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AS 3894.9-2003


Site testing of protective coatings, Method 9: Determination of adhesion

This Standard provides a method for evaluating and testing the adhesion of existing coating systems to their substrate while in their service environment.
Published: 30/10/2003
Pages: 9
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Definitions
3 Referenced documents
4 Application
4.1 General
4.2 Sampling plan
5 Method A—Knife test
5.1 Principle
5.2 Apparatus
5.2.1 Knife blade
5.2.2 Surface temperature thermometer
5.2.3 Straightedge
5.2.4 Film thickness gauge
5.3 Test conditions
5.4 Intersecting cut method
5.5 Report
6 Method B—Cross-cut
6.1 Principle
6.2 Apparatus
6.2.1 Knife blade or cross-cutter
6.2.2 Surface temperature thermometer
6.2.3 Straightedge
6.2.4 Film thickness gauge
6.2.5 Tape
6.2.6 Brush
6.3 Test conditions
6.4 Cross-cut method
6.5 Report
7 Method C—Pull-off test
7.1 Scope
7.2 Principle
7.3 Apparatus
7.3.1 Adhesion tester
7.3.2 Surface temperature thermometer
7.3.3 Adhesive
7.3.4 Film thickness gauge
7.3.5 Circular hole cutter
7.3.6 Abrasive cloth
7.3.7 Solvent
7.4 Test conditions
7.5 Procedure
7.5.1 Adhesion tester
7.6 Report
Cited references in this standard
Paints and related materials — Methods of test, Method 408.4: Adhesion (crosscut)
Methods of test for pressure-sensitive adhesive tape, Method 3.1: Adhesion strength
Site testing of protective coatings, Method 3: Determination of dry film thickness
Site testing of protective coatings, Method 7: Determination of surface temperature
Glossary of paint and painting terms
Content history
AS 3894.9-2003 Rec:2013
DR 02554

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