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AS 4575:2019


Gas appliances — Servicing of Type A appliances

The objective of this Standard is to specify essential requirements and basic standards for the delivery of Type A gas appliance servicing, repair, testing and conversion from one gas type to another.
Published: 09/08/2019
Pages: 30
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and definitions
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.3 Normative references
1.4 Definitions
2 Technical servicing and repair requirements
2.1 Competency
2.2 Prepare to work
2.2.1 General
2.2.2 Site familiarization
2.2.3 OHS risk assessment
2.3 Electrical safety
2.3.1 Preliminary checking
2.3.2 Isolation from electrical supply
2.3.3 Safety around electrically energized gas appliances
2.4 Appliance inspection
2.5 Unsafe appliances or installations
2.6 Equipment
2.6.1 Tools, equipment and materials
2.6.2 Combustion products detection equipment
2.6.3 Calibration of test equipment
2.7 General servicing
2.8 Repair
2.8.1 Replacement of components
2.8.2 Repair of components
2.9 Gas type conversion
2.10 Gas safety
2.11 Testing for spillage of combustion products
Appendix A
Appendix B
B.1 General
B.2 Job risk assessment
B.3 Electrical safety checking of gas appliances connected to power by a flexible cord and plug
B.3.1 Pre-service electrical safety checks
B.3.2 Electrical testing before reconnecting the electrical supply
B.3.2.1 Earth continuity test
B.3.2.2 Insulation resistance test
B.3.3 Safety while reinstating electrical supply
B.4 Electrical isolation and disconnection of fixed-wired gas appliances
B.4.1 Pre-service electrical safety checks
B.4.2 Testing before reconnecting the electrical supply
B.4.2.1 General
B.4.2.2 Earth continuity test
B.4.2.3 Insulation resistance test
B.5 Testing of energized (live) gas appliances
B.5.1 General
B.5.2 Testing plug-in appliances while energized
Appendix C
Appendix D
D.1 Introduction
D.2 Essential tasks
D.3 Normal operation
D.4 Abnormal operation
Appendix E
Appendix F
F.1 General
F.2 Equipment
F.3 Testing the effect of mechanical extraction ventilation with appliances not operating
F.3.1 Establish baseline conditions
F.3.2 Smoke test procedure
F.4 Testing appliance and flue operation (Spillage Test)
F.4.1 Prerequisites
F.4.2 Test conditions
F.4.3 Test procedure
F.4.4 Test results
F.5 Identification of faults
Appendix G
G.1 General
G.2 Control of documents and service records
G.2.1 Document retention and access
G.2.2 Provision of report
G.3 Competency of personnel
G.3.1 Service personnel
G.3.2 Evidence of competency
G.4 Calibration of equipment
G.5 Corrective and preventative actions
G.6 Review of servicing procedures
Cited references in this standard
Gas installations, Part 2: LP Gas installations in caravans and boats for non-propulsive purposes
Gas installations, Part 1: General installations
In-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment and RCDs
Content history
DR AS 4575:2019

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