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AS 3565.1-2010


Meters for cold and heated drinking and non-drinking water supplies, Part 1: Technical requirements

This Standard specifies requirements for water meters used to meter the actual volume of cold and heated drinking and non-drinking water flowing through a fully charged closed conduit, other than applications covered by ATS 4747 series, and additional to those specified in NMI R 49-1.
Published: 30/09/2010
Pages: 23
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Normative references
1.3 Definitions
2 Technical requirements
2.1 General
2.2 Dimensions of in-line meters
2.3 Preferred end connections
2.4 Threaded end connections
2.5 Round flange connections
2.6 Oval flange connections
2.7 Materials
2.8 Material durability tests
2.9 Strainers
2.10 Torque resistance of threaded end connections
2.11 Watertightness
2.12 Colour
3 Meters with non-reversing devices
3.1 General
3.2 Reverse flow restrictors
3.3 Two single check valves
3.4 Dual check valves
3.5 Pressure loss
3.5.1 Meters fitted with reverse flow restrictors
3.5.2 Meters fitted with two single check valves or dual check valves
Appendix A
A1 Scope
A2 Product certification
A3 Sampling
A3.1 Definitions
A4 Testing
A4.1 General
A4.2 Type testing sampling
A4.3 Retesting
A4.4 Pattern approval
Appendix B
B1 General
B2 Information to be supplied by the purchaser
B3 Certificates
Appendix C
C1 Scope
C2 Initial accuracy test
C3 Ultraviolet light exposure test
C3.1 General
C3.2 Principle
C3.3 Apparatus
C3.4 Procedure
C4 Final accuracy test
C4.1 General
C5 Report
C6 Acceptance criteria
Appendix D
D1 Scope
D2 Initial accuracy test
D3 Cyclic temperature test
D3.1 General
D3.2 Apparatus
D3.3 Procedure
D3.4 Acceptance criteria and report
D4 Cyclic pressure test
D4.1 General
D4.2 Apparatus
D4.3 Procedure
D4.3.1 Test cycle
D4.3.2 Test procedure
D4.4 Acceptance criteria and report
D5 Final accuracy test
D5.1 General
D6 Acceptance criteria
D7 Report
Appendix E
E1 Scope
E2 Principle
E3 Apparatus
E4 Procedure
E5 Report
Appendix F
F1 Scope
F2 Principle
F3 Apparatus
F4 Procedure
F5 Calculation
F6 Report
Cited references in this standard
ISO 4892.3
Plastics—Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources, Part 3: Fluorescent UV lamps
ATS 4747
Australian Technical Specification, Meters for non-urban water supply (all parts)
ISO 4892.1
Plastics—Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources, Part 1: General guidance
Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement - Part 1: Introduction
NMI R 49-1
National Measurement Institute, Part 1: Metrological and Technical Requirements
Content history
AS 3565.1-2010 REC:2021

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