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AS 3833:2024
[Current]The storage and handling of mixed classes of dangerous goods, in packages and intermediate bulk containers
AS 3833:2024 supersedes AS 3833:2007, which provides minimum acceptable safety requirements for installations where more than one class of dangerous goods is stored and handled, whether in packages or intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) of up to 1.6 m3 capacity
Published: 28/06/2024
Pages: 89
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.2.1 Which Standard should be used?
1.2.2 Where this document applies
1.2.3 Where this document does not apply Locations and situations Types of dangerous goods
1.3 Normative references
1.4 Terms and definitions
2 Minor storage
2.1 Scope of section
2.2 Criteria for classification as minor storage
2.3 Precautions applying to minor storage
2.4 Additional precautions for outdoor minor storage
3 Retail storage
3.1 Scope of section
3.2 Application of section
3.3 Retail packages
3.4 General requirements for retail storage
3.4.1 Design and construction of retail stores
3.4.2 Ventilation
3.4.3 Security and access
3.4.4 Housekeeping
3.4.5 Segregation of retail packages
3.4.6 Tinting of flammable paints
3.4.7 Training
3.4.8 Inspection of stock
3.4.9 Fire protection
3.4.10 Emergency procedures General Leaks and spills
3.5 Additional requirements for retail shops for pool chemicals
3.5.1 Quantities allowed
3.5.2 Segregation
3.6 Additional requirements for retail shops selling agricultural chemicals
3.7 Additional requirements for retail distribution centres storing dangerous goods only in retail packages, in quantities greater than Table 3.2
3.7.1 General
3.7.2 Design and construction
3.7.3 Activities in retail distribution centres
3.7.4 Control of ignition sources
3.7.5 Work permits
3.7.6 Impact protection
3.7.7 Training
3.7.8 Storage of aerosols
3.7.9 Inspection of stock
4 Transit storage
4.1 Scope of section
4.2 Delineation of transit storage areas
4.3 Requirements for transit storage
4.4 Separation and segregation
5 Storage and handling of packages and intermediate bulk containers
5.1 Scope of section
5.2 Application of section
5.3 Planning
5.3.1 General
5.3.2 Hazard identification and risk assessment
5.3.3 Separation and Segregation
5.4 Design and construction of stores
5.4.1 General
5.4.2 Exits
5.4.3 Spillage containment
5.4.4 Lighting
5.4.5 Ventilation General Natural ventilation Mechanical ventilation
5.5 General requirements
5.6 Security of storage areas
5.7 Storage of packages
5.8 Storage of IBCs
5.8.1 Stacking
5.9 Storage in freight containers
5.10 Storage in cabinets
5.10.1 Types of substances kept
5.10.2 Maximum quantities to be kept
5.10.3 Cabinet construction
5.10.4 Cabinet location
5.10.5 Exclusion of ignition sources
5.10.6 Cabinet marking
5.11 Offices within stores
6 Separation and segregation
6.1 Scope of section
6.2 Separation distances for stores
6.2.1 General
6.2.2 Separation to protected places on adjoining properties
6.2.3 Separation to property boundary and ignition sources
6.2.4 Separation to on-site protected places
6.2.5 Measurement of separation distances General Measurement around a screen wall
6.3 Segregation within the store
6.3.1 General
6.3.2 Segregation of dangerous goods from foodstuffs
6.3.3 Guidance on segregation distances
6.3.4 Additional segregation for flammable materials
6.3.5 Storage of dangerous goods of Division 5.1
6.3.6 Storage of non-dangerous goods in segregation spaces
7 Operational and personnel safety
7.1 Scope of section
7.2 General precautions
7.2.1 Control of entry
7.2.2 Clear access
