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AS 3533.2-2009

[Pending Revision]

Amusement rides and devices, Part 2: Operation and maintenance

Specifies requirements for the operation, maintenance, inspection and fire safety measures for fixed and portable amusement rides and devices. This Standard was superseded-in-part by the publication of AS 3533.4.4-2011 in relation to go-carts only. The superseded text has been removed by amendment, concurrently with the publication of AS 3533.4.4-2011.
Published: 31/07/2009
Pages: 74
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Referenced documents
1.3 Definitions
2 Site layout, assembly and erection, and electrical requirements
2.1 Site layout
2.1.1 Choice of site
2.1.2 Preparation of site
2.1.3 Condition of site
2.1.4 Seismic activity (earthquakes)
2.1.5 Clearances General Horizontal clearances for temporary set-ups Vertical clearances for temporary set-ups Emergency clearances
2.1.6 Set-up and operation near power lines Above ground power lines Underground power lines
2.1.7 Locations within buildings—Emergency provisions
2.1.8 Lighting
2.2 Assembly and erection
2.2.1 General
2.2.2 Lighting
2.2.3 Public safety
2.2.4 Suitability of equipment and parts
2.2.5 Quality of assembly work
2.2.6 Wire rope grips (bulldog grips)
2.2.7 Bolted joints
2.2.8 Packing and blocking General Short term set-ups
2.2.9 Control stations
2.2.10 Access
2.2.11 Crowd control General Crowd control barriers
2.2.12 Additional fencing
2.2.13 Signage
2.2.14 Discharge of exhaust fumes
2.2.15 Access and egress for patrons of rides and devices
2.3 Electrical requirements
2.3.1 General
2.3.2 High voltage
2.3.3 Switchboards
2.3.4 Specific requirements for all electrical installations
2.3.5 Requirements for electrical installations with electrified metallic grid
2.3.6 Emergency lighting
2.3.7 Lightning protection
2.3.8 Earthing
3 Organizational arrangements
3.1 Planning
3.2 Operation
4 Specific operational requirements
4.1 General
4.2 Aquatic and waterborne amusement devices
4.2.1 Water quality
4.2.2 Chemicals
4.2.3 Entry and exit
4.2.4 Water slides General Dispatching Water management
4.2.5 Rescue plan
4.2.6 First aid
4.2.7 Qualifications of operators and attendants
4.2.8 Outdoor operations in inclement weather
4.3  ‘Text deleted’
4.4 Ferrari 500-type karts and tracks
4.4.1 Fire extinguishers
4.4.2 Dress code
4.4.3 Refuelling
4.4.4 Loading and unloading
4.4.5 Safety of patrons
4.4.6 Warning system
4.4.7 Track operation
4.4.8 Fuel storage
4.4.9 Lighting
4.4.10 Tracks
4.5 Toboggans (land-based)
4.5.1 Supervision
4.5.2 Daily checks
4.5.3 Automatic speed controls
4.5.4 Track maintenance
4.6 Amusement devices incorporating elastic suspension systems
4.6.1 Bungy jumping
4.6.2 Other amusement devices incorporating elastic suspension systems
4.7 Air cushioned vehicles
4.7.1 Area of operation
4.7.2 Ground surface
4.7.3 Fencing
4.7.4 Loading area
4.7.5 Refuelling area
4.7.6 Smoking
4.7.7 Fire extinguishers
4.7.8 First aid
4.7.9 Safety goggles
4.7.10 Communication
4.7.11 Kill switch
4.7.12 Clearance
4.8 Parasailing
4.8.1 General
4.8.2 Operator responsibility
4.8.3 Personal flotation devices
4.8.4 Minimum age
4.8.5 Minimum crew requirements
4.8.6 Operator qualifications
4.8.7 Vessel registration
4.8.8 Operational restrictions
4.8.9 First aid
4.8.10 Evacuation procedures
4.8.11 Communications
4.8.12 Emergency release
4.8.13 Patron safety and restraints
4.8.14 Stand-by vessel
4.9 Flying foxes
4.9.1 General
4.9.2 Supervision
4.9.3 Use of trees
4.9.4 Signage
4.9.5 Patron loading
4.9.6 Travelling block
4.10 Cable waterskiing
4.10.1 First aid
4.10.2 Operator training
4.10.3 Personal flotation devices
4.10.4 Patron instruction
4.10.5 Rescue craft
4.10.6 System speed increase
4.10.7 Debris
4.11 Mini bikes and mini bike tracks
4.11.1 General
4.11.2 Fire extinguishers
4.11.3 Apparel Footwear Safety helmets
4.11.4 Refuelling
4.11.5 Loading and unloading
4.11.6 Warning system
4.11.7 Track operation
4.11.8 Fuel storage
4.11.9 Lighting
4.11.10 Tracks
4.12 Dry slides
4.13 Steam and hot water equipment
4.14 Hydraulic and pneumatic equipment
4.14.1 General operation
4.14.2 Mobile rides and devices
5 Maintenance, replacement, repair and inspection
5.1 General
5.2 Maintenance and replacement
5.2.1 General
5.2.2 Hydraulic and pneumatic system components
5.3 Alterations and repairs
5.4 Inspection
5.4.1 General
5.4.2 Personnel
5.4.3 In-service inspections All rides and devices Mobile rides and devices Fixed location rides and devices
5.4.4 Major inspection
5.4.5 Surface deterioration
5.4.6 Non-destructive testing
5.5 Records
6 Fire safety
6.1 General
6.2 Storage and handling of flammable or combustible liquids
6.3 Fire extinguishers
6.4 Fire detectors
Appendix A
A1 Introduction
A2 Registration or notification of amusement device designs
A3 Registration of amusement devices
A4 Modification and alterations
A5 Notification of change in ownership
A6 Commonwealth government authority
A7 State and territory government authorities
A7.1 Australian Capital Territory 
A7.2 New South Wales
A7.3 Northern Territory
A7.4 Queensland
A7.5 South Australia
A7.6 Tasmania
A7.7 Victoria
A7.8 Western Australia
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
D1 Scope
D2 General
D3 Marking requirements
D3.1 Sources of information
D3.2 Australian Standards
D3.3 Other Standards
D4 Examples of marking
D4.1 Marking to Australian Standards
D4.2 American markings
D5 Referenced and related documents
Appendix E
Appendix F
F1 General
F2 Information
F3 Hazard identification
F4 Risk assessment
F5 Risk control
Appendix G
G1 General
G2 Training program
Appendix H
H1 General
H2 Typical information
Appendix I
Appendix J
J1 General
J2 Aquatic amusement devices
J2.1 Devices used in conjunction with swimming pools
J2.2 Water quality and treatment in closed circulation systems
J2.3 Water quality and treatment where the water is drawn from a river or pond
J3 Waterborne amusement devices
Appendix K
K1 Introduction
K2 Precautions to be observed when storing and handling flammable or combustible liquids
K3 Precautions to be observed when storing and handling liquid petroleum gas (LP Gas)
Appendix L
L1 Scope
L2 Minimum documentation with ride
L3 Main log
Amendment control sheet
AS 3533.2—2009
Amendment No. 1 (2011)
Revised text
Cited references in this standard
Wire-rope grips for non-lifting applications
Safeguarding of machinery, Part 1: General principles
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of personnel
Pressure equipment — Operation and maintenance
Amusement rides and devices, Part 4.4: Specific requirements — Hire go-karts
Content history

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