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AS 2896:2021


Medical gas systems - Installation and testing of non-flammable medical gas pipeline systems

This Standard sets out requirements for the safety aspects, construction, testing and certification, operation and maintenance of non-flammable medical gas pipeline systems used for patient care, operating surgical tools, and therapeutic and diagnostic purposes.The supply of oxygen from pressure swing absorption, oxygen concentrators and similar techniques is not covered in this Standard. The supply of synthetic air from proportioning units is not covered in the Standard. KEYWORDS: medical gas pipeline installation testing
Published: 12/03/2021
Pages: 134
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.3 Normative references
1.4 Terms and definitions
2 Source of supply
2.1 General
2.2 Source of supply
2.3 Provision in case of failure of supply
2.3.1 Special care locations
2.3.2 Service facility inlets
2.4 Cylinder supply systems
2.4.1 General
2.4.2 Manifold
2.4.3 Manifold isolation
2.4.4 Manifold reset
2.4.5 Manifold headers
2.4.6 Manifold control panel
2.4.7 Cylinder racks
2.4.8 Marking of maximum working inlet pressure on the manifold
2.4.9 Cylinder lead
2.4.10 Liquefied gases in cylinders
2.4.11 Manifold alarm system
2.5 Pressure regulators
2.6 Design of gas control systems
2.7 Pressure relief valves
2.7.1 Primary pressure relief valve
2.7.2 Line pressure relief valve
2.7.3 Exhausts
2.8 Cryogenic systems
2.8.1 General
2.8.2 Secondary supply
2.8.3 Emergency supply
2.8.4 Primary main check valve
2.8.5 Cryogenic liquid vessel connections
2.9 Medical air systems
2.9.1 General
2.9.2 Medical air compressor-only source of supply General After-coolers Air receivers Air dryness Air inlet and filtration Medical air pressure control Medical air compressor control Usage (hours run) meters Medical air compressor protection Siting of medical air compressor installations
2.9.3 Medical air cylinder supply system
2.9.4 Non-therapeutic use of medical air
2.10 Medical suction systems
2.10.1 General
2.10.2 Pipeline suction system Performance Size of suction piping Suction pump source of supply Suction systems to special care locations
2.10.3 Compressed gas venturi ejector-operated suction system Performance Compressors
2.10.4 Anaesthetic gas scavenging systems General Diversity factor
2.11 Surgical tool air systems
2.11.1 General
2.11.2 Air purity and dryness
2.12 Locations of source of gas supply
2.12.1 Security
2.12.2 Cryogenic liquid systems
2.12.3 Gas manifold system General
2.12.4 Electrical fittings
2.12.5 Ambient temperature
2.13 Enclosures for cylinder supply systems
2.13.1 Cylinder storage
2.13.2 Interior and exterior enclosures
2.13.3 Specific requirements of interior enclosures
2.13.4 Specific requirements of exterior enclosures
2.13.5 Signs
2.13.6 Delivery access and docks
3 General requirements
3.1 Locations
3.1.1 Anaesthetizing locations
3.2 Alarm systems
3.2.1 General
3.2.2 Installation requirements
3.2.3 Indicator panels
3.2.4 Operating alarm systems Secondary supply alarm Emergency supply alarm activation Pressure settings for supply failure alarm Local failure alarm Alarm instructions Single area supply
3.3 Materials
3.3.1 General
3.3.2 Oxygen compatibility of components
3.3.3 Cleaning of pipelines and components General On-site contamination
3.4 Requirements for pipelines
3.4.1 General
3.4.2 Pipeline design pressure and flows
3.4.3 In-line fittings and valves
3.4.4 Surgical tool air control panel
3.5 Pipeline isolation valves
3.5.1 General
3.5.2 Labelling
3.5.3 Valve boxes General Labelling
3.5.4 Positioning
3.6 Terminal units and connectors
3.6.1 General
3.6.2 Form and dimensions
3.6.3 Secondary isolation valve
3.6.4 Pressure and flow requirements
3.6.5 Siting of terminal units
3.6.6 Identification General Venturi suction terminal units marking Gas-specific components
3.6.7 Discharge requirements for venturi ejector-operated suction terminal units
3.6.8 Connections between terminal units and equipment
3.6.9 Training/simulation areas
3.6.10 Auxiliary supply connectors
3.7 Identification of pipelines
3.7.1 General
3.7.2 Durability of identification
3.8 Examples of identification bands or labels for medical gas pipelines
4 Installation requirements for pipelines
4.1 General
4.2 Electrical segregation
4.3 Protection of pipelines
4.3.1 General
4.3.2 In hazardous areas
4.3.3 Covered, buried or concealed pipelines General Covered pipelines Buried pipelines Pipelines concealed in or under concrete
4.3.4 Electrical earth protection
4.4 Medical gas risers
