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AS 4775-2007

[Pending Revision]

Emergency eyewash and shower equipment

Specifies minimum design, performance, installation, maintenance and use requirements for eyewash and shower equipment for the emergency treatment of the eyes or body of a person.
Published: 26/10/2007
Pages: 25
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Objective
3 Referenced documents
4 Definitions
5 Materials, design and manufacture
5.1 Materials for construction
5.2 Design and manufacture
6 Plumbed and self-contained emergency showers
6.1 General
6.2 Performance of shower heads
6.3 Performance of stay-open valve
6.4 Shower enclosures
6.5 Performance testing procedures
6.5.1 Plumbed emergency showers
6.5.2 Self-contained emergency showers
6.6 Location
6.7 Installation
6.8 Maintenance and training
7 Plumbed and self-contained eyewash equipment
7.1 Performance of plumbed and self-contained eyewash units
7.2 Performance of stay open valve
7.3 Performance testing procedures
7.3.1 Plumbed eyewash units
7.3.2 Self-contained eyewash units
7.4 Location
7.5 Installation
7.6 Maintenance and training
8 Plumbed and self-contained eye/face wash equipment
8.1 Performance of plumbed and self-contained eye/face wash units
8.2 Performance of stay open valve
8.3 Performance testing procedures
8.4 Location
8.5 Installation
8.6 Maintenance and training
9 Combination units
9.1 Performance of combination units
9.2 Performance of stay open valve
9.3 Performance testing procedures
9.4 Location
9.5 Installation
9.6 Maintenance and training
10 Facilities for disabled persons
11 Supplemental equipment
11.1 General
11.2 Personal wash units
11.2.1 Performance of personal wash units
11.2.2 Maintenance, training and storage
11.3 Drench hoses
11.3.1 Performance of drench hoses
11.3.2 Performance of control valve
11.3.3 Installation
11.3.4 Maintenance and training
12 Equipment selection
Appendix A
Appendix B
B1 Scope of section
B2 Metallic materials
B2.1 Corrosion-resistant metallic materials
B3 Plastic and elastomeric materials
B3.1 General
B3.2 Acetal
B3.3 UV resistance
B3.4 Resistance to chemical degradation
B4 Other materials
Appendix C
C1 Scope of section
C2 End connectors
C3 Screw threads
C3.1 Thread engagement
C4 Thickness of metal parts
C4.1 General
C4.2 Copper, copper alloy and stainless steel tubes
C4.3 Other sections
C5 Fabricated assemblies
C6 Operating mechanisms
C7 Finish and workmanship
Appendix D
D1 Supply lines
D2 Water capacity
D3 Alarm devices
D4 Placement of emergency equipment
D5 Flushing fluid temperature
Appendix E
Appendix F
F1 Personal eyewash units
F2 Flushing fluid quality
F3 First aid practices
F4 Containment and disposal of fluids
F5 Personal protective equipment
F6 Aerated flushing units
Cited references in this standard
Water supply - Flexible hose assemblies
AS/NZS 1572
Copper and copper alloys—Seamless tubes for engineering purposes
Copper and copper alloys — Forging stock and forgings
Copper alloy tubes for plumbing and drainage applications
Water supply and gas systems — Metallic fittings and end connectors
Content history
ANSI/ISEA Z358.1-2014
DR 06357

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