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AS 1742.6:2014

[Pending Revision]

Manual of uniform traffic control devices, Part 6: Tourist and services signs

Specifies requirements for traffic control devices for tourist and service facilities and establishments, and features of tourist interest on all roads including expressway type roads. It includes the signposting of tourist information facilities and tourist drives and ways.
Published: 19/08/2014
Pages: 82
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Objective
1.3 Referenced documents
1.4 Definitions
1.5 Specification of signs and devices
1.6 Responsibility and authority for installation
1.7 General principles
1.8 Advertising and promotional material
1.9 Use of advance signs
1.10 Warrants and guidelines
1.11 Numbering of signs
1.12 Symbols
1.12.1 Standard symbols
1.12.2 Development of new symbols
1.12.3 Symbols for visitor information centres
1.13 Colour
1.14 Letter case for word legends
1.15 Illumination, reflectorization, installation and location of signs
1.16 Gateway signs
1.17 Pictorial images
2 Tourist information facilities
2.1 General
2.2 Visitor information centres—Urban areas
2.2.1 Visitor information centre on through route—Advance and position signing
2.2.2 Visitor information centre on side street—Turnoff and trailblazer signing
2.2.3 Inclusion on gateway signs
2.3 Visitor information centres—Rural areas
2.4 Tourist information facilities
3 Signs for tourist facilities
3.1 Scope of section
3.2 Classification of tourist facilities
3.2.1 Facilities at the local level
3.2.2 Major facilities
3.2.3 Tourist destinations
3.3 Sign types and application
3.4 Standard symbols for tourist signs
3.5 Advance tourist signs—Non-expressway
3.6 Position tourist signs—Non-expressway
3.7 Reassurance tourist signs
3.8 Tourist features
3.8.1 Features visited by tourists Guidelines for signing Signs
3.9 Tourist attractions
3.9.1 General
3.9.2 Guidelines for signing
3.9.3 Signs
3.10 Major tourist features and attractions
3.10.1 General
3.10.2 Modified standard direction signing
3.10.3 Special tourist information sign, G11-9
3.11 Tourist destinations
3.12 Signing to tourist facilities from expressway type roads
3.13 Tourist facilities of state significance
4 Tourist drives
4.1 General
4.2 Route numbering
4.3 Model guidelines and requirements
4.4 Signs
4.5 Tourist drive route markers—Design
4.6 Tourist drive route markers—Use
4.7 Tourist drive information signs
4.8 Combined direction/tourist drive signs
5 Signing for services
5.1 Scope of section
5.2 Sign types and application—Non-expressway roads
5.2.1 General
5.2.2 Advance signs
5.2.3 Position signs
5.2.4 Next service and no service signs
5.3 Roadside stopping places—Non-expressway
5.3.1 Rest areas
5.3.2 Signing
5.3.3 Truck parking areas
5.4 Commercial services—Non-expressway
5.4.1 General
5.4.2 Services adjacent to road General Advance signs Position signs
5.4.3 Services along a side road General Signs
5.4.4 Services in bypassed towns and town centres By-passed towns Signing to town centres
5.5 Community facilities—Non-expressway
5.5.1 General
5.5.2 Symbolic signs
5.5.3 Signs with word legends
5.6 Combining service signs with direction and tourist signs
5.6.1 Advance signs
5.6.2 Position sign
5.7 Signing to services from expressway type roads
5.7.1 General
5.7.2 Expressway rest areas, service centres and information bays
5.7.3 Signing to services off the expressway
5.8 Signs for roadside help phones
5.8.1 Major arterial and expressway type roads
5.8.2 Rural and remote areas
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
C1 Scope
C2 General
C3 Means of illumination
C4 Means of reflectorization
Appendix D
D1 Scope
D2 Uniformity of location
D2.1 General
D2.2 Longitudinal placement
D2.2.1 Advance signs
D2.2.2 Position signs
D2.3 Lateral placement and height
D2.3.1 General
D2.3.2 Lateral placement—Rural roads
D2.3.3 Lateral placement—Urban roads
D2.3.4 Height—Rural roads
D2.3.5 Height—Urban roads
D2.3.6 Overhead mounting
D3 Installation/orientation
Appendix E
E1 General
E2 Message content
E3 Graphical content
E4 Overall sign size and location
Cited references in this standard
[Available Superseded]
Retroreflective materials and devices for road traffic control purposes, Part 1: Retroreflective sheeting
[Available Superseded]
Development, testing and implementation of information and safety symbols and symbolic signs
Standard alphabets for road signs
Road signs - Specifications
Manual of uniform traffic control devices, Part 15: Direction signs, information signs and route numbering
Content history
DR AS 1742.6

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