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AS 3681-2008


Application of polyethylene sleeving for ductile iron piping

Specifies requirements for the application of loose polyethylene sleeving intended for the corrosion protection of buried ductile iron pipeline systems.
Published: 31/10/2008
Pages: 10
Table of contents
Cited references
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Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Referenced document
3 Definitions
4 General
5 Pipes (spigot-socket joints)
5.1 Sleeving configuration
5.2 Method of sleeving application and subsequent installation of sleeved pipe
6 Fittings
6.1 Sleeving configuration
6.1.1 Spigot-socket joints
6.1.2 Flange joints
6.2 Method of sleeving application and subsequent installation of a sleeved fitting.
6.2.1 General
6.2.2 Procedure
7 Precautions for sleeving application
7.1 Repair of damaged sleeving
7.2 Adhesive tape
7.3 Straps and buckles
7.4 Alternative handling equipment—hairpins and end-hooks
8 Features of properly sleeved pipe
Cited references in this standard
Polyethylene sleeving for ductile iron piping
Content history
DR 04148
AS 3681-2008 REC:2019

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