
AS 2327.1-2003


Composite structures, Part 1: Simply supported beams

Included in NCC Primary References Historical Editions, Supplements and Amendments Set
This Standard sets out minimum requirements for the design, detailing and construction of simply supported composite beams composed of a steel beam and a concrete slab interconnected with shear connectors, including applications where the slab incorporates profiled steel sheeting.
Published: 18/08/2003
Pages: 118
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 General
1.2.1 Components
1.2.2 Steel beam
1.2.3 Concrete slab
1.2.4 Profiled steel sheeting
1.2.5 Shear connectors
1.3 Referenced documents
1.4 Definitions
1.4.1 General
1.4.2 Administrative definitions
1.5 Exisiting structures
1.6 Design information
1.6.1 Design data
1.6.2 Design details
1.7 Construction
1.8 Notation
2 Materials
2.1 Steel
2.1.1 Structural steel
2.1.2 Bolts, nuts and washers
2.1.3 Welds and welding
2.1.4 Shear connectors
2.1.5 Profiled steel sheeting
2.2 Concrete and reinforcement
2.2.1 Concrete
2.2.2 Reinforcement
2.3 Mechanical properties
3 General design requirements
3.1 Design
3.1.1 Aim
3.1.2 Requirements
3.1.3 Design of composite beam components Steel beam Concrete slab Profiled steel sheeting
3.1.4 Composite beam minimum slab outstand
3.2 Loads and other actions
3.2.1 Loads
3.2.2 Other actions
3.2.3 Design loads
3.3 Design for limit states
3.3.1 Design for strength
3.3.2 Design for serviceability
3.3.3 Design for durability
3.3.4 Design for fire resistance
3.3.5 Design by prototype testing
4 Actions and design situations
4.1 General
4.1.1 Actions
4.1.2 Other actions
4.1.3 Reduction of uniformly distributed imposed loads
4.1.4 Design loads
4.2 Construction stages
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Prior to development of composite action
4.2.3 After development of composite action
5 Effective section and design action effects for strength design
5.1 General
5.2 Effective section of a composite beam cross-section
5.2.1 General
5.2.2 Effective width of concrete compression flange Solid slab Composite slab
5.2.3 Effective portion of steel beam General Tension in whole of steel beam (β = 1) Compression in part of steel beam (β ≤ 1)
5.3 Calculation of design action effects due to design loads
5.3.1 General
5.3.2 Definitions
5.3.3 Effective span
5.3.4 Calculation procedure
5.3.5 Tributary area
6 Design for strength
6.1 General
6.2 Design
6.2.1 General
6.2.2 Limit state requirements
6.2.3 Design procedure General Simplified procedure General procedure
6.3 Potentially critical cross-sections
6.4 Calculation of design vertical shear capacity (ϕVu) and design moment capacity (ϕMbv) as a function of degree of shear connection (β)
6.4.1 Design vertical shear capacity (ϕVu)
6.4.2 Design moment capacity (ϕMbv)
6.5 Calculation of minimum degree of shear connection βi at potentially critical cross-sections
6.5.1 General
6.5.2 Cross-sections where γ ≤ 0.5
6.5.3 Cross-sections where 0.5 < γ ≤ 1.0
6.6 Distribution of shear connectors between potentially critical cross-sections and beam ends
6.6.1 General
6.6.2 Distribution of shear connectors
6.6.3 Calculation of number of shear connectors (ni′)
7 Design for serviceability
7.1 General
7.2 Deflection control
7.2.1 Definitions
7.2.2 Deflection control
7.2.3 Refined method
7.2.4 Simplified method
7.3 Crack control
7.3.1 Slab continuity transverse to span
7.3.2 Slab continuity in the direction of the span
7.4 Vibration control
8 Design of shear connectors
8.1 General
8.2 Shear connectors
8.2.1 Types
8.2.2 Geometry Headed studs Channels High-strength structural bolts
8.3 Shear capacity of shear connectors
8.3.1 General
8.3.2 Nominal shear capacity in solid slabs Headed studs Channels High-strength structural bolts
8.3.3 Nominal shear capacity in composite slabs
8.3.4 Design shear capacity
8.4 Detailing of shear connectors
8.4.1 Longitudinal detailing
8.4.2 Transverse detailing
8.4.3 Attachment details General Automatically welded headed studs Manually welded headed studs Channels High-strength structural bolts
8.4.4 Minimum concrete cover for durability
9 Transfer of longitudinal shear in concrete
9.1 General
9.2 Definitions
9.2.1 Connector group
