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AS 4349.3-2010

[Pending Revision]

Inspection of buildings, Part 3: Timber pest inspections

This Standard provides minimum requirements for non-invasive inspection of buildings for the activity of timber pests and preparation of associated reports. The inspection is to be carried out by a suitably qualified inspector. This Standard includes limited requirements for invasive inspection.
Published: 20/09/2010
Pages: 52
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Limitations of Standard
1.3 Application
1.4 Referenced documents
1.5 Definitions
2 Inspection agreement
2.1 General
2.2 Purpose of inspection
2.3 Scope of inspection
2.3.1 General
2.3.2 Areas for inspection
2.3.3 Inspection process
2.3.4 Limitations
2.3.5 Extent of reporting
3 Inspection
3.1 General
3.2 Timber pest inspectors
3.3 Areas for inspection
3.4 Items to be inspected
3.5 Inspection procedure
3.5.1 General
3.5.2 Presence of timber pests
3.5.3 Conditions conducive to timber pests
3.6 Inspection records
4 Report
4.1 General
4.2 Report content
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Circumstances of inspection
4.2.3 Limitations
4.2.4 Observations
4.2.5 Safety hazards
4.2.6 Recommendations
4.2.7 Conclusions
4.2.8 Summary
4.3 Limitations and conditions
4.3.1 Limitations
4.3.2 Conditions
Appendix A
A1 Scope
A2 Classification
A2.1 General
A2.2 Softwoods
A2.3 Hardwoods
A2.4 Determination of types of timber
Appendix B
B1 Scope
B2 Borers
B3 Types of borer
Appendix C
C1 Scope
C2 Wood decay
C2.1 General
C3 Types of fungi that damage timber
C4 Types of decay in Australia
C5 Moisture
C5.1 Moisture content levels
C5.2 Moisture content of timber
C5.3 Moisture values for building timbers in Australia
C6 Appearance of decay of timber
C7 Inspection for decay in timber
C7.1 Splinter test to determine strength loss
C7.2 Moisture content (MC)
Appendix D
D1 Scope
D2 Detection of infestation
D3 Identification of termites
Appendix E
E1 Scope
E2 Moisture issues
E2.1 General
E2.2 Detection of moisture
E2.3 Elevated moisture levels
E3 The detection of the presence of leaks and the detection of the presence of elevated moisture levels
E3.1 General
E3.2 Leaks
E3.3 Elevated moisture level in the dwelling
E3.4 Drainage
E3.5 Site drainage
E3.6 Subfloor drainage
E3.7 Wall drainage
E3.8 Discharge of appliance overflows
E3.9 Subfloor ventilation
E3.10 Subfloor ventilation in practice
Appendix F
F1 General
F2 Scope of inspection
F3 Liability for maintenance cost
Cited references in this standard
Termite management, Part 2: In and around existing buildings and structures
Inspection of buildings, Part 0: General requirements
Glossary of building terms
Content history
DR AS 4349.3

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