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AS 2714-2008
[Current]The storage and handling of organic peroxides
Sets out requirements and recommendations for the safe storage, handling, dispensing and disposal of packaged organic peroxides of Division 5.2. Includes safe separation distances, fire protection and emergency management.
Published: 21/10/2008
Pages: 45
Table of contents
Cited references
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Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.2.1 Where this Standard applies
1.2.2 Where this Standard does not apply
1.2.3 Application of sections
1.3 Referenced documents
1.4 Definitions
1.5 Classification of organic peroxides
2 Minor storage
2.1 Scope of Section
2.2 Minor storage quantities and package sizes
2.3 Sample quantities
2.4 General requirements for minor storage
2.5 Refrigerated minor storage of organic peroxides
2.5.1 General requirements and recommendations
2.5.2 Location of storage cabinet/refrigerator
3 Transit storage
3.1 Scope of Section
3.2 Delineation of transit storage areas
3.3 Requirements for transit storage
3.4 Separation distances for transit storage
4 Storage and handling of packages
4.1 Scope of Section
4.2 Types of package stores
4.3 Restrictions on storage
4.4 Separation and segregation
4.4.1 Organic peroxides having Subsidiary Risks
4.4.2 Separation of stores Separation distances Measurement of separation distances
4.4.3 Separation of organic peroxides
4.4.4 Segregation of organic peroxides Segregation Measurement of segregation distances
4.5 Construction
4.5.1 General
4.5.2 Ventilation
4.5.3 Spillage control
4.5.4 Control of ignition sources General Electrical equipment and lighting
4.5.5 Temperature control and refrigeration
4.5.6 Water supply
4.6 Additional requirements for indoor storage cabinets
4.6.1 Cabinet design and construction
4.6.2 Cabinet location
4.6.3 Cabinet marking
4.7 Additional requirements for indoor or attached storage rooms and compartments
4.7.1 Location
4.7.2 Construction
4.7.3 Ventilation General Natural ventilation Mechanical ventilation
4.7.4 Spillage control
4.7.5 Racks
4.8 Additional requirements for isolated storage
4.8.1 Location of isolated stores
4.8.2 Ventilation
4.8.3 Spillage control
4.8.4 Racking
4.9 Storage of IBCs
5 Dispensing of organic peroxides
5.1 Scope of Section
5.2 General
5.3 Maximum storage quantity
5.4 Construction
5.5 Location
5.6 Handling techniques
6 Operational and personnel safety
6.1 Scope of Section
6.2 General precautions
6.2.1 Security of storage areas
6.2.2 Control of entry
6.2.3 Clear access
6.2.4 Vehicular access in restricted areas
6.2.5 Lighting and ventilation
6.2.6 Control of ignition sources
6.2.7 Control of static electricity
6.2.8 Materials handling equipment General Forklift trucks
6.2.9 Checking of safety equipment
6.2.10 Safety information
6.2.11 Packages Suitability of packagings Marking of packages
6.3 Placarding
6.3.1 Placards and warning signs
6.3.2 Safety information
6.4 Housekeeping
6.4.1 Site upkeep
6.4.2 Package stores
6.4.3 Bunds and compounds
6.4.4 Doors and doorways
6.4.5 Management of leaks and spills
6.5 Operating procedures
6.5.1 General
6.5.2 Emergency procedures
6.6 Effluent control
6.7 Construction and maintenance work
6.7.1 General
6.7.2 Routine work
6.7.3 Work permit
6.7.4 Preparation of work site
6.7.5 Completion of work and commissioning
6.7.6 Hot work
6.7.7 Work inside a confined space
6.7.8 Grass cutting
6.8 Personnel training
6.8.1 General
6.8.2 Contractors
6.8.3 Refresher training
6.8.4 Hygiene
6.9 Records
6.10 Personal protective equipment
6.10.1 General
6.10.2 Types of protective equipment
6.10.3 Use of protective equipment Handling Cleaning-up leaks and spills Firefighting
6.10.4 Care and maintenance of protective equipment
6.11 First aid
6.11.1 First aid station
6.11.2 First aid procedures
7 Emergency management
7.1 Scope of Section
7.2 Planning for emergencies
7.2.1 Consideration in designing premises
7.2.2 Emergency plan General requirements Review of emergency plan
7.3 Manifest
7.4 Placarding
7.5 Safety information
7.6 Management of leaks and spills
7.6.1 General
7.6.2 Clean-up materials and equipment
7.6.3 Clean-up procedures
8 Fire protection
8.1 Scope of Section
8.2 General considerations
8.3 Fire protection measures
8.3.1 General
8.3.2 Indoor storage cabinets
8.3.3 Storage room or compartment
8.3.4 Isolated storage
8.4 Firefighting squad
8.5 Action in the event of fire
9 Waste storage and disposal
9.1 Scope of Section
9.2 Waste storage facilities
9.3 Items for disposal
9.3.1 Organic peroxides
9.3.2 Other items
9.4 Pre-disposal treatment of empty containers
9.5 Consultation on disposal methods
9.6 Methods of disposal
9.6.1 General
9.6.2 Chemical disposal
9.6.3 Dilution
9.6.4 Burning
Appendix A
A1 Chemical nature
A2 Hazards
A2.1 General
A2.2 Flammability
A2.3 Reactivity with other chemicals
A2.4 Sensitivity to heat
A2.5 Health hazards
Appendix B
Appendix C
C1 Introduction
C2 Operating procedures
C3 Construction and maintenance procedures
Appendix D
Appendix E
E1 Emergency plans
E1.1 Premises emergency plan
E1.2 Plan for use by emergency services
E1.3 Information to be provided to the emergency services
E2 Documents providing guidelines for the preparation of emergency plans
Cited references in this standard
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