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AS 4700.3:2014
[Current]Implementation of Health Level Seven (HL7) Version 2.5, Part 3: Electronic messages for exchange of information on medicines prescription
Covers implementation of electronic messages for exchange of information on medicines prescriptions in the community and hospital environment using the Health Level Seven (HL7) Version 2.5 protocol.
Published: 18/08/2014
Pages: 67
Table of contents
Cited references
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Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Application
3 Referenced and related documents
3.1 Referenced documents
3.2 Related documents
4 Definitions
5 Overview
5.1 General
5.2 Diagrams
5.2.1 General
5.2.2 Function flow diagrams Prescribing function Dispensing function Administration function Medication history function Medication review function Reporting function
5.2.3 Message interaction diagrams M1—Medication Order messaging M2—Dispensing notification messaging M3—Encoded Order messaging M4—Send enquiry M5—Medication Reaction Reporting messaging M6—Possible Medication Reaction Query messaging M7—Administering Medication messaging M8—Notification of Medication Administering messaging
6 Messages
6.1 Message structural overview
6.2 Order messages
6.2.1 OMP—Pharmacy order message (OMP^O09^OMP_O09)
6.2.2 ORP—Pharmacy prescription response message (ORP^O10^ORP_O10)
6.3 Pharmacy encoded order messages
6.3.1 RDE Pharmacy encoded order message (RDE^O11^RDE_O11)
6.3.2 RRE Pharmacy encoded order acknowledgement message (RRE^O12^RRE_O12)
6.4 Pharmacy dispensing messages
6.4.1 RDS Pharmacy dispense message (RDS^O13^RDS_O13)
6.4.2 RRD Pharmacy dispense acknowledgement message (RRD^O14^RRD_O14)
6.5 Pharmacy prescription give messages
6.5.1 RGV Pharmacy give message (RGV^O15^RGV_O15)
6.5.2 RRG Pharmacy give acknowledgement message (RRG^O16^RRG_O16)
6.6 Pharmacy administration messages
6.6.1 RAS Pharmacy administration message (RAS^O17^RAS_O17)
6.6.2 RRA Pharmacy administration acknowledgement message (RRA^O18^RRA_O18)
6.6.3 PEX (Product experience) acknowledgement message (PEX^P07^PEX_P07)
6.6.4 QBP Pharmacy Query Message (QBP^Q31^QBP_Q11)
6.6.5 RSP Pharmacy Response Message (RSP^K31^RSP_K31)
6.6.6 QBP Pharmacy Query Message (QBP^Z01^QBP_Z01)
6.6.7 RSP Pharmacy Response Message (RSP^Z01^RSP_Z01)
6.6.8 Conformance statement example
6.6.9 QPO Input Parameter Specification example (Query ID = Q31)
7 Message segments
7.1 General
7.2 Message header segment (MSH)
7.3 Patient identification segment (PID)
7.4 Patient visit segment (PV1)
7.5 Guarantor segment (GT1)
7.6 Insurance segment (IN1)
7.7 Allergy segment (AL1)
7.8 Message acknowledgement segment (MSA)
7.9 Error segment (ERR)
7.10 Patient additional demographic segment (PD1)
7.11 Software segment (SFT)
7.12 Result (OBX)
7.13 Billing (BLG)
7.14 Next of Kin (NK1)
7.15 Problem (PRB)
7.16 Input Parameter Specifications (QPD) segment
7.17 Continuation Pointer (DSC) Segment
7.18 Event type (EVN) segment
7.19 Query acknowledgement (QAK) segment
7.20 Response Control parameter (RCP) segment
7.21 Common order (ORC) segment
7.22 Pharmacy prescription order (RXO) segment
7.23 Pharmacy route (RXR) segment
7.24 Pharmacy component (RXC) segment
7.25 Pharmacy encoded order (RXE) segment
7.26 Pharmacy dispense (RXD) segment
7.27 Pharmacy give message (RXG) segment
7.28 Pharmacy administration message (RXA) segment
7.29 Timing/quantity (TQ1) segment
7.30 Timing/quantity Relationship (TQ2) segment
7.31 Product experience Observation (PEO) segment
7.32 Product experience Sender (PES) segment
7.33 Possible Causal relationship (PCR) segment
Cited references in this standard
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DR AS 4700.3
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