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AS 4287:2016
[Current]Child use and care articles — Child seats for cycles — Safety requirements and test methods (EN 14344:2004, MOD)
Adopts EN14344:2004 to specify requirements for child seats for cycles, which are intended to be mounted on pedal cycles and electrically power assisted bicycles, in order to transport children with a weight from 9kg up to 22kg (approximately 9months up to 5years) and who are capable of sitting unaided.
Published: 14/09/2016
Pages: 37
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Classification
5 General requirements and test conditions
5.1 Principle of the most onerous condition
5.2 Tolerances and test conditions
5.3 Order of tests
6 Construction
6.1 Dimensions
6.1.1 Seating area and footrests Requirements for seating area and footrests Mounting method for measuring instrument Test method for seating area and footrest Requirement for footrest adjustment Test method for footrest adjustment
6.1.2 Centre of gravity mark for rear seats Requirements for the centre of gravity mark for rear seats Test method for the centre of gravity mark for rear seats
6.2 Edges, corners and projections
6.3 Entrapment
6.4 Small parts
6.4.1 Requirements for detachable and non-detachable components
6.4.2 Test equipment Small parts cylinder
6.4.3 Torque test for non-detachable components
6.5 Decals
6.5.1 Requirements for decals
6.5.2 Test equipment Feeler gauge
6.5.3 Test method for decals Soaking test Adhesion test Tension test Measuring the thickness
7 Strength and durability
7.1 Requirements for strength and durability
7.2 Mounting method for strength and durability
7.2.1 Mounting method for non-luggage carrier rear seats
7.2.2 Mounting method for luggage carrier mounted rear seats
7.3 Test equipment for strength and durability
7.3.1 Loading pad
7.3.2 Vibration apparatus
7.3.3 Limiting device
7.4 Test methodology for strength and durability
7.4.1 High temperature test
7.4.2 Low temperature test and low temperature drop test
7.4.3 Footrest strength test
7.4.4 Fatigue tests Preparation for fatigue test, mounting method Vertical dynamic test Lateral dynamic test
7.4.5 Transverse rigidity test Requirements for transverse rigidity Test method for transverse rigidity test
7.4.6 Backrest dynamic test Preparation for backrest dynamic test, mounting method Backrest dynamic test for all seats Backrest dynamic test for rear seats
8 Attachment of the seat to the cycle
8.1 General requirements for all seats
8.2 Additional requirements and test method for rear seats attached to luggage carriers
8.2.1 Requirements for rear seats attached to luggage carriers
8.2.2 Test method for rear seats attached to luggage carriers
8.3 Additional requirements for front seats
9 Restraint system
9.1 General
9.2 Effectiveness of restraint system, roll-over test
9.2.1 Requirements for effectiveness of restraint system, roll-over test
9.2.2 Test dummy for roll-over test
9.2.3 Test method for effectiveness of restraint system, roll-over test
9.3 Attachment of restraint system to the seat
9.3.1 Requirements for the attachment of the restraint system
9.3.2 Test method for the attachment of the restraint system to the seat
9.4 Strength of fasteners
9.4.1 Requirements for the strength of the fasteners
9.4.2 Test method for the strength of the fastener
9.5 Micro-slip and strength of adjusting devices
9.5.1 Requirements for the micro-slip and strength of the adjusting devices
9.5.2 Test method for the micro-slip and strength test of the adjusting devices
9.6 Closure of restraint system
9.6.1 Requirements and test for closure of restraint system
9.7 Child-proof retention
9.7.1 Requirements and test for child proof retention
10 Foot guarding and retention
10.1 Methodology of foot guarding
10.1.1 Wheel contact test Requirements for all seats, wheel contact test Test method for wheel contact test
10.1.2 Integral foot guards Requirements for integral foot guards, rear seats Requirements for integral foot guards, front seats
10.1.3 Strength and durability of the foot guarding Requirements for strength and durability of foot guarding Test method for strength and durability of foot guarding, dynamic test
10.2 Foot retention
10.2.1 Requirements for footrests
10.2.2 Requirements for foot retention straps
11 Requirements for materials
11.1 Chemical hazards
11.2 Corrosion
11.2.1 Requirements for protection against corrosion
11.2.2 Test method for protection against corrosion, salt spray test
11.3 Decay and insect attack
12 Marking
12.1 General requirements for marking
12.2 Marking requirements for rear seats
12.2.1 Centre of gravity mark
12.3 Marking requirements for rear seats attached to luggage carriers
12.4 Marking, test method
13 Purchase information
13.1 General requirements for purchase information
13.2 Specific purchase information
13.2.1 Rear seats for attachments to a luggage carrier
13.2.2 Front seats
14 Instructions for use
14.1 General
14.2 Specific instructions for installation and use
14.2.1 Installation
14.2.2 Use
14.2.3 Warnings
14.2.4 Maintenance
14.2.5 Instructions for use for rear seats
14.2.6 Instructions for use for rear seats for attachment to a luggage carrier
14.2.7 Instructions for use for front seats
Annex A
Annex B
Annex C
C.1 Rationale
C.1.1 Background and rationale
C.1.2 Scope (see Clause 1)
C.1.3 Classification (see 4)
C.1.4 Dimension (see 6.1)
C.1.5 Edges, corners and projections (see 6.2)
C.1.6 Entrapment (see 6.3)
C.1.7 Small parts (see 6.4)
C.1.8 Decals (see 6.5)
C.1.9 Strength and durability (see Clause 7)
C.1.10 Low temperature drop test (see 7.4.2)
C.1.11 Static load footrest (see 7.4.3)
C.1.12 Transverse rigidity (see 7.4.5)
C.1.13 Backrest dynamic test (see 7.4.6)
C.1.14 Attachment of the seat to the cycle (see 8.1)
C.1.15 Rear seats attached to luggage carriers (see 8.2)
C.1.16 Attachment of front seats (see 8.3)
C.1.17 Restraint system (see 9.1)
C.1.18 Foot guarding (see Clause 10)
C.1.19 Integral footrest guards (see 10.1.2)
C.1.20 Foot retention straps (see 10.2.2)
C.1.21 Limitation of forward movement
C.1.22 Finger guarding
Cited references in this standard
EN 71-1:1998
Safety of toys – Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties.
EN 71-3
Safety of toys – Part 3: Migration of certain elements.
EN 1811
Reference test method for release of nickel from products intended to come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin.
EN ISO 1043-1
Plastics – Symbols and abbreviated terms – Part 1: Basic polymers and their special characteristics (ISO 1043-1:2001).
EN ISO 1043-2
Plastics – Symbols and abbreviated terms – Part 2: Fillers and reinforcing materials (ISO 1043-2:2000).
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