
AS 3669-2006


Non-destructive testing — Qualification and approval of personnel — Aerospace

Establishes the minimum requirements for the qualifications and approval of personnel involved in non-destructive testing (NDT), for the aerospace industry.
Published: 28/03/2006
Pages: 21
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Referenced documents
1.3 Definitions
2 Methods and Levels
2.1 Types of methods
2.1.1 Common methods
2.1.2 Other methods
2.2 Level of qualification
2.3 Levels of approval
3 General requirements
3.1 Written practice
3.1.1 General
3.1.2 Levels of qualification
3.1.3 Personnel duties and responsibilities
3.1.4 Training program
3.1.5 Experience requirements
3.1.6 Examination practices
3.1.7 Records and administration
3.1.8 Reapproval requirements
3.2 Personnel
3.3 Methods
3.4 Compliance
3.5 Responsibility
3.5.1 General
3.5.2 National aerospace NDT board
3.5.3 Responsible Level 3
3.5.4 Outside agency
4 Requirements for qualification
4.1 Levels of qualification
4.2 Trainee
4.3 Level 1 ‘Limited’
4.4 Level 1
4.5 Level 2
4.6 Level 3
4.7 Instructor
4.8 Auditor
5 Training and experience
5.1 Training
5.1.1 General
5.1.2 Responsible Level 3
5.1.3 Outside agencies
5.1.4 Training facilities
5.1.5 Health and safety training
5.2 Minimum required training hours
5.2.1 General
5.2.2 Previous training
5.2.3 Equivalent training
5.3 Experience
5.3.1 General
5.3.2 Previous experience
5.3.3 Equivalent experience
6 Examinations
6.1 Purpose
6.1.1 General
6.1.2 Visual acuity
6.1.3 General examination
6.1.4 Specific examination
6.1.5 Practical General Level 1 ‘Limited’ Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
6.2 Administration of examinations
6.2.1 General
6.2.2 Administration by an outside agency
6.2.3 Grading
6.2.4 Re-examination
7 Approval
7.1 General
7.2 Records
7.3 Loss of approval
7.3.1 General
7.3.2 Suspension
7.3.3 Revocation
7.4 Reinstatement of approval
7.5 Reapproval for Level 1 ‘Limited’ Level 1 and Level 2
7.6 Reapproval for Level 3
Appendix A
A1 Scope
A2 Requirements
Appendix B
Cited references in this standard
Conformity assessment - General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons
EN 473
Non-destructive testing—Qualification and certification of NDT personnel—General principles
EN 4179
Aerospace Series—Qualification and approval of personnel for non-destructive testing
NAS 410
Revision 2—Certification and qualification of non-destructive test personnel
Non-destructive testing — Qualification and certification of personnel
Content history
DR 05411

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