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AS 1720.2-2006


Timber structures, Part 2: Timber properties

Provides a list of structural timbers and their properties, and an extensive explanation of the list.
Published: 30/01/2006
Pages: 16
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
2 Referenced documents
3 Tabulation of species and properties
4 Explanation of Table 1
4.1 General
4.2 Index number (Column 1)
4.3 Standard trade name (Column 2)
4.4 Origin (Column 3)
4.5 Species brand (Column 4)
4.6 Classification (Column 5)
4.7 Strength group (Column 6)
4.8 Joint group (Column 7)
4.9 Design density (Column 8)
4.9.1 Density of unseasoned timber
4.9.2 Density of seasoned timber
4.10 Janka hardness, side grain (Column 9)
4.11 Tangential cleavage (Column 10)
4.12 Toughness (Column 11)
4.13 Tangential shrinkage (Column 12)
4.14 Tendency for green wood to split (Column 13)
4.15 Unit tangential movement (Column 14)
4.16 Natural durability class (Column 15)
4.17 Sapwood lyctus susceptibility (Column 16)
4.18 Termite resistant (Column 17)
4.19 Marine borer resistance ratings (Column 18)
5 References
Appendix A
A1 F-grade
A2 Assignment of F-grade
Amendment control sheet
AS 1720.2—2006
Amendment No. 1 (2006)
Cited references in this standard
BS 373
Methods of testing small clear specimens of timber
[Pending Revision]
Timber — Methods of test for mechanical fasteners and connectors — Basic working loads and characteristic strengths
Timber structures, Part 1: Design methods
Timber — Hardwood — Visually stress-graded for structural purposes
Timber - Poles for overhead lines
Content history
[Available Superseded]
DR 99264

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