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AS 4312:2019


Atmospheric corrosivity zones in Australia

This Standard provides guidelines for the classification of atmospheric corrosivity zones in Australia and their effect on the corrosion of steel and other metals.
Published: 29/10/2019
Pages: 28
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.3 Normative references
1.4 Terms and definitions
2 Factors affecting corrosion of metals
2.1 General
2.2 Macro-climatic factors
2.2.1 Primary factors
2.2.2 Modifying factors
2.3 Micro-climatic and design factors
2.3.1 General
2.3.2 Industrial pollutants and chemical attack
2.3.3 Shelter from rain and regular washing
2.3.4 Screening from salt and pollution deposition
2.3.5 Prolonged surface wetness
2.3.6 Abrasion and erosion
2.3.7 Other factors
2.4 Corrosivity categories
2.5 Atmospheric corrosion — Metals other than steel
2.5.1 General
2.5.2 Stainless steels
2.5.3 Zinc
2.5.4 Aluminium
2.5.5 Aluminium-zinc alloys
2.5.6 Copper
3 Corrosivity environments
3.1 General
3.2 Atmospheric corrosivity categories
3.2.1 C1: Very Low (mild steel corrosion rate < 1.3 μm/y)
3.2.2 C2: Low (mild steel corrosion rate 1.3 μm/y to 25 μm/y)
3.2.3 C3: Medium (mild steel corrosion rate 25 μm/y to 50 μm/y)
3.2.4 C4: High (mild steel corrosion rate 50 μm/y to 80 μm/y)
3.2.5 C5: Very High (mild steel corrosion rate 80 μm/y to 200 μm/y)
3.2.6 CX: Extreme (mild steel corrosion rate 200 μm/y to 700 μm/y)
4 Determining the corrosivity environment
4.1 General
4.2 Determining the external corrosivity environment
4.3 Internal environments
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
C.1 General
C.2 Corrosivity zones in Australian standards
C.2.1 Guide to the protection of structural steel against atmospheric corrosion by the use of protective coatings (AS 2312.1:2014 and AS/NZS 2312.2:2014)
C.2.2 Aluminium and aluminium alloys—Anodic oxidation coatings (AS 1231—2000)
C.2.3 Timber structures, Part 1: Design methods (AS 1720.1—2010)
C.2.4 Prefinished/prepainted sheet metal products for interior/exterior building application — Performance requirements (Appendix C) (AS/NZS 2728:2013)
C.2.5 Coated steel wire fencing products for terrestrial, aquatic and general use (Appendix C) (AS 2423—2002)
C.2.6 Masonry structures (Appendix I)(AS 3700:2018)
Cited references in this standard
Content history
DR AS 4312:2019

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