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AS 4454-2012


Composts, soil conditioners and mulches

Specifies requirements for composts, soil conditioners and mulches. This edition includes requirements for vermicast. It specifies minimum requirements to be met prior to labelling a product as a composted or pasteurized product. It also specifies physical and chemical requirements and documentation, which includes information to be supplied to the consumer and health warnings. Guidance is given on best practice for composting and vermicast systems designed to produce a quality product achieved by following an approved process.
Published: 29/02/2012
Pages: 74
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.3 Objective
1.4 Referenced documents
1.5 Definitions
1.6 Notation
2 General requirements—Containment of (human, animal and plant) disease
2.1 Compliance with environment protection and health regulations and guidelines
2.2 Plant propagules (weeds)
3 Specific requirements
3.1 Product classification
3.1.1 Major classification Classification by maturity Classification by particle size
3.1.2 Classification by application and use
3.2 Process criteria
3.2.1  Pasteurization
3.2.2 Composting
3.3 Physical and chemical requirements
3.4 Requirements for specific materials
3.4.1 Vermicast
3.4.2 Manure
3.4.3 Mushroom substrate
3.4.4 Application of lime product
3.4.5 Maximum application rate of product with different salinities
4 Verification of requirements and testing
4.1 Product testing
4.1.1 Storage before testing
4.1.2 Physical and chemical testing
4.1.3 Test methods
4.2 Claiming compliance
5 Packaging, marking and documentation
5.1 Packaging
5.1.1 Volume—Packaged materials
5.1.2 Volume—Bulk materials
5.1.3 Protection
5.2 Required marking or documentation
5.3 Required marking—Conditional upon product claims or test results
5.4 Optional marking
5.5 Additional information
5.6 Source references
Appendix A
A1 General
A2 Definitions
A3 Bibliography
A4 Principle
A5 Sampling stockpiles and composting masses
A5.1 Apparatus
A5.2 Sampling procedure
A6 Sample preparation for laboratory analysis
A6.1 General
A6.2 Apparatus
A6.3 Sample preparation types
A6.4 Aliquoting
A7 Aliquoting and testing for organic contaminants
Appendix B
B1 General
B2 Principle
B3 Analytical references
B4 Apparatus
B5 Procedure
B6 Test report
Appendix C
C1 General
C2 Principle
C3 Analytical references
C4 Apparatus
C5 Procedure
C5.1 Carbon/Organic matter
C5.2 Total nitrogen
C6 Calculation of organic matter
C7 Test report
Appendix D
D1 General
D2 Principle—Digestion for elemental analysis
D3 Principle—Analysis for organochlorine contaminants
D4 Procedure
D5 Method references
D5.1 Metallic and other elements
D5.2 Organohalides
D5.3 Chlorinated organic pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
D5.4 Pathogen indicators
D6 Test report
Appendix E
E1 General
E2 Principle
E3 Reagent
E4 Apparatus
E5 Procedure
E6 Test report
Appendix F
F1 Scope
F2 Principle
F3 Apparatus and materials
F4 Procedure
F5 Test report
Appendix G
G1 General
G2 Principle
G3 Apparatus
G4 Procedure
G4.1 Sieve and weigh particle size fractions
G4.2 Classify as soil conditioner, fine mulch, or coarse mulch
G5 Test report
Appendix H
H1 General
H2 Principle
H3 Method analytical references
H4 Sample aliquot
H5 Test report
Appendix I
I1 General
I2 Principle
I3 Apparatus
I4 Procedure for determination of moisture content
I5 Procedure for determination of visible contaminants
I6 Calculation
I7 Test report
Appendix J
J1 General
J2 Principle
J3 Apparatus
J3.1 For packaged product
J3.2 For bulk product
J4 Procedure
J4.1 For packaged product
J4.2 For bulk product
J5 Test report
Appendix K
K1 General
K2 Principle
K3 Reagent
K4 Apparatus
K5 Procedure
K6 Test report
Appendix L
L1 General
L2 Principle
L3 Apparatus and materials
L4 Procedure
L5 Test report
Appendix M
M1 General
M2 Principle
M3 Apparatus and materials
M4 Procedure
M5 Test report
Appendix N
N1 General
N2 Principle
N3 Determination of maturity index
N4 Method references for biological stability and plant growth tests
N4.1 Carbon dioxide respiration test
N4.1.1 Test method
N4.1.2 Test method references
N4.2 Dewar self-heating test
N4.2.1 Test method
N4.2.2 Test method reference
N4.3 Solvita® maturity index test method
N4.4 Specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR) test
N4.4.1 Test method
N4.4.2 Test method references
N4.4.3 Comparison with Dry SOUR test
N4.5 Ammonium to nitrate ratio
N4.5.1 Test method
N4.5.2 Test method references
N4.6 Alternative bioassays
N4.6.1 Test method
N4.6.2 Test method references
N4.7 NH3 volatile ammonia test method
N4.8 Volatile fatty acids test method references
N5 Test report
Appendix O
O1 General
O2 Principle
O3 Reagents
O4 Apparatus
O5 Procedures
O5.1 Sample pre-treatment and assessment of NDI test suitability
O5.2 Leaching
O5.3 Charging the soil with nitrate solution
O6 Calculation
O7 Test report
Appendix P
P1 General
P2 Procedure—Convert total nutrient contents on a dry weight basis to an ‘as-received’ basis
P3 Salinity, sodicity and gypsum
P4 Other methods
P4.1 General
P4.2 Method references
P4.3 Other references
P5 Test report
Appendix Q
Q1 Scope
Q2 Statistical sampling
Q3 Product certification
Q4 Supplier’s quality management system
Q5 Other means of assessment
Q6 Referenced documents
Amendment control sheet
AS 4454—2012
Amendment No. 1 (2012)
Amendment No. 2 (2018)
Revised text
Cited references in this standard
[Pending Revision]
Potting mixes
Food microbiology, Method 10: Microbiology of the food chain — Horizontal method for the detection, enumeration and serotyping of Salmonella — Detection of Salmonella spp. (ISO 6579-1:2017, MOD)
Food microbiology, Method 15: Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of presumptive Escherichia coli — Most probable number technique
Content history
DR2 AS 4454

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