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AS ISO 19109:2018


Geographic information — Rules for application schema

The objective of this Standard is to define rules for creating and documenting application schemas, including principles for the definition of features.
Published: 29/06/2018
Pages: 91
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Conformance
2.1 General
2.2 Meta-model
2.3 UML application schema
2.4 Profiling standard schema
2.5 Metadata
2.6 Quality
2.7 Temporal
2.8 Spatial
2.9 Coverages
2.10 Observations
2.11 Spatial referencing by identifiers
2.12 Code list
2.13 Multi-lingual support
3 Normative references
4 Terms and definitions
5 Presentation and abbreviations
5.1 Presentation
5.1.1 General
5.1.2 Conformance class
5.1.3 Requirements class
5.1.4 Rules
5.1.5 Identifiers
5.1.6 Conceptual schemas
5.1.7 Descriptions of concepts
5.2 Abbreviations
5.3 Package abbreviations
6 Context
6.1 Purpose of an application schema
6.2 Rules for application schema
6.3 Application schema supporting data interchange
6.3.1 Introduction
6.3.2 Data interchange by transfer
6.3.3 Data interchange by transactions
7 Principles for defining features
7.1 General
7.2 Features, Coverages and Properties
7.2.1 Features
7.2.2 Coverages
7.2.3 Properties and observations
7.3 Features and the application schema
7.4 The General Feature Model
7.4.1 Introduction
7.4.2 The purpose of the GFM
7.4.3 The main structure of the GFM
7.4.4 IdentifiedType
7.4.5 FeatureType
7.4.6 PropertyType
7.4.7 AttributeType
7.4.8 Operation
7.4.9 FeatureAssociationRole
7.4.10 ValueAssignment
7.4.11 FeatureAssociationType
7.4.12 InheritanceRelation
7.5 Attributes of feature types
7.5.1 Introduction
7.5.2 SpatialAttributeType
7.5.3 TemporalAttributeType
7.5.4 QualityAttributeType
7.5.5 LocationAttributeType
7.5.6 MetadataAttributeType
7.5.7 ThematicAttributeType
7.5.8 CoverageFunctionAttributeType
7.6 Relationships between feature types
7.6.1 Introduction
7.6.2 InheritanceRelation
7.6.3 FeatureAssociationType
7.7 Constraints
8 Rules for application schema in UML
8.1 The application modelling process
8.2 The application schema
8.2.1 General
8.2.2 Conceptual schema language for application schemas
8.2.3 Packaging and identification of an application schema
8.2.4 Documentation of an application schema
8.2.5 Integration of application schemas and standard schemas
8.2.6 Modelling structures in UML
8.3 Domain profiles of standard schemas in UML
8.3.1 Introduction
8.3.2 Adding information to a standard schema
8.3.3 Tailored use of standard schemas
8.4 Rules for use of metadata schema
8.4.1 Introduction
8.4.2 Metadata for features, feature attributes, and feature associations
8.5 Rules for use of quality schema
8.5.1 Introduction
8.5.2 Data quality rules Rules for reporting quality information for instances of data Rule for reporting additional quality information Reporting quality information for attributes of feature instances
8.6 Temporal rules
8.6.1 Rules for modelling applications with temporal properties
8.6.2 Use of the temporal conceptual schema
8.6.3 Temporal attributes
8.6.4 Temporal associations between features Types of relationships Simple temporal associations Feature succession
8.7 Spatial rules
8.7.1 Rules for modelling applications with spatial properties
8.7.2 Use of standard spatial schema
8.7.3 Spatial attributes
8.7.4 Use of geometric aggregates and spatial complexes to represent the values of spatial attributes of features Introduction Geometric aggregates Geometric complexes Geometric composites Global geometric complexes Topological complexes
8.7.5 Spatial associations between features
8.7.6 Features sharing geometry
8.7.7 Point features, line features and area features
8.7.8 Defining interpolation methods
8.7.9 Independent spatial complexes
8.8 Rules for use of coverage functions
8.9 Rules for the use of observations
8.10 Spatial referencing using geographic identifiers
8.11 Code lists, vocabularies, lexicons
8.12 Linguistic adaptation
Annex A
A.1 Introduction
A.2 Meta-model
A.2.1 Conceptual schema language
A.2.2 Schema integration
A.2.3 Features
A.2.4 Value assignment
A.2.5 Feature associations
A.2.6 Feature inheritance
A.2.7 Constraints
A.3 Creating application schemas in UML
A.3.1 UML profile
A.3.2 Packaging
A.3.3 Documentation
A.3.4 Integrating an application schema
A.3.5 Modelling structure
A.3.6 Modelling features
A.3.7 Value assignment
A.3.8 Attribute of attribute
A.3.9 Feature operation
A.3.10 Feature inheritance
A.3.11 Constraints
A.4 Profiling standard schemas
A.4.1 Extension
A.4.2 Restriction
A.5 Use of metadata schema
A.6 Use of quality schema
A.6.1 Use of the quality schema in an application schema
A.6.2 Additional quality metadata in an application schema
A.6.3 Instance quality metadata in an application schema
A.7 Temporal elements
A.7.1 Use of the temporal conceptual schema in an application schema
A.7.2 Temporal attributes
A.7.3 Temporal associations
A.7.4 Feature succession
A.8 Spatial elements
A.8.1 Use of the spatial conceptual schema in an application schema
A.8.2 Spatial attributes
A.8.3 Spatial complexes
A.8.4 Spatial associations
A.8.5 Shared geometry
A.8.6 Single geometry
A.8.7 Interpolation method
A.8.8 Independent spatial complexes
A.9 Coverages
A.10 Observations
A.11 Spatial referencing using geographic identifiers
A.12 Code lists and vocabularies
A.12.1 Management of code lists
A.12.2 Formalization of code lists
A.13 Multi-lingual support
A.13.1 Application schema
A.13.2 Feature and property types
Annex B
B.1 The four-layer architecture
B.1.1 Introduction
B.1.2 The Meta Meta level and the Meta level
B.1.3 The Meta level and the Application level
B.1.4 The Application level and the Data level
B.1.5 The General Feature Model and the conceptual schema language of the application schema
B.2 The term “feature”
Annex C
C.1 Utility network
C.1.1 Introduction
C.1.2 The application schema
C.1.3 An example of the document on Utility Network
C.1.3.1 Substation
C.1.3.2 Main Substation
C.1.3.3 Tower Substation
C.1.3.4 Transmission Line
C.1.3.5 Utility Network
C.2 Administrative units
C.2.1 Introduction
C.2.2 The application schema in UML
Cited references in this standard
Information technology - Object Management Group Unified Modeling Language (OMG UML) - Part 2: Superstructure
Geographic information - Conceptual schema language
Geographic information - Spatial schema
Geographic information - Temporal schema
Geographic information - Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers
Content history
DR AS/NZS ISO 19109:2018

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