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AS 4139-2003
[Current]Fibre-reinforced concrete pipes and fittings
This Standard specifies minimum requirements for pipes and fittings manufactured from fibre-reinforced concrete using standard curing, including autoclaving, for the conveyance of gravity water supply, and stormwater, waste water and sewage drainage.
Published: 05/08/2003
Pages: 50
Table of contents
Cited references
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Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Referenced documents
3 Definitions
4 Notation
5 Classification
6 Materials
6.1 Concrete materials
6.1.1 Cement
6.1.2 Supplementary cementitious materials
6.1.3 Aggregates
6.1.4 Water
6.1.5 Admixtures
6.1.6 Fillers
6.1.7 Restriction on chemical content
6.2 Reinforcement materials
6.3 Joint materials
7 Fittings
8 Elastomeric seal joints
9 Defects
9.1 Cracks
9.2 Delamination
9.3 Dents and bulges
10 Dimensions and tolerances
10.1 Internal diameter
10.2 Wall thickness
10.3 Pipe length
10.4 Squareness of ends
10.5 Straightness
11 Performance requirements
11.1 Strength requirement
11.2 Hydrostatic testing
11.3 Water absorption test
11.4 Flexural strength test
12 Marking
13 Handling and storage
13.1 General
13.2 Lifting holes
13.3 Lifting elements
Appendix A
A1 Information to be supplied by the purchaser
A2 Information to be supplied by the manufacturer
Appendix B
B1 Scope
B2 Constituent limits
B3 Reinforcement fibre
Appendix C
C1 Scope
C2 Classification
C3 Methods of estimating performance of pipe
C4 Classification of rigid pipe
C5 Classification of semi-rigid pipe
Appendix D
D1 Scope
D2 Principle
D3 Determination of maximum soil prism load pressure
D4 Determination of maximum long-term deflection
D5 Determination of deflection at maximum load in ring bending
D6 Determination of installation flexural stiffness ratio
D7 Determination of whether the pipe is semi-rigid
D8 Certification of semi-rigid pipe
D8.1 General
D8.2 Installation flexural stiffness ratio
D8.3 Pipe deflection capability
Appendix E
E1 Scope
E2 Principle
E3 Apparatus
E3.1 Loading rig
E3.2 Timber bearers
E4 Specimen preparation
E5 Measurement of pipe dimensions
E6 Specimen conditioning
E6.1 Dry conditioning
E6.2 Wet conditioning
E7 Procedure
E7.1 Positioning of test specimen (see Figure E2)
E7.2 Application of load
E8 Calculation of test load
E9 Test report
Appendix F
F1 Scope
F2 Principle
F3 Apparatus
F4 Specimen selection and preparation
F5 Measurement of pipe dimensions
F6 Specimen conditioning
F7 Initial relaxation test load determination
F7.1 General
F7.2 Determination of maximum soil prism pressure to AS 3725
F7.3 Determination of Initial Deflection to AS/NZS 2566.1
F7.4 Determination of initial relaxation test load
F8 Specimen loading and data collection
F9 Calculation of results
F10 Test frequency
F11 Test report
Appendix G
G1 Scope
G2 Principle
G3 Procedure for dry and wet load testing
G4 Calculation of dry/wet strength factor
G5 Test report
Appendix H
H1 Scope
H2 Principle
H3 Apparatus
H4 Selection of test samples
H5 Preparation of test specimens
H6 Procedures
H6.1 18 failure points procedure
H6.2 Screening evaluation procedure
H7 Test frequency
H8 Determination of test loads
H8.1 18 Failure point procedure
H8.2 Screening evaluation procedure
H9 Procedure for sustained load testing
H10 Calculation
H10.1 General
H10.2 Calculation of regression factor
H11 Screening evaluation
H12 Test report
Appendix I
I1 Scope
I2 Principle
I3 Apparatus
I4 Preparation of test specimen
I4.1 Test specimen size
I4.2 Conditioning
I5 Test procedure
I6 Test report
Appendix J
J1 Scope
J2 Principle
J3 Apparatus
J4 Sample selection and preparation
J5 Measurement of pipe dimensions
J6 Specimen conditioning
J7 Procedure
J7.1 Positioning the test specimen and measuring device
J7.2 Load application
J7.3 Data collection
J8 Calculation of modulus of elasticity
J9 Calculation of stress and strain at maximum load
J10 Test report
Appendix K
K1 Scope
K2 Principle
K3 Apparatus
K4 Preparation of test specimen
K5 Test procedure
K6 Calculation
K7 Test report
K7.1 General
K7.2 Records
Appendix L
L1 Scope
L2 Principle
L3 Apparatus
L3.1 Pressure equipment
L3.2 Test ends
L3.3 Pressure gauge
L4 Preparation of test specimen
L5 Selection of test pressure and duration
L6 Test procedure
L7 Records
Appendix M
Appendix N
N1 Scope
N2 Relevance
N3 Definitions
N4 Minimum sampling and testing frequency plan
N4.1 General
N4.2 Sampling Rates
N4.3 Retesting
N4.4 Rejection after test
N4.5 AOQL to AQL equivalency
N5 Product certification
Cited references in this standard
Guidelines for third-party certification and accreditation—General rules for a model third-party certification system for products
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