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AS 2177-2006


Non-destructive testing - Radiography of welded butt joints in metal

Specifies methods and requirements for X-ray and gamma-ray radiographic testing of welded butt joints in metal products.
Published: 13/04/2006
Pages: 45
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Referenced documents
1.3 Definitions
1.4 Test method designation
1.5 Safety precautions
1.6 Qualifications of non-destructive examination personnel
1.7 Vision requirements
2 Equipment and accessories
2.1 General
2.2 X-ray equipment
2.3 Gamma-ray sources
2.4 Intensifying screens
2.4.1 General
2.4.2 Thickness of intensifying screens
2.5 Cassettes
2.6 Filters
2.7 Image quality indicators
2.8 Films
2.9 Film processing facilities
2.9.1 General
2.9.2 Automatic processing
2.9.3 Manual processing
2.10 Viewing facilities
3 Test method requirements
3.1 General
3.2 Surface preparation
3.3 Image quality indicators
3.3.1 Placement of IQI
3.3.2 Wire Type (W) Assessments
3.3.3 Step Hole (SH) Assessments
3.3.4 Plaque/Hole (PH) Assessments
3.4 Geometric unsharpness
3.5 Radiographic density
3.6 Film coverage
3.6.1 Maximum diagnostic film length
3.6.2 Width of film
3.6.3 Film overlap
3.7 Back-scatter protection
3.8 Masking
3.9 Radiographic identification
3.9.1 General
3.10 Film location
3.10.1 Object-to-film distance
3.10.2 Source-to-film distance
3.11 Radiographic procedural requirements
3.11.1 Testing of welds in flat surfaces and longitudinal welds in curved surfaces
3.11.2 Testing of circumferential welds in curved surfaces
3.12 Processing of radiographs
3.13 Viewing of radiographs
3.13.1 General
3.13.2 Eye adaptation
3.13.3 Viewing record
3.13.4 Assessment
3.14 Storage of radiographs
4 Presentation of data
4.1 Scope of Section
4.2 Record of test
4.3 Test report
Appendix A
A1 General
A2 Information to be supplied by the purchaser
Appendix B
B1 General
B2 Differences between x-ray and gamma-ray radiographs
B3 The effect of X-ray tube voltage
B3.1 General
B3.2 Recommended tube voltages
B4 Selection of radiographic technique
B5 Effect of variables on radiographic contrast
B6 Precautions against scattered radiation
B6.1 General
B6.2 Procedures to reduce scatter
B7 Effects of surface finish
B8 Film density and screens
B8.1 Film density
B8.2 Fluorometallic screens
B9 Viewing of wet radiographs
B10 Factors controlling source-to-film distance
B10.1 General
B10.2 Inherent unsharpness
B10.3 Geometric unsharpness
B10.3.1 General
B10.3.2 Nomogram
B10.4 Total unsharpness
B10.5 Relationship between types of unsharpness
B11 Image quality indicators (IQIs)
B11.1 General
B11.2 Limitations in the use of IQIs
B11.3 IQI equivalence
B11.4 IQI and pipe welds
B11.5 Summary
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Cited references in this standard
BS EN 584-1
Non-destructive testing—Industrial radiographic film—Classification of film systems for industrial radiography
JIS 7627
Non-destructive testing—Industrial radiographic films, Part 1: Classification of film systems
ASTM E1165
Standard test method for measurement of focal spots of industrial X-ray tubes by pinhole imaging
Non-destructive testing - Industrial radiographic film - Part 1: Classification of film systems for industrial radiography
Non-destructive testing — Terminology of and abbreviations for fusion weld imperfections as revealed by radiography
Content history
AS 2177-2006 Rec:2016
DR 05325

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