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AS 4590.1:2017


Interchange of client information, Part 1: Data elements and interchange formats

This Standard sets out requirements for data elements for the interchange of client information. The data elements covered comprise party identification, person details, organization details, addressing, and electronic contact details.
Published: 23/10/2017
Pages: 102
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 General
1.1.2 Interchange message design
1.2 Application
1.3 Reference documents
1.4 Data element structure
1.4.1 General
1.4.2 Name
1.4.3 Definition
1.4.4 Source Standards
1.4.5 Data type
1.4.6 Representation class
1.4.7 Field size maximum
1.4.8 Representation layout
1.4.9 Domain values
1.4.10 Guide for use
1.4.11 Example
2 Party identification details
2.1 General
2.2 Identifier designation
2.2.1 General
2.2.2 Identifier code
2.2.3 Identifier name
2.2.4 Identifier issuer
2.3 Identifier status
2.3.1 General
2.3.2 Identifier status code
2.3.3 Identifier status start date
2.3.4 Identifier status end date
3 Person details
3.1 General
3.2 Person name considerations
3.3 General guide to names
3.4 Person name details
3.4.1 Name title
3.4.2 Given name
3.4.3 Family name
3.4.4 Name suffix
3.4.5 Name usage type code
3.4.6 Name usage start date
3.4.7 Name usage end date
3.4.8 Full name
3.4.9 Name component sequence number
3.5 Person demographic details
3.5.1 Birth date
3.5.2 Death date
3.5.3 Birth country code
3.5.4 Citizenship country code
3.5.5 Sex code
3.5.6 Gender code
3.5.7 Relationship status code
3.5.8 Occupation code
4 Organization details
4.1 General
4.2 Organization name details
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Organization name
4.2.3 Organization name type code
4.2.4 Organization name start date
4.2.5 Organization name end date
4.3 Organization industry code
4.4 Organization legal type code
4.5 Organization institutional sector code
4.6 Organization broad economic sector code
4.7 Level of government code
4.8 Australian government jurisdiction code
4.9 Entity type code
4.10 Organization activity status
4.10.1 General
4.10.2 Organization activity status code
4.10.3 Organization activity status start date
4.10.4 Organization activity status end date
4.11 Organization registration
4.11.1 General
4.11.2 Organization registration description
4.11.3 Organization registration start date
4.11.4 Organization registration end date
5 Address details
5.1 General
5.2 Address usage code
5.3 Physical address indicator
5.4 Address status code
5.5 Client address currency details
5.5.1 Client address currency code
5.5.2 Address start date
5.5.3 Address start time
5.5.4 Address end date
5.5.5 Address end time
5.6 Addressing within a complex
5.6.1 General
5.6.2 Sub-dwelling unit type Sub-dwelling unit type code Sub-dwelling unit number
5.6.3 Level Level type code Level number
5.6.4 Complex road number Complex road number 1 Complex road number 2
5.6.5 Complex road Complex road name Complex road type code Complex road suffix code Secondary complex (or utility) name
5.7 Primary address
5.8 Address site name
5.9 Road number
5.9.1 Lot number
5.9.2 Road number 1
5.9.3 Road number 2
5.10 Road
5.10.1 Road name
5.10.2 Road type code
5.10.3 Road suffix code
5.11 Postal delivery
5.11.1 Postal delivery type code
5.11.2 Postal delivery number
5.12 Locality name
5.13 Australian state or territory code
5.14 Australian postcode
5.15 Unstructured address line
5.16 Country name code
5.17 Location description
5.18 Delivery point identifier
5.19 Geocode
5.19.1 General
5.19.2 Geocode feature code
5.19.3 Geocode geographic datum
5.19.4 Geocode vertical datum
5.19.5 Geocode latitude
5.19.6 Geocode longitude
5.19.7 Geocode height
5.19.8 Geocode positional uncertainty
5.19.9 Geocode containment
5.19.10 Geocode source name
6 Electronic contact details
6.1 General
6.2 Electronic contact usage code
6.3 Electronic contact preference code
6.4 Internet
6.4.1 Email address
6.4.2 WEB address
6.4.3 Internet communication Internet communication application Internet product username
6.5 Telephone
6.5.1 Telephone service line code
6.5.2 Telecommunication device functionality code
6.5.3 Telecommunication device non-standard functionality description
6.5.4 Country calling code
6.5.5 Australian area code
6.5.6 Telephone number
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
E1 Electronic contact details—Telephone number
E2 Electronic contact details—Telephone—Country code
E3 Electronic contact details—Telephone—Area code
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
H1 Purpose
H2 Introduction
H3 ISO 19160-1:2015 Conceptual model
H4 The AS 4590:20XX profile
H5 AS 4590:20XX profile conformance
H6 Attribute mapping
H6.1 General
H6.2 Omitted attributes
H6.3 Class AS 4590_20XX_Address attributes
H6.4 Class AS 4590_20XX_AddressComponent attributes
H7 Instance examples of the AS 4590:20XX profile
Amendment control sheet
Cited references in this standard
ABS 1220.0
ANZSCO—Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2013, Version 1.2
ABS 1286.0
Family, Household and Income Unit Variables, 2014
ABS 1218.0
Standard Economic Sector Classifications of Australia (SESCA), 2008 (Version 1.1)
NAT 1827-6.2014
Business industry codes 2014 Australian Taxation Office, June 2014
ABS 1292.0
Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 2006 (Revision 2.0)
Content history
DR AS 4590.1:2016
Inclusive of GST
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