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AS 2473.3-2007


Valves for compressed gas cylinders, Part 3: Outlet connections for medical gases (including pin-indexed yoke connections)

Specifies outlet connections for gas cylinders containing medical gases, and specifies certain related design and manufacturing features of the valve.
Published: 04/12/2007
Pages: 24
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Referenced documents
3 Definitions
4 Valves
4.1 General
4.2 Valves to be fitted to cylinders for all medical gases
4.3 Valves with pin-indexed yoke connections for gases listed in Table 1
4.4 Valves with pin-indexed yoke connections for gases and mixtures not listed in Table 1
4.5 Specific requirements for valve design and manufacture
4.5.1 Valve stem thread
4.5.2 Spindle and handwheel
4.6 Pressure rating and connected equipment
4.7 Safety devices
4.8 Marking of valves
5 Basic dimensions
6 Design of the pin-indexed yoke connection
6.1 Requirements for the design of the connecting yoke
6.2 Alternative construction
7 Dimensions and positions of the holes and pins for pin-indexed yoke connections
7.1 Outlet connection with single-pin system
7.2 Outlet connections with two-pin/single row system
7.3 Outlet connections with two-pin/double row system
Appendix A
Appendix B
Cited references in this standard
[Pending Revision]
Gas cylinders, Part 1: General requirements
Valves for compressed gas cylinders, Part 1: Specifications, type testing, and manufacturing tests and inspections
Valves for compressed gas cylinders, Part 2: Outlet connections (threaded) and stem (inlet) threads
Gas cylinders for industrial, scientific, medical and refrigerant use — Labelling and colour coding
Small medical gas cylinders - Pin-index yoke-type valve connections
Content history
AS 2473.3-2007 REC:2017
DR 06698

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