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AS 3569-2010
[Pending Revision]Steel wire ropes - Product specification
Specifies requirements for steel wire ropes for all purposes, and includes tables giving linear mass and minimum breaking force against nominal diameter for each type of rope construction. It specifies materials, manufacture, marking, packing, and test requirements. Appendices give examples of the use of the designation system, sampling and acceptance criteria for type testing of ropes produced in series, some tables for minimum breaking forces, requirements of calculation of minimum breaking force, a specification for tests on wires taken from the rope, and information regarding rope grade equivalents.
Published: 19/03/2010
Pages: 70
Table of contents
Cited references
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Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Normative references
2 Elements of a rope
2.1 Description
2.1.1 General
2.1.2 Direction and type of lay
2.1.3 Lay direction of rope—Z, S General Ordinary lay—sZ, zS Lang lay—zZ, sS Alternate lay—aZ, aS Contra-lay
2.1.4 Lay direction of strand—z, s
2.2 Dimensions
2.2.1 Diameter General Dimension of round rope Dimension(s) Diameter measurement Tolerance
2.2.2 Difference between diameter measurements
2.2.3 Rope lay length (H)
2.2.4 Strand lay length (h)
2.2.5 Rope length Measured rope length (Lm) Nominal rope length (L) Rope length
2.3 Strands and strand types
2.3.1 Strand
2.3.2 Round strand
2.3.3 Triangular strand V
2.3.4 Single lay strand
2.3.5 Parallel lay strand—Equal lay
2.3.6 Seale
2.3.7 Warrington
2.3.8 Filler
2.3.9 Combined parallel lay
2.3.10 Multiple operation lay strand
2.3.11 Cross-lay M
2.3.12 Compound lay N
2.3.13 Compacted strand K
2.3.14 Types of strand constructions
2.4 Wire
2.4.1 General
2.4.2 Grade
2.4.3 Outer wires Outer wire—Spiral rope Outer wire—Stranded rope
2.4.4 Inner wires Inner wire—Spiral rope Inner wire—Stranded rope
2.4.5 Filler wire
2.4.6 Centre wires (king wires) Centre wire—Spiral rope Centre wire—Stranded rope
2.4.7 Core wire
2.4.8 Loadbearing wire
2.4.9 Layer (of wires)
2.4.10 Finish and quality of coating
2.4.11 Mass of coating
2.4.12 Wire finish
2.5 Cores and core types
2.5.1 Definitions
2.5.2 Minimum requirements
2.5.3 Designations, cores, centres of parallel-closed ropes and central elements of rotation-resistant rope
2.6 Lubricants and preservation agents
2.6.1 Lubricant
2.6.2 Rope lubricant
2.6.3 Impregnating agent
2.6.4 Preservation agent
2.7 Insert—I
3 Ropes and rope types
3.1 Stranded rope
3.2 Single-layer rope
3.3 Rotation-resistant rope
3.4 Parallel-closed rope
3.5 Compacted strand rope
3.6 Compacted (swaged) rope
3.7 Cable-laid rope
3.8 Braided rope
3.9 Spiral rope
3.9.1 General
3.9.2 Spiral strand rope (see AS 2841)
3.9.3 Half-locked coil rope
3.9.4 Full-locked coil rope
3.10 Ropes with coverings and/or fillings
3.10.1 Solid polymer-covered rope
3.10.2 Solid polymer-filled rope
3.10.3 Solid polymer covered and filled rope
3.10.4 Cushioned core rope
3.10.5 Cushioned rope
4 Rope properties
4.1 Rope characteristics
4.1.1 Torque
4.1.2 Turn
4.1.3 Fully preformed rope
4.2 Rope class and construction
4.2.1 Rope class
4.2.2 Rope construction
4.3 Factors, areas, masses and breaking forces
4.3.1 Fill factor (f)
4.3.2 Measured rope length mass (Mm)
4.3.3 Minimum breaking force factor (K)
4.3.4 Minimum breaking force (Fmin)
4.3.5 Rope grade (Rr)
4.3.6 Calculated minimum breaking force (Fc.min)
4.3.7 Measured breaking force (Fm)
4.3.8 Measured aggregate breaking force (Fe.m)
4.3.9 Spinning loss factor (k)
4.3.10 Calculated minimum aggregate breaking force (Fe.c.min)
4.3.11 Breaking force tables
5 Rope manufacture
5.1 General
5.2 Wire joints
5.3 Lubrication
5.4 Preformation and post-formation
5.5 Construction
6 Ropes produced in series—Breaking force
7 Verification of requirements and test methods
7.1 Materials
7.2 Rope manufacture
7.3 Test on rope for diameter
7.4 Test on rope for breaking force
7.4.1 Method 1—Measured breaking force (Fm)
7.4.2 Method 2—Calculated measured (post-spin) breaking force
7.4.3 Method 3—Calculated measured (pre-spin) breaking force
7.4.4 Breaking force based on component tests
8 Certification
8.1 Certificate
8.2 Test results
9 Packaging and marking
9.1 Packaging
9.2 Marking
10 Designation
10.1 General
10.2 Format
10.3 Cross-sectional shape symbols
10.4 Designation of key features
10.4.1 General
10.4.2 Dimension(s)
10.4.3 Construction Stranded ropes Spiral ropes
10.4.4 Core construction
10.4.5 Rope grade
10.4.6 Surface finish of wire
10.4.7 Type of lay and direction Spiral rope Stranded rope
Appendix A
A1 Strand construction for stranded ropes
A2 Rope construction
A2.1 Spiral strand
A2.2 Stranded rope
A2.2.1 Single layer stranded rope
A2.2.2 Rotation-resistant rope
A2.2.3 Parallel-closed rope
A2.2.4 Cable-laid rope
Appendix B
B1 Ropes having same minimum breaking force factor throughout rope diameter subgroup
B2 Ropes having different minimum breaking force factors throughout rope diameter subgroup
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
E1 General
E2 Sampling
E3 Test methods and acceptance criteria
E3.1 General
E3.2 Diameter
E3.3 Tensile strength
E3.4 Torsion
E3.5 Knot
E3.6 Coating of wires
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Amendment control sheet
AS 3569—2010
Amendment No. 1 (2012)
Revised text
Alphabetical index
Cited references in this standard
AS 4534
Zinc and zinc/aluminium-alloy coatings on steel wire
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