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AS 5113:2016


Classification of external walls of buildings based on reaction-to-fire performance

Sets out the procedures for the assessment and classification of external walls of buildings according to their tendency to spread fire via the building façade.
Published: 23/03/2016
Pages: 25
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Definitions
4 Classification testing
4.1 General
4.2 External wall fire tests
4.3 Building-to-building fire tests
5 Classification procedure
5.1 General
5.2 Classification of the fire performance of external walls
5.3 Test requirements
5.4 Requirements for classification tests
5.4.1 General
5.4.2 Specimen configuration for ISO 13785-2 tests
5.4.3 Classification criteria for ISO 13785-2 tests
5.4.4 Specimen configuration for BS 8414 tests
5.4.5 Classification criteria for BS 8414 tests
5.4.6 Classification criteria for Appendix C building-to-building fire performance
6 Reporting the classification
Appendix A
Appendix B
B1 Selection of test methods and classification approach overview
B2 External wall reaction-to-fire classification
B3 Building-to-building classification
B4 Objectives of classification criteria
B4.1 General
B4.2 Application of temperature criteria
B4.3 Incipient spread of fire
B4.4 Downward fire spread
B4.5 Reduce the risk of debris impact with fire fighters, occupants and passers-by
B4.6 Debris risk assessment guidance for performance solutions
Appendix C
C1 Test procedure for wall elements exposed to radiant heat
C1.1 General
C1.2 Apparatus
C1.3 Instrumentation
C1.3.1 Furnace temperature measurements
C1.3.2 Specimen temperature measurements
C1.3.3 Heat flux measurements
C1.3.4 Radiant panel temperature measurement
C1.4 Test procedure
C1.4.1 Pre-test set-up
C1.4.2 Specimen exposure
C1.4.3 Observations
C1.4.4 Exposure conditions
C1.4.5 Expression of results
Appendix D
Amendment control sheet
AS 5113:2016
Amendment No. 1 (2018)
Revised text
Cited references in this standard
BS 8414-1
Fire performance of external cladding systems, Part 1: Test method for non-loadbearing external cladding systems applied to the masonry face of a building
BS 8414-2
Fire performance of external cladding systems, Part 2: Test method for non-loadbearing external cladding systems fixed to and supported by a structural steel frame
Fire safety - Vocabulary
Reaction-to-fire tests for façades - Part 2: Large-scale test
Fire - Glossary of terms, Part 1: Fire tests
Content history
DR AS 5113:2015

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