7.2.3 Lighting
7.2.4 Ventilation
7.2.5 Activities within stores
7.2.6 Handling precautions
7.2.7 Process feedstocks and products
7.2.8 Sources of ignition and heat
7.2.9 Safety information
7.2.10 Packagings for dangerous goods
7.2.11 Marking of packages
7.2.12 Mechanical handling equipment in hazardous areas
7.3 Operating procedures
7.3.1 General requirements
7.3.2 Operating procedures
7.3.3 Construction and maintenance procedures
7.3.4 Emergency procedures
7.3.5 Conformance with procedures
7.4 Placarding
7.4.1 Placarding of stores
7.4.2 Emergency information
7.5 Housekeeping
7.5.1 Site upkeep
7.5.2 Housekeeping procedures
7.6 Effluent control
7.7 Construction and maintenance work
7.7.1 General
7.7.2 Routine work
7.7.3 Work permit
7.7.4 Preparation of work site
7.7.5 Completion of work and commissioning
7.7.6 Hot work
7.7.7 Management of change
7.8 Personnel training
7.8.1 Training of workers
7.8.2 Contractors
7.8.3 Hygiene
7.9 Personal protective equipment
7.9.1 General
7.9.2 Types of personal protective equipment
7.9.3 Care and maintenance of personal protective equipment
7.10 First aid
8 Emergency management
8.1 Scope of section
8.2 Planning for emergencies
8.2.1 Considerations in designing premises
8.2.2 Emergency plan General Premises emergency plan Plan for use by emergency services Review of emergency plan
8.3 Emergency services requirements
8.4 Management of leaks and spills
8.4.1 General
8.4.2 Clean-up materials and equipment
8.4.3 Actions for dealing with leaks and spills
9 Fire protection
9.1 Scope of section
9.2 Fire hazards
9.3 Fire protection measures
9.3.1 General
9.3.2 Design
9.3.3 System drawing illustrations
9.3.4 Equipment and piping identification
9.3.5 Impact protection
9.3.6 Heat protection
9.3.7 Compatibility
9.3.8 Location
9.3.9 Weather protection
9.3.10 Labelling of firefighting equipment
9.3.11 Fixed fire protection and detection systems
9.3.12 Fire alarm systems
9.4 Portable fire extinguishers
9.4.1 General
9.4.2 Special risks
9.4.3 Maintenance
9.4.4 Limitations
9.4.5 Type and rating
9.5 Fire hose reels
9.6 Fire hydrants
9.7 Monitors
9.8 Automatic sprinkler systems
9.9 Water supply
9.10 Retention of fire water
9.11 Fire protection requirements
10 Waste storage and disposal
10.1 Scope of section
10.2 Storage of wastes
10.3 Waste and inventory management
10.4 Methods of disposal
Appendix A
Appendix B
B.1 Risk assessment
B.1.1 Introduction
B.1.2 Factors to be considered
B.1.3 Hazards presented by the dangerous goods being stored
B.1.4 Hazards presented by the storage conditions
B.1.5 Hazards related to the siting of the store
B.2 Risk assessment
Appendix C
C.1 Extent of spills
C.2 Example 1 — General separation risk assessment
C.2.1 Assessment
C.2.2 Dropped packages
C.2.3 Leak during storage
C.2.4 Fire during storage
C.3 Fire protection separation examples
C.3.1 General
C.3.2 Example 2 — Non-sprinkler protected warehouse (retail sized packages)
C.4 Example 3 — Sprinkler protected store (retail sized packages)
C.4.1 Sprinkler protected store (non-retail sized packages)
Appendix D
D.1 General
D.2 Manifest contents
Appendix E
E.1 General
E.2 Transport requirements
E.2.1 Containers
E.2.2 Loaded vehicles and rail wagons
E.3 Sites
E.3.1 Fixed liquid tanks, solids containers and process equipment
E.3.2 Piping
E.3.3 Premises and storage areas
E.3.4 HAZCHEM placard
E.3.5 Additional workplace signage
Appendix F
Appendix G
G.1 Composite IBCs
G.2 Other types of rigid IBCs
G.3 Handling of flexible IBCs (FIBCs)
Cited references in this standard
AS 4775,
Emergency eyewash and shower equipment
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