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AS ISO 19119:2018


Geographic information — Services

The objective of this Standard is to define requirements for how platform neutral and platform specific specification of services shall be created, in order to allow for one service to be specified independently of one or more underlying distributed computing platforms. This Standard also defines requirements for a further mapping from platform neutral to platform specific service specifications, in order to enable conformant and interoperable service implementations.
Published: 29/06/2018
Pages: 103
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Conformance
2.1 Claiming conformance
2.2 General
2.3 Enterprise viewpoint
2.4 Computational viewpoint
2.5 Information viewpoint
2.6 Service taxonomies
2.7 Engineering viewpoint
2.8 Technology viewpoint
3 Normative references
4 Terms and definitions and abbreviations
4.1 Terms and definitions
4.2 Abbreviations
5 Notation
5.1 General
5.2 Conformance class
5.3 Requirements class
5.4 Rules
5.5 Identifiers
5.6 Conceptual schemas
5.7 Descriptions of concepts
5.8 Architecture patterns
6 Overview of geographic services architecture
6.1 Purpose and justification
6.2 Relationship to ISO 19101-1
6.3 Interoperability reference model based on ISO RM-ODP
6.4 Service abstraction
6.5 Interoperability
6.6 Use of other geographic information standards in service specifications
7 Enterprise viewpoint: A context for services
7.1 Enterprise viewpoint
7.2 Enterprise viewpoint service specifications
7.3 Examples of relevant standards
7.4 Example and tools
8 Computational viewpoint: A basis for service interfaces and chaining
8.1 Component and service interoperability and the computational viewpoint
8.2 Services, interfaces and operations
8.3 Computational viewpoint service specifications
8.3.1 Requirements class for computational viewpoint service specifications
8.3.2 Service interfaces with operations
8.3.3 Service behaviour and constraints
8.4 Service chaining
8.4.1 General
8.4.2 Anatomy of a service chain UML modelling of a chain
8.4.3 Service chain modelling Chains as directed graphs
8.4.4 Services organizer folder
8.4.5 Services to enable service chaining
8.4.6 Architecture patterns for service chaining General User-defined (transparent) chaining Name Problem Context Forces Structure Workflow-managed (translucent) chaining (Orchestration) Name Problem Context Forces Structure Aggregate service (opaque-chaining - Choreography) Name Problem Context Forces Structure
8.4.7 Variations on chaining patterns
8.5 Service metadata
8.6 Simple service architecture
8.7 Examples of relevant standards
8.8 Examples and tools: Service modelling with SoaML
9 Information viewpoint: A basis for semantic interoperability
9.1 Information model interoperability and the information viewpoint
9.2 Information viewpoint Service specifications
10 Service taxonomies
10.1 Need for multiple service taxonomies
10.2 Service taxonomies and requirements
10.3 Architectural reference model
10.4 Definition of the Architectural reference model
10.5 Uses of the Architectural reference model
10.6 Overview of the Architectural reference model
10.6.1 Services and service interfaces
10.6.2 Identifying services and service interfaces for geographic information
10.7 Types of geographic information services
10.7.1 Requirement for service taxonomy
10.7.2 Types of information technology services relevant to geographic information
10.7.3 Extension of service types for geographic information
10.8 Geographic architecture services taxonomy
10.8.1 Geographic architecture services taxonomy requirements
10.8.2 Geographic boundary/human interaction services
10.8.3 Geographic model/information management services
10.8.4 Geographic workflow/task management services
10.8.5 Geographic processing services Relation of geographic processing services to general feature model Geographic processing services — spatial Geographic processing services — thematic Geographic processing services — temporal Geographic processing services — metadata
10.8.6 Geographic communication services
10.8.7 Geographic system management and security services
10.9 ISO suite of International Standards in geographic architecture services taxonomy
10.10 Geographic service chaining validity
10.11 User-perspective Lifecycle model for Services
10.12 User-defined service taxonomies
10.13 Services organizer folder (SOF)
10.13.1 Grouping of services
10.13.2 Image exploitation SOF
10.13.3 Geographic data fusion SOF
10.14 Semantic information models
10.15 Examples of relevant standards
10.16 Examples and tools
11 Engineering viewpoint: A basis for distribution and communication patterns
11.1 Distribution transparencies and the engineering viewpoint
11.2 Distributing components using a multi-tier architecture model
11.3 Distribution transparencies
11.4 Engineering viewpoint Service specifications
11.5 Multi-style SOA
11.6 Relevant architectural styles
11.6.1 Service-oriented architectures
11.6.2 Representational State Transfer (REST)
11.6.3 Web 2.0
12 Technology viewpoint: A basis for cross platform interoperability
12.1 Infrastructure interoperability and the technology viewpoint
12.2 Need for multiple platform-specific specifications
12.3 Conformance between platform-neutral and platform-specific service specifications
12.4 From platform-neutral to platform-specific specifications
12.5 Technology objects
12.6 Technology viewpoint service specifications
12.6.1 Requirements class for technology viewpoint
12.6.2 Technology mappings
12.7 Architectural classification according to cloud computing service categories
Annex A
A.1 Levels of specification
A.2 Enterprise viewpoint
A.2.1 Servicename
A.2.2 Servicetypes
A.2.3 Service purpose
A.2.4 Service scope
A.2.5 Service capabilities
A.2.6 Service community
A.2.7 Service scenarios
A.3 Computational viewpoint
A.3.1 Service interfaces
A.3.2 Service operations
A.3.3 Service behaviour
A.3.4 Operation pre_and_post_conditions
A.3.5 Service chaining
A.4 Information viewpoint
A.4.1 Service dependencies
A.4.2 Operation input/output/exception parameters
A.5 Service taxonomies
A.5.1 Geographic Service type - architecture
A.5.2 Geographic Service type – life cycle
A.6 Engineering viewpoint
A.6.1 Architectural style mapping
A.7 Technology viewpoint
A.7.1 Technology mappings
Annex B
B.1 Example 1: Service chaining for remote sensed data
B.1.1 Summary
B.1.2 Preconditions
B.1.3 Detailed steps
B.1.4 Post-conditions
B.1.5 Service chain directed acyclic graph
B.2 Example 2: Roadside services
B.2.1 Summary
B.2.2 Precondition
B.2.3 Detailed steps
Annex C
C.1 From platform-neutral to platform-specific specifications
C.2 UML constructs used in the ISO geographic information suite of International Standards
C.3 Platform-neutral technology model
C.4 Mapping to CORBA-specific service specifications
C.5 Mapping to MS COM-specific service specifications
C.6 Mapping to J2EE/EJB-specific service specifications
C.7 Mapping to EXPRESS/SDAI-specific service specifications
C.8 Mapping to SQL-specific service specifications
Annex D
Annex E
Annex F
Cited references in this standard
Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Reference model: Overview - Part 1
Geographic information - Reference model - Part 1: Fundamentals
Geographic information - Conceptual schema language
Geographic information - Metadata - Part 1: Fundamentals
Content history
DR AS ISO 19119:2018

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