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AS 4176.2-2010


Multilayer pipes for pressure applications, Part 2: Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water plumbing applications — Pipes (ISO 21003-2:2008, MOD)

Adopts ISO 21003-2:2008 with national modifications to specify the characteristics of pipes and joints made of multilayer construction intended to be used for hot and cold water plumbing installations.
Published: 30/03/2010
Pages: 20
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms
5 Material
5.1 General
5.2 Processable materials
5.3 Influence on water intended for human consumption
6 General characteristics
6.1 Appearance
6.2 Opacity
7 Construction
8 Geometrical characteristics
8.1 General
8.2 Dimensions of pipes
9 Pressure strength
9.1 Long-term pressure strength (pLPL)
9.2 Design pressure strength (pD)
10 Thermal durability
10.1 Thermal durability of P-pipes
10.2 Thermal durability of M-pipes
10.2.1 Inner layer
10.2.2 Outer layer
11 Strength of the weld line of M-pipes
12 Delamination
12.1 Multilayer P-pipes
12.2 Multilayer M-pipes
13 Oxygen permeability
14 Physical and chemical characteristics
15 Performance requirements
16 Marking
16.1 General requirements
16.2 Minimum required marking
Annex A
Annex B
B.1 Multilayer polymer pipes (only polymer layers) for which the long-term hydrostatic strength has been determined for each material and for which the design coefficients are known (calculation method)
B.2 Multilayer polymer pipes (only polymer layers), pLPL not known, design coefficients for each material known (test method)
B.3 Multilayer metal pipes (polymer and metal layers) (test method)
Annex C
C.1 Principle of the method
C.2 Apparatus
C.3 Procedure
C.3.1 Oven aging
C.3.2 Deformation
C.4 Requirement
Annex D
D.1 Principle of the method
D.2 Apparatus
D.3 Test piece preparation
D.4 Procedure
Annex E
E.1 Basics
E.2 General model from ISO 9080
E.3 Example for application class 2
E.3.1 Option 1: Use of the SEM software results
E.3.2 Option 2: Choose a value for pD
E.3.3 Result of calculation
Appendix ZZ
ZZ1 Scope
ZZ2 Variations
Cited references in this standard
Content history
AS 4176.2-2010 REC:2022
DR AS 4176.2

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