9.2.2 Connector set
9.2.3 Longitudinal shear plane
9.2.4 Longitudinal shear surface
9.2.5 Longitudinal shear reinforcement
9.3 Design
9.3.1 Limit state requirement
9.3.2 Design procedure
9.4 Longitudinal shear surfaces
9.4.1 Shear surface types
9.4.2 Shear surface perimeter length (u) General Orientation of profiled steel sheeting Type 1 shear surfaces Type 2 shear surfaces Type 3 shear surfaces
9.5 Design longitudinal shear force (V∗L)
9.6 Nominal longitudinal shear capacity (VL)
9.7 Types 1, 2 and 3 longitudinal shear reinforcement
9.7.1 General
9.7.2 Minimum longitudinal shear reinforcement for Type 2 and 3 shear surfaces
9.7.3 Anchorage of longitudinal shear reinforcement
9.8 Type 4 longitudinal shear reinforcement
9.8.1 Locations
9.8.2 Detailing
10 Design for fire resistance
10.1 Requirements
10.2 Definitions
10.3 Determination of period of structural adequacy
10.4 Determination of limiting temperature of the steel
10.5 Determination of time at which limiting temperature is attained for protected members
10.5.1 Methods
10.5.2 Temperature based on test series Method of calculation Regression analysis Limitations and conditions on use of regression analysis
10.5.3 Temperature based on single test
10.6 Determination of time at which limiting temperature is attained for unprotected members
10.7 Determination of PSA from a single test
10.8 Three-sided fire exposure condition
10.9 Connections and web penetrations
10.9.1 Connections
10.9.2 Web penetrations
10.10 Determination of period of structural adequacy by other calculation methods
11 Construction
11.1 General
11.2 Construction sequence and loads
11.3 Steelwork
11.3.1 Fabrication and erection
11.3.2 Site fixing of shear connectors
11.4 Formwork and falsework
11.4.1 General
11.4.2 Solid slabs
11.4.3 Composite slabs
11.5 Reinforcement
11.6 Concrete
11.6.1 Materials, manufacture and delivery
11.6.2 Concrete after delivery
11.7 Fire protection material
12 Load testing
12.1 General
12.1.1 Purpose of testing
12.1.2 Test set-up
12.1.3 Test load
12.1.4 Test deflections
12.2 Proof testing
12.2.1 Test procedures
12.2.2 Criteria for acceptance
12.2.3 Damage incurred during test
12.3 Prototype testing
12.3.1 Construction of prototypes
12.3.2 Number of prototypes
12.3.3 Test loads
12.3.4 Test procedure
12.3.5 Criteria for acceptance
12.3.6 Acceptance of manufactured beams
12.4 Test reports
Appendix A
Appendix B
B1 Design procedure
B2 Deflection components and corresponding design loads
B3 Elastic section properties of composite beam cross-sections assuming full interaction
B3.1 General
B3.2 Elastic neutral axis in concrete slab
B3.3 Elastic neutral axis in steel beam
B3.4 Effective second moments of area of composite beam
B4 Maximum stress in steel beam
Appendix C
C1 Beams
C2 Profiled steel sheeting
Appendix D
D1 General
D2 Cross-sections where γ ≤ 0.5
D2.1 General
D2.2 Calculation of ϕMb as a function of β
D2.3 Nominal moment capacities Mbc and Mb for γ ≤ 0.5
D2.3.1 General
D2.3.2 Nominal moment capacity Mbc (β = 1.0)
D2.4 Nominal moment capacity Mb (0 < β < 1.0)
D3 Cross-sections where 0.5 < γ ≤ 1
D3.1 General
D3.2 Relationship with γ
D3.3 Calculation of ϕMb and ϕMbf as a function of β
D3.4 Nominal moment capacities Mbfc and Mbf for γ = 1.0
D3.4.1 General
D3.4.2 Nominal moment capacity Mbfc(ψ ≤  β ≤ 1,0)
D3.4.3 Nominal moment capacity Mbf (0 < β < ψ)
Appendix E
E1 Overall design
E2 Calculation of effective cross-section
E3 General procedure for strength design
E4 Procedure for design of longitudinal shear reinforcement for Type 1, 2 and 3 shear surfaces
Appendix F
F1 Construction stages
F2 Minimum nominal loads for construction
F2.1 General
F2.2 Construction Stage 1
F2.2.1 Profiled steel sheeting
F2.2.2 Steel beam
F2.3 Construction Stage 2
F2.3.1 Profiled steel sheeting
F2.3.2 Steel beam
F2.4 Construction Stage 3
F2.4.1 Profiled steel sheeting
F2.4.2 Steel beam
F2.5 Construction Stage 4
F2.6 Construction Stages 5 and 6
Appendix G
G1 Definitions
G2 Solid slabs
G3 Composite slabs
Appendix H
H1 Support reaction positions
H2 Tributary areas
Appendix I
Cited references in this standard
Content history
[Pending Revision]
DR 99100

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