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AS 4024.1501-2006
[Current]Safety of machinery, Part 1501: Design of safety related parts of control systems - General principles for design
Provides safety requirements and guidance on the principles to be used in the design of the safety related parts of machinery control systems. Categories are specified and the characteristics of the safety functions are described.
Published: 29/06/2006
Pages: 29
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Objective
3 Referenced documents
4 Definitions
5 General considerations
5.1 Safety objectives in design
5.2 General strategy for design
5.3 Process for selection and design of safety measures
5.3.1 General
5.3.2 Step 1: Hazard analysis and risk assessment
5.3.3 Step 2: Decide measures for risk reduction by control means
5.3.4 Step 3: Specify safety requirements for the safety-related parts of the control system
5.3.5 Step 4: Design
5.3.6 Step 5: Validation
5.4 Principles for ergonomic design
6 Characteristics of safety functions
6.1 General
6.2 Stop function
6.3 Emergency stop function
6.4 Manual reset
6.5 Start and restart
6.6 Response time
6.7 Safety-related parameters
6.8 Local control function
6.9 Muting
6.10 Manual suspension of safety functions
6.11 Fluctuations, loss and restoration of power sources
7 Categories
7.1 General
7.2 Specifications of categories
7.2.1 Category B
7.2.2 Category 1 General Well-tried components Well-tried safety principles
7.2.3 Category 2
7.2.4 Category 3
7.2.5 Category 4
7.3 Selection and combination of safety-related parts to different categories
8 Fault consideration
8.1 General
8.2 Fault exclusion
9 Validation
9.1 General
9.2 Validation plan
9.3 Validation by analysis
9.4 Validation by testing
9.4.1 Test of the specified safety functions
9.4.2 Test of the specified categories
9.4.3 Test of dimensioning and compliance to environmental parameters
10 Validation report
11 Maintenance
12 Information to be provided to the user
Appendix A
A1 What reaction is required from the safety-related parts of the control system(s) when faults occur?
A2 In which safety-related part(s) of the control system should faults be assumed?
A3 Do both random and systematic faults need to be considered?
A4 Which faults should be assumed in the components of the safety-related parts of the control system?
A5 Has the correct reference category been selected in respect of the requirement for detecting faults?
A6 What should the next action of the control system be if a fault has been detected?
A7 What is necessary to meet the maintenance requirement?
A8 What methods should be used for fault detection?
A9 Has the risk reduction been achieved?
A10 Have ergonomic principles being considered?
A11 Have the relationships between safety, reliability, availability and ergonomics been optimized in such a way that the safety measures will be maintained during the lifetime of the system, and do not tempt personnel to defeat the safety functions?
Appendix B
Appendix C
C1 General
C2 Guidance for selecting parameters S, F and P for risk estimation
C2.1 Severity of injury S1 and S2
C2.2 Frequency or duration of exposure to hazard F1 and F2
C2.3 Possibility of avoiding the hazard P
Appendix D
D1 Electrical or electronic components
D2 Hydraulic and pneumatic components
D3 Mechanical components
Amendment control sheet
AS 4024.1501—2006
Amendment No. 1 (2015)
Cited references in this standard
Safety of machinery - General principles, Part 1201: Basic terminology and methodology
Safety of machinery, Part 1301: Risk assessment - Principles of risk assessment
Safety of machinery, Part 1401: Ergonomic principles - Design principles - Terminology and general principles
Safety of machinery, Part 1901: Displays, controls, actuators and signals - Ergonomic requirements for the design of displays and control actuators - General principles for human interactions with displays and control actuators
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