AS ISO 22000-2005
[Superseded]Food safety management systems — Requirements for any organization in the food chain
Adopts ISO 22000:2005 to specify requirements for a food safety management system in the food chain where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to control food safety hazards in order to ensure safe products.
Published: 15/09/2005
Pages: 32
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Food safety management system
4.1 General requirements
4.2 Documentation requirements
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Control of documents
4.2.3 Control of records
5 Management responsibility
5.1 Management commitment
5.2 Food safety policy
5.3 Food safety management system planning
5.4 Responsibility and authority
5.5 Food safety team leader
5.6 Communication
5.6.1 External communication
5.6.2 Internal communication
5.7 Emergency preparedness and response
5.8 Management review
5.8.1 General
5.8.2 Review input
5.8.3 Review output
6 Resource management
6.1 Provision of resources
6.2 Human resources
6.2.1 General
6.2.2 Competence, awareness and training
6.3 Infrastructure
6.4 Work environment
7 Planning and realization of safe products
7.1 General
7.2 Prerequisite programmes (PRPs)
7.3 Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis
7.3.1 General
7.3.2 Food safety team
7.3.3 Product characteristics Raw materials, ingredients and product-contact materials Characteristics of end products
7.3.4 Intended use
7.3.5 Flow diagrams, process steps and control measures Flow diagrams Description of process steps and control measures
7.4 Hazard analysis
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Hazard identification and determination of acceptable levels
7.4.3 Hazard assessment
7.4.4 Selection and assessment of control measures
7.5 Establishing the operational prerequisite programmes (PRPs)
7.6 Establishing the HACCP plan
7.6.1 HACCP plan
7.6.2 Identification of critical control points (CCPs)
7.6.3 Determination of critical limits for critical control points
7.6.4 System for the monitoring of critical control points
7.6.5 Actions when monitoring results exceed critical limits
7.7 Updating of preliminary information and documents specifying the PRPs and the HACCP plan
7.8 Verification planning
7.9 Traceability system
7.10 Control of nonconformity
7.10.1 Corrections
7.10.2 Corrective actions
7.10.3 Handling of potentially unsafe products General Evaluation for release Disposition of nonconforming products
7.10.4 Withdrawals
8 Validation, verification and improvement of the food safety management system
8.1 General
8.2 Validation of control measure combinations
8.3 Control of monitoring and measuring
8.4 Food safety management system verification
8.4.1 Internal audit
8.4.2 Evaluation of individual verification results
8.4.3 Analysis of results of verification activities
8.5 Improvement
8.5.1 Continual improvement
8.5.2 Updating the food safety management system
Annex A
Annex B
Annex C
C.1 Codes and Guidelines1)
C.1.1 General
C.1.2 Feed
C.1.3 Foods for special intended uses
C.1.4 Specifically processed foods
C.1.5 Ingredients for foods
C.1.6 Fruits and vegetables
C.1.7 Meat and meat products
C.1.8 Milk and milk products
C.1.9 Egg and egg products
C.1.10 Fish and fishery products
C.1.11 Waters
C.1.12 Transportation
C.1.13 Retail
C.2 Food safety hazard specific codes and guidelines1)
C.3 Control measure-specific codes and guidelines1)
Cited references in this standard
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