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AS ISO 13007.5:2020


Ceramic tiles — Grouts and adhesives, Part 5: Requirements, test methods, evaluation of conformity, classification and designation of liquid-applied waterproofing membranes for use beneath ceramic tiling bonded with adhesives

The objective of this Standard is to give terminology concerning the products, and to specify test methods (see Annex A) and values of performance requirements, for liquid-applied waterproofing products associated with tile adhesives. It specifies the evaluation of conformity and the classification and designation of liquid-applied waterproofing products beneath ceramic tiling.
Published: 06/03/2020
Pages: 19
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Requirements
5 Evaluation of conformity
5.1 General
5.2 Reaction to fire
6 Classification and designation
7 Marking and labelling
Annex A
A.1 Sampling
A.2 Test conditions
A.3 Test materials
A.3.1 General
A.3.2 Ceramic tiles
A.3.3 Test substrate
A.3.3.1 Concrete slab
A.3.3.2 Other substrates (optional)
A.3.4 Ceramic tile adhesive
A.3.5 Sodium hypochlorite
A.4 Apparatus
A.4.1 Weight
A.4.2 Pull head plates
A.4.3 Machine for pull testing
A.4.4 Air-circulating oven
A.4.5 Mould
A.4.6 Jig
A.4.7 Equipment for permeability test
A.4.8 Machine for tensile testing
A.5 Mixing of liquid-applied waterproofing membrane
A.6 Adhesion tests
A.6.1 Preparation of test units
A.6.2 Initial adhesion
A.6.3 Adhesion strength after water contact
A.6.4 Alternative method for adhesion strength after water contact
A.6.5 Adhesion strength after heat ageing
A.6.6 Adhesion after freeze–thaw cycle
A.6.7 Adhesion after contact with chlorinated water
A.6.8 Alternative method for adhesion after contact with chlorinated water
A.6.9 Adhesion after contact with lime water
A.6.10 Evaluation and expression of results
A.7 Water impermeability
A.8 Crack bridging ability
A.8.1 General
A.8.2 Crack bridging ability in standard conditions
A.8.3 Crack bridging ability at low temperature
A.9 Test report
Cited references in this standard
EN 12620
Aggregates for concrete
EN 12390-2
Testing hardened concrete — Making and curing specimens for strength tests
EN 1067
Adhesives — Examination and preparation of samples for testing
EN 480-1:2006
Admixture for concrete, mortar and grout — Test methods — Part 1: Reference concrete and mortar for testing
EN 1008
Mixing water for concrete — Specification for sampling, testing and assessing the suitability of water, including water recovered from processes in the concrete industry, as mixing water for concrete
Content history
DR AS ISO 13007.5:2020

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