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AS/NZS 1015:2011


Records management — Physical storage

This Standard covers all types of storage media, e.g. paper, audio visual material, micro-forms and machine readable formats, but excludes electronic records on networks, hard-drives or in data centres.
Published: 07/10/2011
Pages: 18
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Introduction
1.1 Scope
1.2 Objective
1.3 Referenced documents
1.4 Definitions
2 Records storage framework
2.1 Records storage concepts
2.1.1 General
2.1.2 Criteria for assessing storage options
2.1.3 Identifying risks to the physical records
2.1.4 Mitigating risks to the physical records
2.2 Characteristics of records
2.2.1 Information characteristics General Retention period Vital records Security and control
2.2.2 Physical characteristics
2.3 Characteristics of a storage facility
2.3.1 General
2.3.2 Building environment
2.3.3 Internal environment
2.3.4 Security, access and control
2.3.5 Shelving/housing
2.3.6 Record item containers/handling
2.3.7 Other issues
3 Preservation and services
3.1 Preservation and protective storage
3.1.1 General
3.1.2 Elements of a managed storage risk
3.2 Records storage services and processes
3.2.1 General
3.2.2 Retrieval of records General Retrieval requirements Frequency of retrieval Cost effectiveness
3.3 Records destruction service
4 Choosing a storage option
4.1 General
4.2 Choice of a storage option
4.3 Service contract
4.4 Services provided
Appendix A
A1 Shelving and packaging
A2 Protection from disaster
A3 Characteristics of a storage facility
A4 Environmental control
A5 Preservation and protective storage
A6 Characteristics of services and processes
A7 Accessibility
Appendix B
B1 Introduction
B2 Scope of disaster response plan
B3 Contents of disaster response plan
B3.1 Vital records
B3.2 Resources
B3.3 Prioritization
B3.4 Training
B3.5 Managing the plan
B3.6 Disaster response
B3.7 Disaster recovery
B3.8 Post-disaster review
Appendix C
C1 General
C2 Identification of all involved parties
C3 Date of effect
C4 Definitions (interpretation)
C5 Term of the contract/agreement
C6 Services
C7 Pricing
C8 Liability
C9 Conditions
C10 Termination
Appendix D
Cited references in this standard
Automatic fire sprinkler systems, Part 1: General systems
Information and documentation — Records management, Part 1: Concepts and principles
[Available Superseded]
Records management, Part 2: Guidelines
Content history
DR AS/NZS 1015

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