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AS 2359.1:2019


Powered industrial trucks, Part 1: General requirements

The objective of this Standard is to set out additional requirements not found in AS 2359.6 for the design, manufacture, marking and testing of self-propelled industrial trucks (hereafter referred to as “trucks”) and their attachments, as defined in ISO 5053‑1.
Published: 28/08/2019
Pages: 41
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.3 Innovation
1.4 Normative references
1.5 Terms and definitions
2 Load rating
2.1 Basis of rating
2.2 Designation of rated capacity
2.3 Designation of actual capacity
2.4 Designation of alternative capacity
2.4.1 General
2.4.2 Using a jib attachment
3 Stability
3.1 Methods of determining stability
3.2 Stability conditions
3.2.1 General
3.2.2 Reach and straddle trucks
3.2.3 Single-side-loading trucks
3.2.4 Turret type high-lift trucks (VNA)
3.2.5 Trucks for stacking with mast tilted forward
3.2.6 Pedestrian propelled trucks
3.2.7 Counterbalance trucks handling freight containers 6 m and longer
3.2.8 Industrial variable reach trucks (reach stacker) handling freight containers of 6 m and longer
3.2.9 Counterbalance trucks with articulated steering
3.2.10 Rough terrain trucks with mast
3.2.11 Orderpicking trucks with an elevating operator position above 1 200 mm
3.2.12 Supporting stability Standards
3.2.13 Counterbalance trucks
3.2.14 Pallet stackers, double stackers and order-picking trucks with elevating operator up to and including 1 200 mm
3.2.15 Industrial variable reach trucks
3.2.16 All directional trucks
3.2.17 Other types of trucks
4 Brakes
5 Tyres and rims
5.1 Selection
5.1.1 Tyres
5.1.2 Rims
5.2 Basis of loading
6 Fork arms and attachments
6.1 Fork arms
6.2 Fork lift attachments
6.2.1 Specified capacity
6.2.2 Design requirements
6.2.3 Design methods and documentation
6.2.4 Manufacture and test
6.3 Jibs
6.4 Fork arm extensions
7 Operator protection
7.1 General
7.2 Load backrest extension
7.3 Overhead guards for high-lift rider trucks and protective devices
7.4 Operator restraints
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Counterbalance, high lift trucks
7.4.3 Lateral support device for the seat on counter balanced trucks
7.4.4 Advisory notice
7.5 Operator protection for low level orderpickers
8 Controls, control symbols, safety signs and pictorials
8.1 General
8.2 Travel speeds
8.2.1 Pedestrian controlled trucks
8.2.2 Stand-on rider controlled trucks and pedestrian operated trucks with foldable platforms
8.2.3 Speed reduction for ride-on electric trucks with an elevated mast
8.2.4 Additional operation from alongside — Pedestrian-controlled and stand-on trucks (coasting)
9 Electrical equipment
9.1 General
9.2 Battery chargers
9.3 Traction batteries
9.4 Electrical operating controls
9.5 Electric trucks
10 Materials and manufacture
10.1 Materials and parts
10.2 Fabrication and assembly
10.3 Rework
10.4 Finish
10.5 Modification
11 Miscellaneous design requirements
11.1 General
11.2 Lift Chains
11.3 Combined functions
11.4 Draining
11.5 Rough terrain lift trucks
11.6 Gas-fuel system for trucks
11.7 Elevating operator type trucks
11.7.1 Platforms equipped with a fall protection device
11.8 Industrial variable reach trucks
11.9 Low level order pickers
11.10 Warning devices
11.11 Noise emissions
11.12 Visibility
12 Particular applications
12.1 Stacking with mast tilted forward
12.2 Jib attachments
12.3 Work platform
12.3.1 Trucks
12.3.2 Platforms
13 Hazardous areas
13.1 Classification of hazardous areas
13.2 Requirements for trucks
14 Marking
14.1 General
14.2 Currency of information
14.3 Information to be marked
14.3.1 Information plates
14.3.2 Tyre rims
15 Freight container handling
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Trucks
15.3 Moving and stacking empty freight containers at a height less than 6 m
Appendix A
Appendix B
B.1 Introduction
B.2 Testing of service brakes
B.3 Commentary on brake performance
B.4 Commentary on stability tests
B.5 Truck capacity and configuration
B.6 Safety design requirements
Appendix C
C.1 General
C.2 Pneumatic tyres for industrial use (NHS — not for highway service tyres)
C.2.1 Types
C.2.2 Patterns
C.2.3 Use and limitations
C.3 Resilient tyres (with pneumatic profile)
C.3.1 General
C.3.2 Types
C.3.2.1 Conventional resilients
C.3.2.2 Non-marking
C.3.2.3 Anti-static
C.3.2.4 Oil-proof
C.3.3 Patterns
C.3.4 Uses and limitations
C.4 Cushion tyres
C.4.1 Types
C.4.2 Patterns
C.4.3 Uses and limitations
C.4.3.1 Rubber cushion tyres
C.4.3.2 Polyurethane cushion tyres
C.5 “In-fill” materials (for pneumatic tyres)
Cited references in this standard
EN 12895
Industrial trucks — Electromagnetic compatibility
UL 558
Industrial trucks, Internal combustion engine-powered
UL 583
Electric-battery-powered industrial trucks
EN 12053
Safety of industrial trucks — Test methods for measuring noise emissions
EN 1175
Safety of industrial trucks — Electrical requirements (series)
Content history
DR AS 2359.1:2019

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