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AS 2434.3-2002


Methods for the analysis and testing of lower rank coal and its chars, Part 3: Lower rank coal — Determination of the moisture holding capacity

Specifies a method for the determination of the moisture holding capacity of lower rank coals.
Published: 01/10/2002
Pages: 6
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Referenced documents
3 Definitions
4 Principle
5 Safety
6 Reagents
6.1 General
6.2 Potassium sulphate pulp
6.3 Nitrogen
6.4 Desiccant
7 Apparatus
7.1 General
7.2 Conditioning vessel
7.3 Constant temperature incubator
7.4 Dishes
7.5 Vacuum pump
7.6 Drying oven
8 Sampling and sample preparation
9 Procedure
9.1 Number of determinations
9.2 Preparation of apparatus
9.3 Conditioning the dish and coal
9.4 Determination of moisture content
10 Calculation
11 Reporting of results
12 Precision
13 Test report
Appendix A
Cited references in this standard
Numerical values — Rounding and interpretation of limiting values
Safe storage and handling information card
Coal and coke — Glossary of terms
AS 2243
Safety in laboratories (series)
Specification for test sieves
Content history
DR 02273
AS 2434.3-2002 Rec:2013
AS 2434.3-2002 REC:2023

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