4.5 Risers and droppers to terminal units
4.6 Sleeves
4.7 Contact with corrosive and other materials
4.8 Routing
4.9 Method of cutting into a MGPS
4.10 Interconnection
4.11 Pipeline supports
4.12 Copper pipeline joints
4.12.1 Brazing
4.12.2 Threaded and flange joints
4.12.3 Brazing alloy
4.13 Connection to and modification of existing systems
4.13.1 General
4.13.2 Installation of an additional pipeline
4.13.3 Sealing and labelling of isolation valve
4.13.4 Marking of affected terminal units
4.13.5 Testing for leaks after addition to the system
4.13.6 Further testing
4.14 Services modules
4.14.1 General
4.14.2 Common requirements of all services modules Arrangement of services Electrical services Gas services Communication and monitoring links Construction
4.14.3 Specific requirements of articulated services modules
4.14.4 Specific requirements of columns and pedestals
4.14.5 Specific requirements of wall mounted fixed services modules
5 Testing, commissioning and certification
5.1 General
5.2 Testing, verification and certification
5.2.1 Calibration and accuracy of instruments
5.3 Labelling of terminal units
5.4 Tests and checks on pipeline before concealment
5.4.1 General
5.4.2 Visual check
5.4.3 Initial pressure test
5.4.4 Test for medical air purity supplied from a compressor
5.4.5 Test for surgical tool air purity supplied from a compressor
5.4.6 Test for zone isolation valve shut-off and correct zoning
5.4.7 Particulate matter tests
5.4.8 Test for cross-connections In a new piping system installed complete from source to terminal units In a piping system which is an addition to an existing system
5.5 Tests of the complete pipeline system
5.5.1 General
5.5.2 Total system pressure test
5.5.3 Tests for flow rate and pressure Terminal unit flow and pressure test Test for odour Pipeline distribution system flow and pressure test
5.6 Filling system with the working gas and final commissioning
5.6.1 General
5.6.2 Filling with the working gas
5.6.3 Test of source of supply system
5.6.4 Checks on operation of alarm systems
5.6.5 Test for gas identity Preparation for testing Requirements for testing Failures during identity tests Check for correct gas-specific connection
5.7 Certification of systems
5.8 As-installed drawings
5.8.1 General
5.8.2 Marking
5.8.3 Updating
5.8.4 Supplementary master drawing
5.8.5 Emergency reference
6 Maintenance
6.1 General
6.2 Safety and warning devices
6.3 Source of supply
6.3.1 Verification of correct operation
6.3.2 Inspection of manifold system
6.3.3 Checking of manifolds
6.3.4 Inspection of air compressors and suction pump system General checking Specific items for checking
6.4 Purity of medical air
6.4.1 General
6.4.2 Medical air
6.4.3 Surgical tool air
6.5 Maintenance of terminal units
6.6 Pressure gauges and pressure switches
6.7 Service manuals
6.8 Low pressure flexible hose assemblies and NIST fittings
6.9 Area zone isolation valve boxes and line isolation valves
Appendix A
A.1 Scope
A.2 General
Appendix B
B.1 Alarm indicators
B.2 Alarm conditions
B.3 Alarm message displays
Appendix C
C.1 Scope
C.2 Metals
C.3 Jointing methods
Appendix D
Appendix E
E.1 General
E.2 Pipe bends
Appendix F
F.1 Scope
F.2 General
F.3 General brazing technique
F.4 Materials
F.5 Choice of inert gas
F.6 Hazard with the use of carbon dioxide
F.7 Precautions
F.8 Use of carbon dioxide
F.9 Pipework assembly
F.10 Initial pipeline flush
F.11 Brazing operations
F.12 Inspection of joints
Appendix G
G.1 Scope
G.2 General
Appendix H
Appendix I
Appendix J
Appendix K
K.1 Client
K.2 Contractor
K.3 Gas Supply Company (GSC)
K.4 Healthcare Facility Manager (HFM)
K.5 Healthcare Facility Operator (HFO)
K.6 Healthcare Facility Representative 1 (HCF1)
K.7 Healthcare Facility Representative 2 (HCF2)
K.8 Healthcare Facility Representative 3 (HCF3)
K.9 Independent Consultant
K.10 Installer
K.11 Roles and responsibilities in Level 1 Works
K.12 Roles and responsibilities in Level 2 Works
Appendix L
Appendix M
M.1 Commissioning plan — New installations
M.2 Commissioning plan — Modifications to existing installations
Cited references in this standard
Pressure vessels
High-pressure flexible connections for use with medical gas systems
Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - Dimensions of non-interchangeable screw-threaded (NIST) low-pressure connectors for medical gases
Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - Compatibility with oxygen
Compressed air - Part 1: Contaminants and purity classes
Content history
[Available Superseded]
DR AS 2896:2020

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