
AS 1697-2005


Installation and maintenance of steel pipe systems for gas

Specifies materials, design, construction, installation, testing and maintenance requirements for steel piping systems covered by AS 4645, for the distribution of fuel gas suitable for domestic, commercial or industrial uses, where the pressure of the gas is not greater than 1050 kPa and the operating temperature range of the materials is from (30 degrees Celsius to 120 degrees Celsius; or where the hoop stress level is not greater than 20 percent of the specified minimum yield stress of the pipe used in that system.
Published: 18/02/2005
Pages: 46
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Exclusions
1.3 Retrospective application
1.4 Referenced documents
1.5 Records
1.6 Definitions
1.7 Pressure classifications
2 Materials and components
2.1 New materials and new components
2.2 Reclaimed materials and reclaimed components
2.3 Identification
2.4 Pipe threads, threaded pipe fittings, flanged pipe joints and welded pipe joints
2.5 Valves, regulators, fittings and accessories
2.5.1 General
2.5.2 Flanges and flanged fittings
2.5.3 Gaskets and ring joints
2.5.4 Valves and regulators Valves and regulators complying with nominated Standards Valves and regulators manufactured to Standards not nominated in this Standard
3 Design
3.1 General
3.2 Maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP)
3.3 Maximum allowable hoop stress
3.4 Wall thickness
3.4.1 Steel casing
3.4.2 Pipe
3.5 Corrosion mitigation
3.5.1 General
3.5.2 Insulating joints
3.6 Supports
3.6.1 Anchoring
3.6.2 Flexibility
3.6.3 Vibration
3.6.4 Material for supports
3.6.5 Forces on pipe joints
3.6.6 Attachment of supports or anchors
3.6.7 Interference
3.6.8 Insulation
3.7 Bends, elbows and mitres
3.8 Expansion and flexibility
4 Welding
4.1 General
4.2 Preheat and post-weld heat treatment
4.3 Welding positions
4.4 Qualification of a welding procedure
4.5 Assessment of a test weld to qualify a welding procedure
4.5.1 Method of assessment
4.5.2 Visual examination
4.5.3 Non-destructive examination
4.5.4 Destructive tests Types of test and number of test specimens Transverse butt tensile strength test Transverse guided side bend test Macro test—Cross-section examination Hardness test
4.5.5 Repeated tests Visual examination and non-destructive examination Destructive testing Cause of failure Record of results
4.5.6 Portability of a qualified welding procedure
4.5.7 Period of validity
4.5.8 Disqualification of a qualified welding procedure
4.6 Qualification of a welder
4.7 Disqualification of a welder
4.8 Design of a welded joint
4.8.1 General
4.8.2 Butt welds between components of equal nominal wall thickness
4.8.3 Butt welds between components of unequal nominal wall thickness
4.8.4 Reinforcement of a butt weld
4.8.5 Fillet weld Dimensions of a fillet weld Fillet welding a lug, boss or pad Fillet and socket welds for a flange
4.8.6 Dimensions of a fillet-welded repair sleeve
4.8.7 Socket weld
4.8.8 Seal weld
4.8.9 Reinforcement of a welded branch connection
4.8.10 Reinforcement of multiple openings
4.8.11 Forged branch fitting
4.8.12 Fabricated elbow or bend
4.8.13 Distance between welds
4.9 Production welds
4.10 Welding on a gas main after commissioning or after pressure test
4.11 Welding onto an in-service gas main
4.12 Assessment of production welds and repair welds
4.12.1 General
4.12.2 Methods of examination and assessment
4.12.3 Visual examination General Purpose Method of examination Extent of visual examination Criteria of acceptance Undercut depth measurement
4.13 Criteria of acceptance for girth weld discontinuities
4.14 Repair of an unacceptable weld
4.14.1 General
4.14.2 Repair
4.14.3 Inspection
4.15 Removal of an arc burn and cutting out of an unacceptable weld or arc burn
5 Construction and installation
5.1 Handling
5.1.1 Storage
5.1.2 Transportation
5.1.3 Lifting
5.1.4 Stresses induced during laying
5.2 Protection
5.2.1 Covering ends
5.2.2 Cleaning internally
5.2.3 Natural hazards
5.2.4 Electrically insulated joints
5.2.5 Cathodic protection connections
5.3 Positioning
5.3.1 Alignment
5.3.2 Valves
5.4 Burying
5.4.1 Cover requirements and underground protection
5.4.2 Width of trenches
5.4.3 Grading
5.4.4 Bedding
5.4.5 Protection of coatings
5.4.6 Support of steel pipes
5.4.7 Backfilling
5.4.8 Reinstatement
5.5 Inspectors
5.6 Items to be inspected
5.7 Markers
5.8 Components and fabricated assemblies
6 Pressure testing
6.1 General
6.2 Safety
6.3 Test pressures
6.3.1 Minimum test pressure
6.3.2 Maximum test pressure
6.3.3 Testing at operating pressure
6.4 Testing mains and services
6.5 Hold period
6.6 Preparation of the test section
6.7 Pressurization
6.8 Test procedure
6.9 Assessment of pressure test
6.10 Disposal of test medium
6.11 Reports and records
7 Commissioning
7.1 Safety precautions
7.2 Purging
7.2.1 General
7.2.2 Purge procedures
7.3 Commissioning of gas mains
7.3.1 General
7.3.2 Mixing and dilution during purging
7.3.3 Planning
7.4 Pressure-limiting regulators
7.5 Over-pressure safety devices
7.6 Odorant fade
8 Maintenance
8.1 General
8.2 Corrosion protection systems
8.3 Electrical hazards
8.4 Repairs
8.4.1 General
8.4.2 Mains
8.4.3 Services
Appendix A
Appendix B
B1 General
B2 Volumetric displacement methods
B3 Pressure loss methods
Cited references in this standard
BS EN 1759-1
Flanges and their joints, circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, class designated, Part 1: Steel flanges, NPS ½ to 24
Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal, Part 5.1: Macro metallographic test for cross-section examination
Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal, Method 6.1: Weld joint hardness test
[Pending Revision]
Bolts, studbolts and nuts for flanges and other high and low temperature applications
Welding, brazing and cutting of metals - Glossary of terms
Content history
[Available Superseded]

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