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AS 2331.1.7-2006
[Current]Methods of test for metallic and related coatings, Method 1.7: Local thickness tests — Measurement of dry film thickness of thin coating systems particularly by coil coated products by destructive means using a boring device
Specifies the test method for the measurement of dry film thickness of coating films by microscopic observation of a precision-cut shallow-angle crater in the coating film.
Published: 14/08/2006
Pages: 6
Table of contents
Cited references
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Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Referenced documents
3 Definitions
4 Principle
5 Apparatus
5.1 Dry film thickness device
5.2 Carbide borer bit
5.3 Video camera
6 Sampling
7 Test specimens
8 Procedure
8.1 Selection
8.2 Marking the test specimen
8.3 Positioning
8.4 Cleaning
8.5 Depth control
8.6 Boring device
8.6.1 General
8.6.2 Automated boring devices
8.6.3 Manual boring device
8.7 Measuring
8.7.1 Measuring stage
8.7.2 Adjustment and measuring
8.7.3 Total film thickness
8.7.4 Coating thickness
8.7.5 Calibration for measuring
9 Test report
Cited references in this standard
Metal finishing — Recommended sampling plans for the inspection and testing of coatings (ISO 4519:1980, MOD)
Content history
AS 2331.1.7-2006 REC:2017
DR 06290
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