Tests after installation
Appendix C
Appendix D
D1 Selection of samples
D2 Re-test procedure
Appendix E
E1 General
E2 Method of measuring thickness
E2.1 Lead alloy sheath
E2.2 Extruded bedding
Appendix F
Appendix G
G1 Preliminary procedure
G2 Loading cycle test
G2.1 Test installation
G2.2 Procedure
G3 Impulse voltage test
G3.1 Test installation
G3.2 Principle
G3.3 Detailed test method
G3.3.1 General
G3.3.2 Calibration using a sphere gap to AS 1931.2
G3.3.3 Calibration using an impulse voltage divider system of known ratio to AS 1931.2
G3.3.4 Applications of impulses at the withstand voltage specified
G3.3.5 Oscillograms and readings
Appendix H
H1 Scope
H2 Application and range of qualification
H3 Principle
H4 Test specimens and test configuration
H5 Apparatus
H6 Heating/cooling cycle
H7 Set-up and test procedures
H8 Criteria of failure
H9 Reporting of results
Cited references in this standard
Standard test method for congealing point of petroleum waxes, including petrolatum
Galvanized mild steel wire for armouring of cables
BS 6480
Impregnated paper-insulated lead or lead alloy sheathed electric cables of rated voltages up to and including 33 000 V
Cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Part 2: Methods of test
ERA 69.30.1
Current rating standards for distribution cables, Part 1: Sustained current ratings for paper-insulated lead-sheathed cables to BS 6480 Part 1: 1969 (ac 50Hz and dc)
Content history
AS/NZS 1026:2004 Rec:2017
DR 02316

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