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AS ISO 19135.1:2018


Geographic information - Procedures for item registration, Part 1: Fundamentals

The objective of this Standard is to specify procedures to be followed in establishing, maintaining, and publishing registers of unique, unambiguous, and permanent identifiers and meanings that are assigned to items of geographic information. In order to accomplish this purpose, AS ISO 19135.1 specifies elements that are necessary to manage the registration of these items.
Published: 29/06/2018
Pages: 61
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Conformance
2.1 General
2.2 Core conformance class
2.3 Extended conformance class
2.4 Hierarchical register conformance class
3 Normative references
4 Terms, definitions, and abbreviations
4.1 Terms and definitions
4.2 Abbreviations
4.3 Notation
5 Roles and responsibilities in the management of registers
5.1 General
5.2 Register owner
5.3 Register manager
5.3.1 Appointment of a register manager
5.3.2 Responsibilities of a register manager
5.4 Submitting organizations
5.5 Control body
5.6 Registry manager
5.7 Register user
6 Management of registers
6.1 Establishment of registers
6.2 Status of register items
6.3 Change of status of register items
6.3.1 General
6.3.2 Addition
6.3.3 Clarification
6.3.4 Invalidation
6.3.5 Retirement
6.3.6 Supersession
6.4 Submission of proposals
6.4.1 Process of submitting
6.4.2 Submitting organizations
6.4.3 Register manager
6.5 Approval process
6.6 State of a register
6.7 Publication
6.8 Integrity
6.9 Registration proposals
7 Register schema
7.1 General
7.2 Register
7.2.1 Register schema
7.2.2 Object Type: Register
7.3 RegisterStakeholder
7.3.1 RegisterStakeholder schema
7.3.2 Object Type: RegisterStakeholder
7.4 ItemClass
7.4.1 ItemClass schema
7.4.2 Object Type: ItemClass
7.5 RegisterItem
7.5.1 RegisterItem schema
7.5.2 Object Type: RegisterItem
8 Hierarchical registers
8.1 General
8.2 Management of hierarchical registers
8.3 Extensions to the register schema
8.4 SubregisterDescription
8.4.1 SubregisterDescription schema
8.4.2 Object Type: SubregisterDescription
Annex A
A.1 Core conformance class
A.1.1 Register responsibilities
A.1.2 Management procedures
A.1.3 Publication of register contents
A.1.4 Register Content
A.2 Extended conformance class
A.2.1 Register Content — Extended
A.3 Hierarchical registers
A.3.1 Hierarchical registers — Principal register
A.3.2 Hierarchical registers — Subregister
Annex B
B.1 General
B.2 Extended model elements – feature types and associations
B.2.1 General
B.2.2 RE_Register
B.2.2.1 RE_Register schema
B.2.2.2 Object Type: RE_Register
B.2.2.3 Object Type: RE_Locale
B.2.2.4 Object Type: RE_Version
B.2.3 RE_RegisterItem
B.2.3.1 RE_RegisterItem schema
B.2.3.2 Object Type: RE_RegisterItem
B.2.3.3 Object Type: RE_AlternativeExpression
B.2.3.4 Object Type: RE_FieldOfApplication
B.2.3.5 Object Type: RE_Locale
B.2.4 RE_ItemClass
B.2.4.1 RE_ItemClass schema
B.2.4.2 Object Type: RE_ItemClass
B.2.4.3 Object Type: RE_AlternativeName
B.2.4.4 Object Type: RE_AlternativeExpression
B.2.4.5 Object Type: RE_Locale
B.2.5 RE_ProposalManagementInformation
B.2.5.1 RE_ProposalManagement schema
B.2.5.2 Object Type: RE_ProposalManagementInformation
B.2.6 RE_Reference and RE_ReferenceSource
B.2.6.1 RE_Reference and RE_ReferenceSource schema
B.2.6.2 Object Type: RE_Reference
B.2.6.3 Object Type: RE_ReferenceSource
B.2.7 RE_AmendmentInformation, RE_ClarificationInformation, and RE_AdditionInformation
B.2.7.1 RE_AmendmentInformation, RE_ClarificationInformation, and RE_AdditionInformation schema
B.2.7.2 Object Type: RE_AdditionInformation
B.2.7.3 Object Type: RE_AmendmentInformation
B.2.7.4 Object Type: RE_ClarificationInformation
B.2.8 RE_SubregisterDescription
B.2.8.1 RE_SubregisterDescription schema
B.2.8.2 Object Type: RE_SubregisterDescription
Annex C
C.1 General
C.2 Appointment of an ISO/TC 211 register manager
C.3 Qualifications of an ISO/TC 211 register manager
C.4 Responsibilities of an ISO/TC 211 register manager
C.5 Contract
C.6 Submitting organizations
C.7 Control bodies
C.7.1 Appointment of control bodies by ISO/TC 211
C.7.2 Responsibilities of control bodies
C.8 Appeals
Annex D
D.1 General
D.2 Approval process
D.2.1 General
D.2.2 Steps in the approval process
D.2.2.1 General
D.2.2.2 Register manager
D.2.2.3 Control body
D.2.2.4 Register manager
D.2.2.5 Submitting organizations
D.2.2.6 Withdrawal
D.3 Appeals
D.3.1 General
D.3.2 Steps in the appeal process
D.3.2.1 Submitting organization
D.3.2.2 Register manager
D.3.2.3 Register owner
D.3.2.4 Register manager
D.3.2.5 Submitting organization
Annex E
E.1 General
E.2 Elements of information required for all proposals
E.3 Additional elements of information for proposals to add new items to a register
E.3.1 Mandatory elements of information
E.3.2 Conditional elements of information
E.3.3 Additional elements of information
E.3.4 Additional elements of information required for proposals to clarify a registered item
E.4 Elements of information required for proposals to supersede a registered item
E.5 Additional elements of information for proposals to retire a registered item
Annex F
F.1 General
F.2 Roles and responsibilities of the management of registers
F.3 Management of registers
F.4 Core register schema/Extended register schema
F.5 Hierarchical register schema
Amendment 1
Amendment control sheet
Amendment No. 1 (October 2021)
Cited references in this standard
ISO 19103:―
Geographic information — Conceptual schema language
Geographic information - Metadata - Part 1: Fundamentals
Content history
DR AS ISO 19135.1:2018
AS/NZS ISO 19135:2006

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